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ARTICLE: New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees says the Sean Payton house issue is a non-issue

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; In an interview with ESPNW (how many networks does ESPN have now?), New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees was asked about a few subjects, one of which is the Sean Payton buying a house in Dallas issue. Here is his ...

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Old 02-13-2011, 01:01 AM   #1
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ARTICLE: New Orleans Saints QB Drew Brees says the Sean Payton house issue is a non-issue

In an interview with ESPNW (how many networks does ESPN have now?), New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees was asked about a few subjects, one of which is the Sean Payton buying a house in Dallas issue.

Here is his response:

"It's a non-issue,'' Brees said. "I think everyone wants to immediately jump to conclusions and all of them are so untrue. The first of which is his family and him are having problems. No, that's not the case at all. The other one is he's taking a job with the Dallas Cowboys. No, not true either. People want to immediately jump to conclusions as to why he's bought a home in Dallas but most players and coaches in the league have a home base, a place where they're either from or where they spent a lot of time before so they have a solid foundation. There's not a guy who's more committed to his team and the city of New Orleans than Sean Payton. I think he's proven that.''
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Old 02-13-2011, 10:43 PM   #2
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You School us Drew
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Old 02-14-2011, 02:12 AM   #3
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I don't have must faith in the words of a lot of people but I think we can trust Drew Brees. After all he is not a politician yet so I think we are good for now.
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