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Brooks time is up
I'm sick and tired of seeing Aaron Brooks laugh after all the poor plays he makes, there is a difference between laughing from frustration and laughing just to laugh. He is clearly not frustrated, because when one laughs due to frustration, you can see the anger in their expression, his expression is "I wonder if my fidelity accounts are up or not?" or perhaps, "did i leave the iron on?" I'm not looking for Elie Manning but we need a qb that can win, and can lead, he can do neither, even wuerffel can beat Manning (never lost to him actually). Please comment, and do not be immature and say I am stupid. Regards.
Brooks time is up
I have always hated it when Brooks or any other QB laughs after a pick or when he\'s getting beat, just like I hate it when a coach claps when the other team scores. It drives me nuts. But I will say this about Brooks. In the 4 games this year, when it got out of hand last night was the first time I\'ve seen Brooks look like less of a team leader. I\'ve commented on how he seems more focused, less carefree, and more involved in trying to encourage his teammates. When it got past the point of no return last night, yes, he broke down. I believe he is truly taking it seriously this season, basing that strictly on his attitude and face in the game, but I also don\'t believe he\'s a write off. We basically have two choices, and that is either change the way we play the game (ie. coaches, coordinators, or schemes) or change the players that play the game. I can\'t honestly say that I believe Bouman or any other alternative this season will turn it around. It is strictly my opinion that we need to change the style of offense we are running. We have personnel who excel in certain aspects of the game and we are not playing them to where their strengths lie. I know WhoDat will agree and Billy will disagree that we have some square pegs trying to fit into round holes of our scheme. We need to square the holes to make this work. Perhaps it simply worked last year because people never planned to see the square pegs try to fit the round holes. I don\'t know.
Defense is a different story. That looks like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, no picture to reference, and a blind man trying to put it together. I just can\'t explain how a defensive minded coach that has made a living in this league being innovative on defense can let it get to this level. When Sean Payton was crapping it up in NY, Fassell took the helm and righted the ship. Not that I like Fassell either, but there was my point. Take the blame, challenge the players and prove that you will lead them. Brooks is a piece of the problem. One of the many, many problems. He\'s not the biggest problem and he\'s not the smallest. You can\'t lay the blame on a single player. It has to be a trickle down effect starting with the coaching staff. |
Brooks time is up
LummOx --
So far I would say that Deuce has had a simular year to Brooks? Last week Duece had no room to run and looked terrible. This week Brooks had no time to throw the ball and he looked bad. What\'s the common denominator in this?? The OFFENSIVE LINE !! It\'s an old chiche to say that it all starts up front but a very true one. I watched 3 games yesterday and the QB\'s that had pressure in their face all day had problems. You can change schemes, coaches, and QB\'s, but until the offensive line keeps the pressure off the QB, there are going to be problems !! This offensive line has been changed around every year and it has finially caught up with Haslett and this team. While anyone can question whether Brooks is the QB to run a west coast offense, there is little doubt that anyone who was behind this offensive line would be under a tremendous pass rush. |
Brooks time is up
Billy ,
If one of those games you were watching was the Carolina game , you would have heard the announcer comment on the pregame interview he had with the ofensive line .The lineman commented how the give it there all on every play and go the extra mile because they believe the offense and Stephan Davis can get it done . Bring to light what another poster wrote : --Eventually coming down on Turley for attempting to lead his team and light a fire under Brooks, who was backpeddling into the outside rush repeatedly. Turley lectured Brooks repeatedly on the sideline after screw-ups. Haslett determined that Turley was over-shadowing his deisgnated \"leader.\" Don\'t kid yourselves. This is why Turley was shipped out. Haslett wnted the whole team made safe for Aaron Brooks and Brooks was uncomfortable with Turley. What does the front line believe now ???? |
Brooks time is up
Who wrote that article 08?? Just curious...
Brooks time is up
Bring to light what another poster wrote :
Not an article , just the view points of another poster . The Brooks and Turley issues were seen plain as day by quite a few fans . In fact I think it was a home game that Turley blew up at Brooks . |
Brooks time is up
I was told by JoeSam not to be posting stuff written by other people without giving credit to them. Who was this poster and at what site. I would like to go back and read some of his other posts to see if he might have an agenda like some other posters I know....
