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alleycat_126 07-21-2011 09:33 PM

This lockout is far from over, the little light at the end of the tunnel for us might be a train that runs our hopes over. Anybody notice D. Smith's statements after Roger Godell's owners party earlier. The player haven't re unified as a union and will not sign this current deal. They don't start getting paid until the start of the season. I hate to say it but this ain't done. Litigation from the 10 player lawsuit against the league still remains. And I'm pretty much guaranteein that the one player holdin that up is Vincent Jackson. The only way the players sign this current deal is if the pressure from the fans gets to be to much! Ha. They don't care!

the-commish 07-21-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by alleycat_126 (Post 310156)
This lockout is far from over, the little light at the end of the tunnel for us might be a train that runs our hopes over. Anybody notice D. Smith's statements after Roger Godell's owners party earlier. The player haven't re unified as a union and will not sign this current deal. They don't start getting paid until the start of the season. I hate to say it but this ain't done. Litigation from the 10 player lawsuit against the league still remains. And I'm pretty much guaranteein that the one player holdin that up is Vincent Jackson. The only way the players sign this current deal is if the pressure from the fans gets to be to much! Ha. They don't care!

The players ARE NOT going to give up their right to de-certify as a bargaining unit voluntarily. So they want to retain that right (if they can get it declared LEGAL) for future negotiations, in case they need it.

There are other side things (like the owners setting a timetable for the players) that the players don't like, but I believe the settling of the lawsuit to the players' advantage, or conversely, not to their disadvantage, is one of the main things they are still concerned with.

Luda34 07-22-2011 07:12 AM


SmashMouth 07-22-2011 07:41 AM

more posturing .... :rolleyes:

beau13 07-22-2011 08:51 AM

Owners are strong-arming the players. There are some last minute added items that the players did not know about. It will get done, but it may take a bit longer.

SmashMouth 07-22-2011 09:04 AM

NFLPA does not vote; claims owners’ proposal may violate labor laws - Shutdown Corner - NFL*Blog - Yahoo! Sports

It looks like since there is no union for the players as they decertified the NFLPA, they can't vote, nor should they be able to. (Do you have a vote into how your boss decides certain business decisions?). So the owners simply agreed to agree for their own proposal which is 48% of total revenue for the players. It looks as though the owners outmaneuvered DeMaurice Smith when the he and the players decertified as a legal move. How long does it take to recertify the NFLPA? Does it even matter now?

Saint_LB 07-22-2011 09:05 AM

It ain't over? Oh, no...somebody stop her!!

OldMaid 07-22-2011 02:27 PM

Yes. No. Maybe.
Story still developing. I saw a tidbit of it on the news today.
No preseason, but it looks like after Player's Union sees it, all be done and lets start 2011 NFL football.

73Saint 07-22-2011 03:40 PM

I'm so tired of this garbage. I really am getting to the point where I am going to stop watching NFLN, stop listening to Mike and Mike, Colin Cowheard, etc., etc., etc. until it's official.

I feel like I'm back in college, on an emotional roller-coaster with some chick that I can't figure out or something. It's ridiculous. All this speculation, BS reporting, NFLPA, owners, D Smith....I'm just tired of it all.

SaintFanInATLHELL 07-22-2011 05:43 PM

I haven't been posting in a while. Real busy at work. But I think it's time to weigh in.

The owners want and need their preseason games. It's a ton of money they pretty much get to keep for themselves, because players don't start getting paid until the season starts. It's not called game checks for nothing.

The pressure for the players from the money standpoint will mount at time gets closer to September. Players already believe that they can get ready for the season with only a couple of preseason games anyway. So there isn't as must pressure there.

But honestly I want to call out the fans and media. In all of this, they are truly the selfish parties. They really have no interest who gets damaged in this negotiation. They just want it over. Frankly, I hope the players take their time and get this thing right, fans and media be damned.

Let me see if I can analogize. I'm sure that many of you have bought a house. Imagine coming to the closing for a house without having seen the inspection report, the termite letter, the loan sheet, or any other documentation. The seller, who wants to get rid of the property because they don't want to pay the mortgage next month, and the real estate agent, who wants their commission, shove the documentation in your face at closing and demand that you sign. Are you at least not going to stop, take a minute, and read the material?

This current CBA proposal is a 10 year commitment here people. It's a 500 page binding legal document that cannot be undone or challenged once it is accepted. The very fact that there was no dissent by the owners at all should be enough to give the players pause. It needs to be vetted carefully. That's not a 5 minute process.

So sit back in your comfy chair, crack open a brew, and chill. It's clear there will be football. It's clear there will be a full season. It's clear that this will get done, be it tomorrow, or Monday, or the end of next week. A negotiation like this is adversarial by necessity. Each side is trying to get the best deal. And frankly, if both sides do end up signing without some folks on both sides being pissed off, then somebody got screwed.

