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View Poll Results: Who will be our 1000+ Yard Rushing Leader for 2010?
Reggie bush of course! DUH! 3 7.89%
Pierre Thomas, C'mon thats a given. 16 42.11%
Somebody else, i'll post on the board who it is. 1 2.63%
No one.. there will be no 1000 yrd Rushing. 18 47.37%
Voters: 38. You may not vote on this poll

Will the Saints have a running back rush for over 1,000 yards this regular season? If so, who will it be?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; PT has the ability but we use a 3 headed monster!! Given the carries PT can BUT I think SP continues to spilit carries among RB, PT & LH....

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Old 06-09-2010, 11:40 AM   #31
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Re: Will the Saints have a running back rush for over 1,000 yards this regular season? If so, who will it be?

PT has the ability but we use a 3 headed monster!! Given the carries PT can BUT I think SP continues to spilit carries among RB, PT & LH.
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Old 06-11-2010, 10:04 PM   #32
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Re: Will the Saints have a running back rush for over 1,000 yards this regular season? If so, who will it be?

Pierre Thomas is the most likely. He shares carries with other backs so much though that considering him the "feature back" is not exactly accurate. I think he can get close, but may fall just short. I think Bush could definitely have a big year where he averages 5+ yds a carry, but Bush gets so many touches in other parts of the game that handing off to him enough for 1000 yds may be a bit much. I think Bush could get 600-800 yds(though towards the 800 side may be pushing it) on a good year(in the way we use him). If he was used like a regular every down back maybe.

For some reason I have a feeling that our running game is gonna be used more even than it was last year. Our offense was the best when we were feeding the backs consistently.
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pierre thomas, reggie bush

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