Brooks time is up
F*ck it... cut everybody!!
Brooks time is up
LOL... I hear ya Pak !! That\'s about the way I feel today. Micahael Lewis looks bad this year too. I don\'t even know how that is possible. This doesn\'t even look like the same team.
Brooks time is up
The problem is not with Aaron Brooks nor Deuce. The problem lies with the Offensive line. They are missing blocks and standing around watching the play. YOU block and look for someone else to block until the you here that whistle.
Defense the problem is not only with the injuries but with the coaching. Venturi has not have had a good game plan yet. Haveing Thomas chase down Harrison isn\'t going to cut it high school nor the pro\'s. You can have all the talent in the world but if you can\'t put the talent where it in the right situation then the talent is no good to you. We need to fire his ass/demote him whatever and get Dave camp in. For selfish reasons I am on the badwagon to bring in Eli... trading away brooks for picks??? |
Brooks time is up
http://www.saintsreport.com/vbulleti...threadid=91548 Saintsreport - I know you are familiar with it , have seen you copy over a few of the articles . While you are there check the snote board , thread getting to know Bouman . Interesting .... |
Brooks time is up
BROOKS LAUGHING: ITS A GAME! If you don\'t have fun doing it then you shouldn\'t be doing it.... Most of here are cajuns I assume isn\'t that like our way of life???
Brooks time is up
It looks like Willie Roaf is having a pro-bowl year.
After yesterday, Turley looks to be on the way to having a good year too. Seems like the biggest problem with our line is Jim Haslett. Our coaching staff is the cancer in the locker room. Fire all of the rascals and see if we can bring someone of quality in and see what we can get out of a Brooks trade. |
Brooks time is up
I don\'t understand how it could possibly hurt to give Bouman a shot. How could it hurt? By the way - the Saints had a fiery leader. I know I\'m gonna catch it for this, but... his name was Jake Delhomme. Anyone watch any of his games. He plays like Favre. Fiery, not always pretty, but he wins. He hits linemen back, he blocks on running plays. Give me that any day over a guy that can shrug off any interception. I don\'t care how \"laid back\" or \"care free\" you are, if you\'ve never gotten mad enough by your performance or your team\'s to throw your helmet or b*tch someone out - there\'s a problem. That\'s just my opinion.
Brooks time is up
WhoDat, I totally agree. I think we can all agree \"that business as usual\" aint gonna get it done. Brooks is probably the best athelete of the QB`s we have now, but his execution looks horrible. We need some radical changes and the first should be to bench Brooks.(and BC i`m not saying that just because I hate Brooks, I have other reasons too) The second, our defence should start running a blitz scheme on every passing situation. I cannot understand for the life of me why our staff decided it was a good idea to only pressure Peyton with our front line and try to zone cover the best arm in the NFL. I would have had somebody coming after Peyton every down. He would have gotten some passes off, but not all of `em.