I'm just happy that most of the Saints did their own OTAs at Camp Drew/John last month. The team will come ready to storm the league on September 8th.

Chill. It'll get done. There's too many dollars at stake for too many folks not to.


saintfan 07-22-2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 310292)
I haven't been posting in a while. Real busy at work. But I think it's time to weigh in.

The owners want and need their preseason games. It's a ton of money they pretty much get to keep for themselves, because players don't start getting paid until the season starts. It's not called game checks for nothing.

The pressure for the players from the money standpoint will mount at time gets closer to September. Players already believe that they can get ready for the season with only a couple of preseason games anyway. So there isn't as must pressure there.

But honestly I want to call out the fans and media. In all of this, they are truly the selfish parties. They really have no interest who gets damaged in this negotiation. They just want it over. Frankly, I hope the players take their time and get this thing right, fans and media be damned.

Let me see if I can analogize. I'm sure that many of you have bought a house. Imagine coming to the closing for a house without having seen the inspection report, the termite letter, the loan sheet, or any other documentation. The seller, who wants to get rid of the property because they don't want to pay the mortgage next month, and the real estate agent, who wants their commission, shove the documentation in your face at closing and demand that you sign. Are you at least not going to stop, take a minute, and read the material?

This current CBA proposal is a 10 year commitment here people. It's a 500 page binding legal document that cannot be undone or challenged once it is accepted. The very fact that there was no dissent by the owners at all should be enough to give the players pause. It needs to be vetted carefully. That's not a 5 minute process.

So sit back in your comfy chair, crack open a brew, and chill. It's clear there will be football. It's clear there will be a full season. It's clear that this will get done, be it tomorrow, or Monday, or the end of next week. A negotiation like this is adversarial by necessity. Each side is trying to get the best deal. And frankly, if both sides do end up signing without some folks on both sides being pissed off, then somebody got screwed.

I'm just happy that most of the Saints did their own OTAs at Camp Drew/John last month. The team will come ready to storm the league on September 8th.

Chill. It'll get done. There's too many dollars at stake for too many folks not to.


I get the spirit of what you're saying, but this ISN'T like buying a house sans inspection report. I understand if the players want time to review - they deserve that, but their deal, regardless of the fine print, just went from fantastic to uber-fantastic.

I for one hope the owners are done. Take it or leave it as is. If that means scab players than so be it. Let's get some people in the building who truly appreciate the good fortune of making a bus load of money playing a game.

SaintFanInATLHELL 07-22-2011 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by strato (Post 310295)
While i agree with most of your thing to remember is we the fans pay them ..without us...they have nothing..Right?....i mean i know they want a good deal for the future...but this has gone on long enough...they could get this done over the weekend...but they choose to wait till monday to even get started...that just baffles me..they have the best lawyers money can buy...seems they could move a little faster..and make it easy for everyone involved..

Fans will live up to their names: fanatics. They are addicted and will not walk away. By the end of September, it'll all be a distant memory to them.

But players and owners are going to be stuck with whatever they agree to for a significant amount of time. It will affect both their bottom lines for years to come.

Every CBA deal goes down past the wire. Everyone is trying to position to get the best deal. I wouldn't even be surprised if it went another week.


saintfan 07-22-2011 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by SaintFanInATLHELL (Post 310309)

But players and owners are going to be stuck with whatever they agree to for a significant amount of time. It will affect both their bottom lines for years to come.


Yeah, they're 'stuck'. They're stuck trying to figure out how to split 9 billion dollars. Bog me down in that hole would you please?

Stuck? Hardly the word I'd use, but it's all in how one chooses to view things I guess.

Saint_LB 07-23-2011 05:52 AM

Here's what I don't understand.

I know that the owners are really the fat cat rich guys...but the players have a little bit of money of their own.

The players are the product. The product can continue without the owners but not without the, it would seem to me that would be an advantage to the players.

If they could get everyone to agree...why don't the players start a new league and be the players and owners. To me...this is the danger the owners face by "locking-out" their employees.

Someone tell me why this would be a bad idea for the players.

saintfan 07-23-2011 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 310388)
Here's what I don't understand.

I know that the owners are really the fat cat rich guys...but the players have a little bit of money of their own.

The players are the product. The product can continue without the owners but not without the, it would seem to me that would be an advantage to the players.

If they could get everyone to agree...why don't the players start a new league and be the players and owners. To me...this is the danger the owners face by "locking-out" their employees.

Someone tell me why this would be a bad idea for the players.

I'll tell you why. Because the players aren't owners. It's a different skill set. This assessment that owners aren't needed is...well...I don't see how one comes to that conclusion.

Players don't make enough money to own. Those owners made their money and THEN bought into the NFL. They are savvy business people.

