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Srgt. Hulka 07-27-2011 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 311617)
You're not going to ban Zooey are you? She is quite pure and low-key you know. :mrgreen:

I think the problem is that nekkid honey badger you have there. LOL
Cause, you know...honey badger don't give a ****!


saintfan 07-27-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by papz (Post 311621)
I haven't had my avatars turned on for well over a year. I work in a doctor's office with patients and doctors coming in an out of my room. It got to much for me also(pornographic really) so guidelines were changed, people banned, and now there's an option to just turn it off. I miss seeing some of the cool looking avatars...but it is what it is. It's everywhere on every board... learn to deal with it as many other have and just turn it off.

I do miss looking at my cool little penguin though.

Well I can see it, and it is cool. LOL

I try to use 'appropriate' avatars - went with Zooey last year, always a classy choice, and now the Honey Badger who, while his attitude is questionable, his image is harmless.

Keep it 'clean' y'all. There are plenty of attractive ladies who are fully clothed. LOL

Beastmode 07-27-2011 11:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Everybody just pick a care bear.

saintfan 07-27-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 311622)
I think the problem is that nekkid honey badger you have there. LOL
Cause, you know...honey badger don't give a ****!




"Nekkid Honey Badger"

Now that's funny rite dere...:mrgreen:

pumpkindriver 07-27-2011 12:31 PM

I hear y'all. The near porn pics can be a lil over the top, but I can't see any real reason to change my av, shes fully dressed and as cute as a button.
Plus shes drunk, lol.

B_Dub_Saint 07-27-2011 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by poydras (Post 311571)
It's a new year so I went and cleared my ignore list. Some people were on it for being rude or just simply dumb but most people were there because they had obscene or "not workplace appropriate" avatars or pictures attached to their posts. It's embarassing when someone comes into my office and I appear to be scrolling down a porn site while viewing posts. Anyone who knows me or has seen my own pictures knows I'm not some puritan trying to force my morality on other people. My own avatar is a caricature of a girl in tiny shorts, but c'mon guys, this is a sports board; please be reasonable.

I know I was one of the ones on the ignore list. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA:bng:

jeanpierre 07-27-2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 311593)
poydras i went through this a few years back as a mod here and thought it outlined. but i have been gone for over a year so i am not updated as to what the guide lines are now. i agree with u. i had my job block the site a after it was seen by fellow employees back then. which was silly because it was a sports site.

I know i will get the "Let Freedom Ring" speech from members but it would be nice to a certain level of understanding on this topic and accept the fact that pushing this issue so close to limits only hurts a group of people here from being on at work and other places.

i understand your point of view. I view this site like a family. i have missed it while i was gone

Lesson Learned: Hagan should never leave that long again...

AlaskaSaints 07-27-2011 02:46 PM

Consider it done.

Sorry if I offended. I was sorta just playing along. My wife questioned mine too and I just explained it away as one-upsmanship by a bunch of fellas on the board.

Truly sorry if I'm an offender.


JoanieNTX 07-27-2011 09:29 PM

I love that u guys are not upset! Says a lot for this board! Classy!!! :)

alldat 07-27-2011 11:22 PM

Umm, I'm female and have never been offended by an avatar. It is to be expected, I'd say. Lighten up Francis!

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