this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Well, I\'ll let whoever deals with stuff like this deal with it. I\'ve NEVER posted anything like that EVER. I\'m simply sitting here discussing footabll and Gator comes in here and Insults me and saintfan and I don\'t call him ...
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#21 |
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Saints in the Playoffs?
Well, I\'ll let whoever deals with stuff like this deal with it. I\'ve NEVER posted anything like that EVER. I\'m simply sitting here discussing footabll and Gator comes in here and Insults me and saintfan and I don\'t call him any names, NOTHING. Hey, but I\'ll be the scapegoat. Actually, I\'m gonna make this easy for the \"powers that be.\" I will not be back on this board. Just in case I change my mind Joe -- go ahead and ban me, so I can\'t come back. See ya........
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#22 |
Donated Plasma
Saints in the Playoffs?
Whoa! Did Gator really post that? As much hell as I give Saintz08 (and he gives me) I\'ve gotta say that was a bit over the top. I didn\'t see it \'til Billy posted the quote. I\"ll not make a comment on it \'til I know for sure if Gator really posted it. If he did then I might have something to say to him about it.
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#23 |
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Saints in the Playoffs?
saintfan -- I wasn\'t going to post anymore and this one will be my last. Yeah, Gator posted it. I don\'t know how he deleted it or who deleted it, but I think he did. He said every word of it. Do you think I\'d make that up?
Gator goes to extremes sometimes but that was WAY out of line. I get threatened to get banned for talking about the bad heads and he get\'s away with stuff like that. Even the posts following that one are insulting and Joe does\'t delete \'em. But, I can\'t say it surprises me. |
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#24 |
Donated Plasma
Saints in the Playoffs?
\"No I\'m here to say what I want when I want.\"
If Gator really said that then why leave Billy? Any of us can have any opinion we\'d like. What makes Gator think he can say what he wants when he wants and the rest of us can\'t sounds like a personal problem. Gator has used \"language\" on this board before. There are users here that specialize in being antagonistic more than anything. Stick around and give \'em hell. [Edited on 29/10/2003 by saintfan] |
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#25 |
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Saints in the Playoffs?
I\'ve been sent private messages by Joe saying I was about to be banned. For what I have no idea. I get the word \"pretender\" edited out of one of my posts. I get told not to talk about the \"bag head\" subject anymore. I\'m tired of battling Joe. Plain and simple.
Now that is my LAST posts. Besides, you share most of my opinions anyway. I\'ll be reading some. Keep \'em in line! |
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#26 |
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Saints in the Playoffs?
Back to the subject at hand.
don\'t know about that WhoDat. I see a team that\'s won it\'s last 2 out of 3 games and played the Panthers as tough as anyone. Everything went right in that game for the Panthers. If we would have somehow pulled that game out, we would all be talking a little differently about the playoff picture right now.\" Very true Billy. Here\'s the but... I really thought that we would handle Carolina and the Bucs would be a true test. Now we lost to Carolina and the Bucs played well against Dallas I see this is a game that is going to be extremely difficult to win. Further, winning a tough game against the first place team in your division psyches a team up. The Saints would be all kinds of cocky going into Tampa. Instead, they\'re all kinds of defeated. If they lose to Tampa, which they probably will, and go 3-6, it\'s pretty much done. Wouldn\'t you say? I respect your opinion Billy, but you tend to give too much credit and be too patient. You still think this team has a chance this year. You still think Haslett is the guy. Unfortunately, I wish you were right, but I think time will show that this just isn\'t the case. And Saintfan, there\'s a seat on the bench right next to me any time you want to come and sit down. Or, you and Billy can keep running around on the field pretending you\'re Aaron Brooks and the Saints are 7-1 - you two are like the Japanese out in the middle of the Pacific... still fighting a war that ended a long time ago. ![]() |
\"Excuses, excuses, excuses. That’s all anyone ever makes for the New Orleans Saints’ organization.\" - Eric Narcisse
\"Being a Saints fan is almost like being addicted to crack,\" he said.[i]\"You know you should stop, but you just can\'t.\" |
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#27 |
Donated Plasma
Saints in the Playoffs?
What ever would you and the \"Babble\" corp be saying about Mr. Brooks if he had the very same attitude you have Whodat? Never Give up Baby! Is it likely, no. Is it possible, yeah, until they are mathmatically eliminated, so until then, with your permission, I\'d like to remain positive. In fact I think I will. Gator may not like it. You may not like it. 08 probalby won\'t let me have any Kool-Aid (I don\'t want any anyway) and I may very well just get booted from this site for it, but I\'ll be damned I\'m gonna remain positive. I\'m not gonna sit here in my chair pointing fingers and proclaiming I know better than the players or coaches. I\'m not gonna say they aren\'t capable or that they\'re not trying or that they\'ve givin up like the rest of you.