How can you say owners aren't needed and then suggested the players start their own league and be both players AND owners if in fact owners aren't needed? Oh I'd love to see the players try it. That model would fail miserably...but then again, a lesson learned well is one learned the hard way. It would fail and those players would be broke. How's that for irony?

st thomas 07-23-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 310313)
Yeah, they're 'stuck'. They're stuck trying to figure out how to split 9 billion dollars. Bog me down in that hole would you please?

Stuck? Hardly the word I'd use, but it's all in how one chooses to view things I guess.

now thats seriously dammed funny sfan.

Saint_LB 07-24-2011 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 310421)
I'll tell you why. Because the players aren't owners. It's a different skill set. This assessment that owners aren't needed is...well...I don't see how one comes to that conclusion.

Players don't make enough money to own. Those owners made their money and THEN bought into the NFL. They are savvy business people.

How can you say owners aren't needed and then suggested the players start their own league and be both players AND owners if in fact owners aren't needed? Oh I'd love to see the players try it. That model would fail miserably...but then again, a lesson learned well is one learned the hard way. It would fail and those players would be broke. How's that for irony?

I'm saying that anybody with money can be owners but not just anybody can be players...only the players.

saintfan 07-24-2011 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 310557)
I'm saying that anybody with money can be owners but not just anybody can be players...only the players.

Not successful ones. And for what it's worth Id like to ride the bench for a few years and make my 1.4 million too. Where do I sign?


ALLSAINTS66 07-24-2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 310557)
I'm saying that anybody with money can be owners but not just anybody can be players...only the players.

Hallelujah. Well said. I'd high five you if I could. : )

saintfan 07-24-2011 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by ALLSAINTS66 (Post 310603)
Hallelujah. Well said. I'd high five you if I could. : )

When any of the players accumulates enough through their own business savvy to actually buy a team THEN you two can high five each other, or whatever else you wanna do together. Until then you're both pissing in the wind...:mrgreen:

Saint_LB 07-25-2011 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 310719)
When any of the players accumulates enough through their own business savvy to actually buy a team THEN you two can high five each other, or whatever else you wanna do together. Until then you're both pissing in the wind...:mrgreen:

Well...I know somebody pissed in your cornflakes but it wasn't us.

Why would they have to buy a team...why not just start a new team. My halfway serious post involved new teams starting with new names, etc...not purchasing old teams where you would have to buy the name.

Anyway...under my proposal you would have to start another team because there would be nothing left to purchase if you bought an NFL team. Remember, we are trying to get away from the NFL.

saintfan 07-25-2011 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 310814)
Well...I know somebody pissed in your cornflakes but it wasn't us.

Why would they have to buy a team...why not just start a new team. My halfway serious post involved new teams starting with new names, etc...not purchasing old teams where you would have to buy the name.

Anyway...under my proposal you would have to start another team because there would be nothing left to purchase if you bought an NFL team. Remember, we are trying to get away from the NFL.

I don't understand the logic of "we don't need the owners". Who's going to fund everything that needs to be funded? Somebody or some thing has to own. And any way you slice it, the players will necessarily have to be subservient to that entity. That's just the way the world works.

The players aren't going to bolt from the NFL. It's their cash cow. Owning is risky. Ask any one who attempted to own a team in any of the defunct former football leagues.

My assessment all along has been and will forevermore continue to be that the players have it made. This seems to make people think that I believe the owners are without fault. This isn't the case as we all know, but some have to polarize because they can't approach it from a realistic point of view.

Over and above all the benefits, 88k, which is the lowest of the low, 5200 a week, it MORE than fair. I find it challenging to come down on the side of the players, and the general argument seems to be "the owners are making SO much money that the players should be making much more". I disagree, up to a point.

As I have said in every thread that touches this topic. The players are the product, and I am all for them making as much as they can, but that's only up to a point where I, the "fanatic", don't miss any games.

The owners own. They employ people. They provide jobs. Are they uber rich? Yes. So what? It's seems the people that are willing to hold that against them - those who blame the owners for the price of a ticket - don't seem to be willing to hold the players to an equal level of responsibility, even when those players are lying to the media, just as they accuse the owners of doing. It's a two way street.

A player-owned league (still, there's that 'own' word again) would fail miserably. I can't prove that because there is no point of reference, but the fact that other leagues have failed coupled with the fact that so many players AREN'T business people and lose everything they made in the NFL should be evidence enough.

We don't need kings and queens. The citizens should govern themselves. LOL Welcome to America. :mrgreen:

ALLSAINTS66 07-25-2011 02:13 PM

>>The citizens should govern themselves. LOL Welcome to America.<<

Mmmm. And "Welcome To The Real World" where "It Doesn't Really
Work That Way". But it sure is a nice illusion. *shrug* Onward! Upward!

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