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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Hopefully I can keep the addiction under wraps....

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Old 10-15-2003, 05:04 PM   #11
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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

Hopefully I can keep the addiction under wraps.
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Old 10-16-2003, 10:05 AM   #12
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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

His dumb what?

... OH! You meant \"YOU\'RE DUMB\"... I get it.
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Old 10-16-2003, 10:13 AM   #13
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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

McNabb is overrated. He gets too much credit for the defense. He\'s just not that good ...not bad, but not that good either! LOL
You\'d be generous to call the recieving crew in Philly \"good\". I\'m not sold on McNabb being a not so good QB, he has had to carry this offense his entire tenure. But he certainly has nothing good to throw to. Add that to the fact that this once top 10 offensive line is playing worse than I\'ve ever seen them play, and it does spell disaster in the city of brotherly love.
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Old 10-16-2003, 11:38 AM   #14
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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

I saw that \"your dumb\" too, I just didn\'t have the heart to say anything about it. College must be tough these days. :P
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Old 10-18-2003, 10:44 AM   #15
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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

Well Gator, it\'s a little obvious when a post is two words long and one of them is incorrect!!!
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Old 10-19-2003, 10:20 AM   #16
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Quarterbacks must endure ups and downs

I\'ve been watching football for years, enjoying & watching every game that airs on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays. I really had no team allegiance as i just loved watching games. After years of people busting my chops about picking a team I\'ve decided I love watching the Saints. Over the past few seasons I\'ve seen this team, especially Brooks, have some really great moments. I think their talent pool is pretty decent but for some reason they\'re not clicking. They have great potential and have showed that over the past couple of years. That\'s why I really enjoy watching them. I see a team that can be great with some work. And seeing that happen will be sweet. I\'ve seen alot of dropped passes and some very poor moments so far. But based on past performance am doubting it\'s all Brooks. As a new fan I\'m hoping they\'ll turn it around. (although you guys are probably a bit more impatient for this to happen). Being from around Philly I can tell you they\'re in a similar situation this season. McNabb is just not clicking. (Although, McNabb is overrated).
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