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look! the last guy in the stands.......

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; it's smitty...............go saints go........... oh when the saints, go marching in, oh when the saints go marching in oh lord, i want to be in that number when the saints go marching in................. a win is a win is a ...

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Old 10-19-2003, 07:19 PM   #1
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look! the last guy in the stands.......

it's smitty...............go saints go...........
oh when the saints, go marching in, oh when the saints go marching in
oh lord, i want to be in that number
when the saints go marching in.................
a win is a win is a win..............i'll take it any way it comes...........
i thought we shoulda beat the panthers last game
this one, there should be no excuses if brooks plays like he did....
jump out early and we bury the panthers as the titans did.......
4-4 hmmmmmm,,,does'nt sound that bad...............................
and looking one game further, the bucx are very beatable, even by the saints....
5-4 and in the hunt for the playoffs is very obtainable......
maybe, just maybe we can have some good luck follow us and this yr instead of starting
strong and finishing weak, we can pull a we are doing......
as far as stats, you can throw them all out the window, they don't mean a thing.....
i've said it before and i repeat.....throw em out the window........
good team, bad does'nt matter.......give me the wins.....
it brings us closer to the playoffs........FACT
every team is beatable, everyone of em.........go saints go.................smitty
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Old 10-19-2003, 07:30 PM   #2
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look! the last guy in the stands.......

Now here\'s an optimistic post that I can live with. Atta boy, ssmitty. Looks like the whole team came up big today. I sure hope this is a preview of things to come.
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