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this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Gator, I was on line when Swamp started a series of posts that got WAY out of hand. Nothing at all like the way Billy and several members got into it. Several posts had to be removed completely. He crossed ...

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Old 10-25-2003, 08:53 AM   #11
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Gator, I was on line when Swamp started a series of posts that got WAY out of hand. Nothing at all like the way Billy and several members got into it. Several posts had to be removed completely.
He crossed the line. Most of you guys weren\'t on line when he exploded, I was.
I\'m sure he was warned.
If he hadn\'t left I, and many others, probably would have.

There\'s a big difference to me in getting into a pisssing contest with someone (billy*cough*gator*cough*08*cough*fan*cough) on a post or two, it can be entertaining, but bringing that crap into every single post is annoying.
Swamp went beyond annoying, and not just like Andy Kaufman annoying either.

Whether we agree or disagree; its all for Him.
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Old 10-25-2003, 05:38 PM   #12
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Dog did something I have never heard ANYONE do. Which is cursing memebers out in a very insulting way. We can all have our opinions on whether he should have been banned or not, but you can hardly fault JoeSam and Halo for making that call.

Really, all that is being asked is that we keep things civil on here. Well actually we aren\'t being asked, we are being told. The reason we are now being TOLD is because we have all been asked SEVERAL times.

I\'m not too big to admit I\'ve been WRONG and that I have persisted to do some things that I\'ve been asked not to do. Now, this is not a normal pratice for me, regardless of what some want to think. Maybe I\'ll get WhoDat to come up with a system simular to the QB rating system to see what percentage I am guilty of in my posts.

I\'m sure there will be things said that push the envelope on here, but I\'ll do my part to try to follow the rules. I joke around with some members on here as do others and it\'s only friendly smack talk. I hope and believe that the moderators will let this continue to be allowed.

NOTE : The above are only my opinions and in no way are trying to be stated as FACTS. They are also not meant to insult or hurt anyone feelings. If you are upset by any of the opinions this disclaimer can be used in a court of law.
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Old 10-25-2003, 05:51 PM   #13
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Are you Jim Haslett? Swamp was our first \"message board cancer\" and had to go.

Who\'s next?

Who here\'s dating a saintsation?

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Old 10-25-2003, 07:12 PM   #14
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BrooksMustGo, you never know who\'ll be next. It might be you? It might be me? You just never know!
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Old 10-25-2003, 09:34 PM   #15
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I\'m dating the Saintsation. :P
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