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"Rotten Roddy". A song, by SF76

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Cue 9 year old Michael Jackson: He pushes off receivers all day long Hopin' and a bopin' but the refs were wrong All the little Falcons on Peachtree Street Love to ready Rotten's little tweet tweet tweets Rotten Roddy, tweet ...

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Old 12-28-2010, 11:51 AM   #1
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"Rotten Roddy". A song, by SF76

Cue 9 year old Michael Jackson:

He pushes off receivers all day long
Hopin' and a bopin' but the refs were wrong
All the little Falcons on Peachtree Street
Love to ready Rotten's little tweet tweet tweets

Rotten Roddy, tweet tweet tweet
Rotten Roddy tweet tweetly-tweet
Blow Rotten Roddy
'Cause the Saints are in town tonight

Every little Ryan, every Weims
Every little Falcon fan on Peachtree
The wise old Smith, the big Clabo
Flappin' their wings singing "go Rotten go"

Rotten Roddy, tweet tweet tweet
Rotten Roddy tweet tweetly-tweet
Blow Rotten Roddy
'Cause those 'AINTS shut your mouth last night!!

Yeah yeah

Pretty little Matty in the bird-band stand
Engineered some drives that were not so grand
When Turner had a chance to reach their goal
Our popped the ball and those 'AINTS did roll!

He had three receptions - all night long
Wonder if he things tweeting was wrong
Now when Roddy drives down Peachtreee Street
He'll think twice about the Saints and his tweet tweet tweet

Rotten Roddy, tweet tweet tweet
Rotten Roddy tweet tweetly-tweet
'Cause the 'SAINTS' shut you up last night!!


Happy New Year by B&G brothers! I hope you'll be sining this all week long...
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Old 12-28-2010, 12:57 PM   #2
SoCal Saint
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hahahaha so awesome...screw him and the rest of his team.
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Old 12-28-2010, 09:45 PM   #3
Mrs. Drew Brees
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OMG, I'm dying over here! Hahahaha!!
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Old 12-28-2010, 09:51 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Man that is Awesome. Strato put some music to it.
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