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The word on the Bucs Board . . .

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; You have never seen so much fingerpointing, not even on this board. They are screaming for Johnson to be replaced by King. These are world champions? I thik not....

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Old 11-02-2003, 03:05 PM   #1
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The word on the Bucs Board . . .

You have never seen so much fingerpointing, not even on this board. They are screaming for Johnson to be replaced by King. These are world champions? I thik not.
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Old 11-02-2003, 03:15 PM   #2
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The word on the Bucs Board . . .

AAAAAAHHHHHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bucs rymes with Sucks!! OUT
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Old 11-02-2003, 11:13 PM   #3
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The word on the Bucs Board . . .

I point to you guys still being 1 game behind us....

That\'s all I can say. You beat us and that is all there is to it.......

Anything else is smack. Which I can run, but what is the use?

We are at the .500 mark. Until you can get there, its going to be tough convincing me of anything else....

Good win.... Huge win, and I\'m sick about it. But let\'s stay focused.....

Can we/you?

[Edited on 3/11/2003 by BucNup]
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Old 11-03-2003, 12:29 AM   #4
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The word on the Bucs Board . . .

We are at the .500 mark. Until you can get there, its going to be tough convincing me of anything else....


What convincing ?

Who needs to , most fans in here know the Saints have yet to beat a team over .500 and are flat at times and have coaching issues .

We even think it is funny to hear that Sapp runs through the opposing teams lines , mostly because we know Duece is going to do the same through Tampa\'s .

Some will say the Saints beat a team over .500 when they played Tampa , others will say , No , they just beat their whipping boys in the South .

Either way , one thing can be said for sure , the Saints just provided the blueprint for 30 other teams to beat the Bucs .

[Edited on 3/11/2003 by saintz08]

\"Americans play to win at all times. I wouldn\'t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed.\" - George S. Patton
On another note, I\'ll take a bite of that crow 08. - Saintfan
Brooks is a moron!! - Halo
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Old 11-03-2003, 12:43 AM   #5
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The word on the Bucs Board . . .

Hey BucNup,

I just read that article from your website, funny. It must be frustrating to lose to the Saints. I wonder what excuses Tampa Bay will come up with this time. You guys have a good team, but they better start putting together 2 wins in a row to make the playoffs or the bucs will be like countless other recent superbowl contenders- not making the playoffs the next season... the Rams, Pats, Oakland (this season), etc. Good luck- that\'s parity for you. No more dynasties.
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