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44Champs 12-09-2010 04:06 PM

America's Love Affair over with the Saints
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Yes, the Super Bowl changed everything. It gave hope. It gave heart. And the tears and cries and the party that spilled through the still-broken city that February night the New Orleans Saints won were real, perhaps never better expressed than by a man who stood in the middle of a mob on St. Bernard Avenue in Treme and shouted:


“FEMA what? FEMA who? FEMA where?


Basically, one person's opinion. As far as I'm concerned, the Saints are OUR team. We don't need all of these new bandwagoners anyway. The rest of America can keep their Cowgirls.

America's love affair with Saints is over - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Rugby Saint II 12-09-2010 05:42 PM

Under the radar baby!!! Just the way I like it.

alleycat_126 12-09-2010 11:07 PM

We aren't Americas team, never were, still we love em. All they need.

RailBoss 12-10-2010 12:22 AM

Love us and leave us! we should be used to that by now.

Turbo Saint 12-10-2010 02:21 AM

they only wanted a story...

and that's fine with me...we got what we wanted. now it's just time to keep it going!

niteadept 12-10-2010 05:59 AM

Glad to be where we are, still flying, but off the radar. No bandwagon fans needed here. The Saints have accomplished what was never suppose to happen. Never say Never.... Onto that next Super Bowl championship! Two DAT!

VillainAgain 12-10-2010 06:14 PM

America loves us so much they show 12 sec highlights of the game on espn and NFL network

ClintSaints 12-11-2010 08:32 PM

When I saw the headline for this post, I thought it was an article from The Onion. That's how laughable it is. Then again, the writers for yahoo sports aren't much more serious. lol.

cajun911 12-11-2010 11:20 PM

I never wanted us to be America's team. We have enough band wagon and fair weather fans as it is.

QBREES9 12-11-2010 11:22 PM

America's team ??? They only Love ya when your winning. Are the Cowboys America's team.

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