Originally Posted by Saint_LB
(Post 244955)
Ahhh...Candlestick Park. I have a few memories...
Croix de Candlestick...
Throwing stuff at Dodger fans...
Hurricane in the outfield...
Some lady PA announcer...
Porter's windswept home-run...I thought it was a fly-out to 2nd base...
And, oh...that crazy crab...but, here is my favorite Candlestick story...
I decided to take my wife and my 2 nephews to a Giants' game.
I was driving on the exit ramp off the freeway, and I was looking for tickets. I had stopped to ask a few guys, but so far, I had not found what I was looking for.
All the sudden, a cop car pulls up to the passenger side of my car and the cop hollers, "You lookin' for tickets?"
I didn't quite know what to say right then, because I was afraid that he was about to bust me for negotiating with scalpers, or something...
Anyway, I reluctantly answered, "Uhhh...yeah?"
He holds out 4 tickets and says, "Here...I got these."
Now at this point I'm not quite sure what he's up to...so, after a few seconds of deliberation, I respond, "How much do you want?"
He replies, with a rather irritated look on his face, "I'm not selling 'em, I'm giving them to you!"
I reply, "Oh, well in that case...THANKS!"
He drives away, and just as I start to roll my window up, this dude comes walking by and says, "You should give me some money...those were my tickets." I told him, "OK...just wait right there, I'll be right back with your money!"
Anyway, no attempt to hi-jack your thread, StP...I just read these threads and usually just post what's on my mind at the time. Carry-on.