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Aaron's Extra Weight

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Who-Tang is just a pure dose of reality. Hang around a while, you\'ll see. That\'s the slogan written in BIG bold letters on the bottle. That\'s exactly what they want you to believe. You might be tempted to take a ...

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Old 11-09-2003, 10:40 PM   #21
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Aaron's Extra Weight

Who-Tang is just a pure dose of reality. Hang around a while, you\'ll see.
That\'s the slogan written in BIG bold letters on the bottle. That\'s exactly what they want you to believe. You might be tempted to take a drink right away, but just sit back and see how many folks in here are F\'d up and the ridiculous stuff they post on here and you will be glad you never took a drink. Sobrity is a wonderful thing. I\'m sure the \"additics\" will seek help one day for their addiction, but they must first realize their problem. Just keep in mind that you cannot reason with a person that is \"high\" on the \"Who Tang.\" But, feel free to try. :P :P
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Old 11-09-2003, 11:07 PM   #22
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Aaron's Extra Weight

<sips the tang>Billy is right. <sip, sip> I think statistically speaking, he\'s right more often than anyone else on this board. <GULP, GULP, downs the bottle> He\'s never been wrong. <burp> Disregard that 12-4 prediction for this season. LOL - got you back Billy.
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