Furthermore, if any of you were any better at accurately (that\'s an important word here) predicting the future than me then you\'d be on TV makin\' a living doing it. Certain members (or former ones) are led to the water on this site so to speak. I swear to Allah this is the most negative site for ANY team in the NFL. I did some research earlier today just to verify that I had, in fact, seen Gator type some naughtiness before and he sure has. I called him on his use of \"language\" once before and he told me I couldn\'t \"Hold the Gator down\". How Cute. The other thing I\'ve noticed (lets say I was reminded) is that even when this team was kickin\' azz certain people here were STILL being negative. So, laugh at me for being positive. Ban me for being positive. Gang up against me and giggle like little girls while you blow bubbles in your 08er-aid for all I care. I am a fan of the team and my heart is with them. The team has problems to be sure, but people as negative as some of the people that post regularly here have much bigger problems...or in some cases an easily seen agenda. Either way you can all bite me. ..and Gator, you take the biggest bite sir. Your profanity directed at Billy was directed at me too. I\'m not sure who died and made you the protector of free speech, but that\'s a two way street my man. People were posting their opinions as fact on this board LONG before Billy logged on, and you are regularly one of \'em. Billy worked harder than any of you to prove his points, whether he was right or not. You should be ashamed. I know you\'re not, but you sure should be. |
C'mon Man...
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#28 |
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Saints in the Playoffs?
Hey man, I\'m not laughing at you for being positive - but saying that the odds are that the Saints will not make the playoffs this year is hardly pessimistic SF. C\'mon. It\'s not like I\'m bashing Brooks. It\'s not like I\'m saying this team isn\'t talented or capable. I\'m just not willing to allow for yet another wasted season to be forgiven b/c of one excuse or the other.
Apparently, according to you an Billy, the only \"realists\" on this board are those who continue to believe that the Saints have a decent chance at the playoffs until it is mathematically impossible for them to make it. Well then what is an optimisit? A person who still thinks they can make it even after they are mathematically eliminated. I mean, Arizona, Chicago, Detroit, and San Diego still have mathematic possibilities of making the playoffs, but I bet the odds (and thus the PROBABILITY) are more like one in a billion right now. I\'m still rooting man. I hope that they can rip off 7 startight wins. The unfortunate thing is that reality keeps me from BELIEVING what I HOPE to be true. Go ahead and stay positive. Good work. Billy\'s prediction of 12-4 is now MATHEMATICALLY impossible. What was yours? 10-6 or 11-5 I believe. We\'re at most, 2 losses away from that number too. My 7-9 or 8-8 \"completely pessimistic\" prediction is looking mighty REALISTIC right now ain\'t it? [Edited on 29/10/2003 by WhoDat] |
\"Excuses, excuses, excuses. That’s all anyone ever makes for the New Orleans Saints’ organization.\" - Eric Narcisse
\"Being a Saints fan is almost like being addicted to crack,\" he said.[i]\"You know you should stop, but you just can\'t.\" |
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#29 |
Donated Plasma
Saints in the Playoffs?
I\'d think the \"odds\" of any team going 8-8 are better than that same team going 12-4 or even 10-6. Maybe your fantasy vegas site has some numbers on that too.
I\'m saying that being positive on this site is dangerous to a person\'s health. No matter the teams current status (record) a person risks exile if they remain positive and defend their position. Sure it\'s a more \"realistic\" approach to think 8-8 is more likely than 10-6, but because I choose to remain optimistic I have to endure attacks like the little fit Gator tossed yesterday? You and I have a history Whodat. Same with me and 08...and the thing is it IS supposed to be fun, but it\'s threatened when Gator (and his ilk) do what he did yesterday. Frankly, being positive on this board is a very radical thing to be. I\'d be better served if I had a negative attitude, a foul mouth, took a \"know-it-all\" approach and stayed drunk on 08 Kool-Aid. At least then my logon would be safe! |
C'mon Man...
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#30 |
5000 POSTS! +
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Saints in the Playoffs?
It\'s not dangerous to be positive on this site. It\'s dangerous to be unrealistic. Go look at the posts from week 8 of LAST season. I don\'t think you\'ll find a single negative post. MYSELF INCLUDED. If you had said that the Saints were going to tank in week 8 last season you\'d have been blasted too. You\'d have been right, but blasted nonetheless.
Now, if the Saints turn it around this season then I\'ll be the first to pat you on the back. I\'m not blasting you for being optimistic - good for you. I think it\'s a little silly to be considering the playoffs for a team that has three wins in eight games against an expansion team, a 2-5 team, and a 1-6 team. Hey man, I did my believing. I thought they could turn it around after getting destroyed by Indy and falling to 1-4. But in that kind of a hole, they could only slip up once or twice. The Carolina game was a slip. If they can avoid another slip then they have a chance - I just think that is asking a lot of a franchise whose history is basically nothing but a series of giant slip ups. |
\"Excuses, excuses, excuses. That’s all anyone ever makes for the New Orleans Saints’ organization.\" - Eric Narcisse
\"Being a Saints fan is almost like being addicted to crack,\" he said.[i]\"You know you should stop, but you just can\'t.\" |
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