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BillyCarpenter1 10-14-2003 07:44 PM

A question for all the posters here
Just when you think you know someone !! You have my respect WhoDat. Props to you. I have to admit I was wrong and I was sure WhoDat was a Brooks basher !!

WhoDat 10-14-2003 07:59 PM

A question for all the posters here
Careful Billy... I might have to add to my signature with posts like that!!! LOL.

JOESAM2002 10-14-2003 11:18 PM

A question for all the posters here
Ok, so where the hell did this Lovefest come from? Next thing i\'ll read is 08 chimeing in on how great AB is playing. You guys take the cake. Where are the choruses of kumbaya? Well if you guys will excuse me I think i\'ll go out in my yard and light a candle for us all.

P.S. Honestly it is pretty funny. LOL :P

saintfan 10-15-2003 07:55 AM

A question for all the posters here
Joesam, you won\'t hear anything of the sort form 08...can\'t teach an old dog new tricks, and he\'s an old dog with an agenda... for Whodat...well, after I picked myself up from the floor I read his post for a second time. He\'s being honest with himself and he\'s watching the WHOLE game and the entire team, and he\'s not blinded by those Delhomme goggles that prevent 08 from making an accurate assesment of our QB. Furthermore it appears he\'s finally goten off the \"08\" cool-aid. Whodat must be a young dog! :P

It doesn\'t happen often Whodat, but I agree with the general idea of your post. Brooks has made some head scratching throws this year, but all in all, if our guys are catching the ones they should catch we\'re in much better shape.

Sometimes teams get in a funk. Hopefully they\'ll come out of it collectively and get a streak goin this Sunday against the Falcons. Vick or not, it\'s always a dogfight (apologies to saintz08) with those guys tho. A win against the dirtybirds weighs more heavily than a win against Chicago regardless of the records.

DblBogey 10-15-2003 09:22 AM

A question for all the posters here
I think it was a state of mind. Before the Bye Week I don\'t think they thought they could be beat. But something seemed to have happened during the Bye Week. Maybe it was Hazhadit giving them the week off for good behavior. That would have been a good week in my mind that they should have spent the basics all over again heading into the last of the season. But we have what we have a bunch of Monday Morning Coach wannabes that would not last 2 minutes on a NFL team in any capacity. So we continue to be old snorting farts who, each in his own way love the Saints, vent our frustrations and jubilations with others of the same cloth and differing opinions. This would be a sad place if we all thought the same, wouldn\'t it?

WhoDat 10-16-2003 08:55 AM

A question for all the posters here
kumbaya my lord, kumbaya! LMAO. That one\'s for Joe.

\"It doesn\'t happen often Whodat, but I agree with the general idea of your post. Brooks has made some head scratching throws this year, but all in all, if our guys are catching the ones they should catch we\'re in much better shape.\"

Tru Dat Saintfan. Now you see? We can all just get along. Kumbaya! :)

BlackandBlue 10-16-2003 09:09 AM

A question for all the posters here
Satan just called, said hell is cold as ****.

WhoDat 10-16-2003 09:34 AM

A question for all the posters here
Nice BnB. Nice.

subguy 10-16-2003 05:49 PM

A question for all the posters here
Deuce , Horn , Brooks, McCarthy.....All of this love and rekindling of relationships is making me feel uneasy.

JOESAM2002 10-16-2003 05:54 PM

A question for all the posters here
All this love is starting to remind me of Peyton Place. Not Peyton\'s PLace for all you youngsters. Maybe we could make a TV show out of it? Nahhhhh! Been done before. :P

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