Did you see that little screen trap the Colts burned us on about 3 times?....certainly we have some plays like that in our arsenal that we should be using too. Have you noticed how Haslett will comment when teams run \"trickery plays\" on us? He calls them bull**** plays. Does he think there is some kind of honor in playing strickly missonary style? I say it`s time for a little \"razzle dazzle\", cause \'Duece up the middle\' is being defended and not producing enuff 1st downs....especially in the first half. |
Brooks time is up
*** AB has a right to express himself, and I have a right to dis-like his expression***
Of course the other teams have been lighting up the score on us, but let`s consider the fact that AB and the offense has NOT kept the ball long enuff in the first half to keep the other team`s offense off the field. In the first half it`s been 3 and punt, 3 and punt.... Now be it AB`s fault or the OLine or poor play calling or a combination of all 3. It still rest on AB to make it happen...he`s done it before, now we expect it. The truth is AB is just not a winner. When we get a QB that has a \' refuse to lose\' attitude, we will all see the difference. Now, will this solve all our team`s problems if this happens? NO.... but if our offense is on the field...the other team`s offense is not. For the Love of Mary can we please start Bouman or J.T.....somebody! :casstet: |
Brooks time is up
Billy you are an
When it comes to football you know nothing. Can\'t blame the offensive line on this one.... They didn\'ty ship three starters away in three years... Roaf, Neole, Turley GM, HC, OC Offensive line\'s fault... Offensive line have no control over calling audibles when the defense is blitzing into the gap your running in.. Offensive lineman have no chance to catch balls thrown perfectly at them... And their are only five offensive lineman, when the otehr team sends six people who do you think picks up the other guy... Oh wait i forgot you don\'t know football. the answer is another player on the team (sometimes that can be a Running Back, or Tight End) Look in the mirror, It\'s nice to be adie hard fan... But it also helps to be rational. Ask yourself... How did we expect to get better when we got rid of four Pro Bowlers? Name calling? I hoped you guys knew better. [Edited on 30/9/2003 by JOESAM2002] |
Brooks time is up
That was more of a personal attack don\'t you think? Offensive line also has to communicate and see that all the defense is accounted far... which could have accounted for Brooks getting blindsided. Mentioning the O-line sucks doesn\'t mean its ultimately their fault. Means possible they need better coacing or an over-haul and that coaches screwed up. A professional football linemen should not have to be told to block, block and block until you hear the whistle... they opt to standing around to whatch the play. Your taught that in high school... |
Brooks time is up
DFB - I agree with you, but don\'t you think Billy and epecially Saintfan blame shift? I\'m sure we all skew things to better fit our opinions, but... Actually, recently Billy has been better at admitting Brooks\' faults. He still believes that he is a good NFL QB, but acknowledges there are a lot of... we\'ll say \"question marks\" for this guy. Saintfan thinks he\'s the second coming of Jesus and the greatest football player ever. My point is, sometimes members of this board shift blame to or away from people who don\'t deserve it. I think Frankee is upset b/c Billy has been really good at blame shifting away from Brooks for a while now.
No one is suggesting that the coaches, line, defense, dropped passes, etc, etc, etc. aren\'t part of the problem. The difference is that guys like me are lumping Brooks in with that group and saying he is PART of the problem, whereas others on this board refuse to put the slightest amount of blame on Brooks and point at those other things as the reason for Brooks\' poor play. I think that is ridiculous. |
Brooks time is up
The fact of the matter is, this offense just isn\'t being productive this year. I think there is enough blame to go around and this includes Aaron Brooks. But, for anyone to think that a change of QB\'s is the answer to all the problems on offense, well........ I think you fooling yourself. Now if you want to change QB\'s in HOPES of providing some kind of spark, then that\'s possible. I wish the only problem we had on offense was Aaron Brooks. I wish we could put Bouman in and the problems on offense would magically go away, but I can\'t see that happening. For those of you that think so, we\'ll see....
What would probably happen is the defense would give up 3 touchdowns and force Bouman into known passing situations and the pass blocking would break down and Bouman would struggle. In this league any team can win if they have a decent running game and a decent QB. But, only if they have a defense that can hold the opposing team to a respectable number on the scoreboard. And, the fact of the matter is we don\'t have that. This offense probably would be just as productive as last year if they were not playing catch up all the time. |
Brooks time is up
No one is saying that Brooks is the sole problem. What we are saying is that Brooks, while talented, is NOT the man for the job. As a qb in the NFL you have to have MORE than just talent. See Jeff George, Tony Banks, Heath Shuler etc. You have to have some intangibles that makes teammates around you better. Hokie said it best, \"you can\'t LEARN leadership. Your either a leader or you\'re not\". Brooks is not the qb that this team needs. The Saints have a horrible history and needs someone who is fiery and can take the reigns of this team. Brooks is too non-chalant and un-emotional. It\'s time for him to go, if not just for the fans piece of mind. Just a quick idea. The Panthers/Bucs are winning with defense and qb\'s who aren\'t the most talented in the world, just effieceint. Perhaps, Haz should have taken the same road. Too late now, Jake/Blake are gone and we are stuck with a kid who THINKS he\'s a star qb with absolutely no skins on the wall. Good bye Brooksie, the new coaching staff coming in will be able to see his shortcoming in a heartbeat and with his salary, it\'ll be a matter of time.
[Edited on 30/9/2003 by TheOriginalSwampdog] |
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