I'm not reminiscing right now, because Im so busy, but last year was the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.
Every day was like I had stepped off into another dimension of time and space.
I kept thinking something was gonna fall over on my head and kill me at any moment, or that I'd just wake up on the ride home, and realize that really we had lost, and I was just dreaming.
I couldnt hug enough people. I couldnt tell enough people. It just didnt seem real.
From the moment Hartley hit the FG, it was just surreal. You know, I didnt cheer when the ball went through. I looked around for penalty flags, or somebody to run out on the field and say, "Wait a minute, wait a minute." When Sharper was doing "snow angels" in the confetti, " I let loose.
Im glad you mentioned this Tom. You picked a good time to do it. Everybody who knows me was calling me and congratulating me, or ribbing me, or slapping my back.
But you know what really makes me happy? It makes me happy to see everyone in New Orleans happy and hugging each other. I've never seen so many white people and black people dancing and hugging each other, as I've seen at Saints games. I could have stayed up all night watching the celebration, but you know the drive from Houston takes its toll, so I have to sleep sometime.
And you know what? Im happy to see people in smaller towns like Lafayette and Henderson and Vacherie wearing their Saints gear and waving their flags around proudly. I look forward to going to Natchitoches and Many soon, and seeing Saints stuff, and getting "WhoDat'ed when I walk around in mine.
quick note: I was in the Galleria in Houston last weekend, and a store had Saints stuff-- lots of it -- and no Texans and no Cowboys. Can you believe that???
I'm very happy to see my Lousiana friends happy. You know how much I love your state. I wish I could meet you all. Remember, its almost crawfish time. Everybody smile and think about something good.
Here's a thread I did last year I'd like you to visit. Its from last year after we won it all. It's about YOU. :