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ScottyRo 10-09-2003 03:40 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

Brooks said he is not concerned by his team\'s inability to score early.

\"Does it mean we\'re not prepared or not ready to play? No, it just means the defense is ready to play,\" Brooks said. \"The whole thing is overblown. Most games are won in the last minute of the game anyway, whether you jump out in front or not.

A prime example was Monday night. Tampa Bay went up 21-0 and Indianapolis came back to win, so whether the (Colts) scored on the first drive or not didn\'t mean anything. What counts is how well you play in the fourth quarter when the game is on the line.\"

Now, I\'ve always been a pretty big supporter of Ab. If you don\'t believe me, go read my posts. What you\'ll find is that my belief in him has begun to fade this season. Fading, not because it is all his fault, but his attitude always appears incorrect. He shouldn\'t say things that would lead others to surmize that he isn\'t concerned about the offense\'s inablity to score early.

In my opinion that is one of the biggest problems right now because we don\'t have a defense that is likely to hold anybody from scoring in the second half when we need them to so our late starting offense can catch up.

Against both the Seahawks and the Titans we got behind early and then in the second half our offense scored TD\'s. Problem was on the very next drive the opponent took the ball on a long drive and matched the TD. We MUST score early and McCarthy and Brooks don\'t seem concerned.

That should concern us as fans regardless of which player you love/hate.

BillyCarpenter1 10-09-2003 03:41 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

BillyC, how dare you question my posts! Who the f are you anyway? Do you really think I would take the time to make up this kind of blast on Brooks?
Is that suppose to scare me? Why didn\'t you post the entire article in the first place? And yes i think you would make it up !!

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 03:45 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade
Scare you! Please, don\'t make me laugh. I didn\'t post the whole thing BECAUSE LOOK AT HOW F\'N LONG IT IS! Or did you not see the title of this thread. It was Brooks comment that was the focal point. Dude, what schools did you go to? I suggest you take some english/basic writing classes. Perhaps, those might better help you to understand, the body of ANY work should, IN SOME WAY, relate to the title of said work. Get my point here, skippy. I was trying to save some on here the pain of reading McCarthy\'s assinine comments along with Brooks\'. To save some time, the title of this thread is \"Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and traded\". Hence, only Brooks quote.

ScottyRo 10-09-2003 03:47 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade
Anyway, Swampdog, I think you should post at minimum a link to your quote for two reasons:

a) it\'ll make it easier for other\'s to go read it for themselves and since you\'re there anyway you might as well copy the link; and

b) most importantly, it gives your comments credibility. I always go check out the source of a post because if it isn\'t verifiable it is not worth debating.

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 03:50 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade
My god! Let me put it to you this way, if you don\'t think my post is credible. Then go look for it yourself. I have NEVER, NOT ONE TIME, posted a quote or quotes that I have made up. I mean come on! Integrity is a funny word on a sports message board on the internet, but give me a break already! I put a damn reference that it came from the Times Pic. If that ain\'t good enough then be my guest to do a reference check. Really, does the quote sound unlike Brooks? The guy insutls himself, he doesn\'t need any help from me.

BillyCarpenter1 10-09-2003 03:59 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade
Look Dog -- It\'s not up to everyone else to go look and see if your posts are crediable. That\'s your job. We wouldn\'t even be having this conversation if you would have provided a link. Because you are so biased against Brooks, one would certainly be suspect about any articles you post about him. Personally, I could care less about what opinions you post on here, but the articles need to be crediable.

BlackandBlue 10-09-2003 04:00 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

My god! Let me put it to you this way, if you don\'t think my post is credible. Then go look for it yourself.
Look, one of the rules posted at the top of this board which you have obviously overlooked, despite me even posting the link in one of your other lame-ass threads, states that if you are going to quote another site, you are to post the link as well. Jesus H. Christ, your may not have finished the job with the , but evidentally it wasn\'t for a lack of trying.

[Edited on 9/10/2003 by BlackandBlue]

And to think I was just praiseing you on another thread? LOL

[Edited on 10/10/2003 by JOESAM2002]

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 04:03 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade
They are credible because I say they are credible. Listen, you want links fine, but I\'m telling you right now, I don\'t post trash links, stories etc. You have my word on that. And personally, (and don\'t take this the wrong way) I don\'t give a good crap whether you believe my posts are not. I know for a fact they are true and stand on their own merit. It\'s on you if you believe them or not. You do, great. If not, research it. I really don\'t think if I made something up, I would say I got it from the Times Pic. Not only would it be retarded, it would be a waste of time.

TheOriginalSwampdog 10-09-2003 04:04 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade
So what B and B? I gave the reference to the Times Pic. Unless there are some internet, message board police,

[Edited on 10/10/2003 by JOESAM2002]

BlackandBlue 10-09-2003 04:04 PM

Yet another reason why Brooks needs to get benched and trade

I don\'t give a good crap whether you believe my posts are not.
Then why in the **** do you continue to be the black stain of these message boards???

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