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poydras 07-27-2011 08:38 AM

C'mon guys!
It's a new year so I went and cleared my ignore list. Some people were on it for being rude or just simply dumb but most people were there because they had obscene or "not workplace appropriate" avatars or pictures attached to their posts. It's embarassing when someone comes into my office and I appear to be scrolling down a porn site while viewing posts. Anyone who knows me or has seen my own pictures knows I'm not some puritan trying to force my morality on other people, but c'mon guys, this is a sports board; please be reasonable.

Euphoria 07-27-2011 09:29 AM

stop surfing the net and get to work! LOL.

hagan714 07-27-2011 09:56 AM

poydras i went through this a few years back as a mod here and thought it outlined. but i have been gone for over a year so i am not updated as to what the guide lines are now. i agree with u. i had my job block the site a after it was seen by fellow employees back then. which was silly because it was a sports site.

I know i will get the "Let Freedom Ring" speech from members but it would be nice to a certain level of understanding on this topic and accept the fact that pushing this issue so close to limits only hurts a group of people here from being on at work and other places.

i understand your point of view. I view this site like a family. i have missed it while i was gone

darstep 07-27-2011 10:32 AM

Last year my 10 year old daughter walked up, looked over my shoulder, and said "Daddy, who's that girl?" ... what girl? I don't see any girl..."You think mommy knows who she is?"

JoanieNTX 07-27-2011 10:44 AM

LOL, well as a female board member, I have to say that "some" of the pictures are offensive to me.....I just try to ignore, and absorb what the thread I'm reading is all about. I dunno....just for me, glad my half-nude pic is not being displayed for all to see.....seems "just a tad" disrespectful, but that is JMO! ;) With that said, let the season begin!!!!!!!

Halo 07-27-2011 10:46 AM

To everyone:

We're moving to a new format for avatars and trying to fix this issue. In the mean time, please see this thread in the Support forum on how to block avatars, signatures and/or images while at work.

Link here

We plan on having an avatar/image policy in place before the season starts.



SaintGup 07-27-2011 10:54 AM

I totally agree with the sentiments posted on here. It is not that these people, myself included, are prudish but pictures of Saintsations are ok, but women with there butts in the air covered in oil... well, you get where I am going with this. I am all for freedom of speech and so on but does sexual imagery have to permeate every part of society. Can we not just be talking football and Black and Gold stuff. Haven't been on here for a while and have missed it. Just one more thing... GAME ON PEOPLE!!!!

saintfan 07-27-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Halo (Post 311611)
To everyone:

We're moving to a new format for avatars and trying to fix this issue. In the mean time, please see this thread in the Support forum on how to block avatars, signatures and/or images while at work.

Link here

We plan on having an avatar/image policy in place before the season starts.



You're not going to ban Zooey are you? She is quite pure and low-key you know. :mrgreen:

73Saint 07-27-2011 11:13 AM

Sorry if I have offended anyone. I certainly see yall's point, and would hate for people to hide me just because my avatar was offensive.

papz 07-27-2011 11:13 AM

I haven't had my avatars turned on for well over a year. I work in a doctor's office with patients and doctors coming in an out of my room. It got to much for me also(pornographic really) so guidelines were changed, people banned, and now there's an option to just turn it off. I miss seeing some of the cool looking avatars...but it is what it is. It's everywhere on every board... learn to deal with it as many other have and just turn it off.

I do miss looking at my cool little penguin though.

Srgt. Hulka 07-27-2011 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 311617)
You're not going to ban Zooey are you? She is quite pure and low-key you know. :mrgreen:

I think the problem is that nekkid honey badger you have there. LOL
Cause, you know...honey badger don't give a ****!


saintfan 07-27-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by papz (Post 311621)
I haven't had my avatars turned on for well over a year. I work in a doctor's office with patients and doctors coming in an out of my room. It got to much for me also(pornographic really) so guidelines were changed, people banned, and now there's an option to just turn it off. I miss seeing some of the cool looking avatars...but it is what it is. It's everywhere on every board... learn to deal with it as many other have and just turn it off.

I do miss looking at my cool little penguin though.

Well I can see it, and it is cool. LOL

I try to use 'appropriate' avatars - went with Zooey last year, always a classy choice, and now the Honey Badger who, while his attitude is questionable, his image is harmless.

Keep it 'clean' y'all. There are plenty of attractive ladies who are fully clothed. LOL

Beastmode 07-27-2011 11:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Everybody just pick a care bear.

saintfan 07-27-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 311622)
I think the problem is that nekkid honey badger you have there. LOL
Cause, you know...honey badger don't give a ****!




"Nekkid Honey Badger"

Now that's funny rite dere...:mrgreen:

pumpkindriver 07-27-2011 12:31 PM

I hear y'all. The near porn pics can be a lil over the top, but I can't see any real reason to change my av, shes fully dressed and as cute as a button.
Plus shes drunk, lol.

B_Dub_Saint 07-27-2011 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by poydras (Post 311571)
It's a new year so I went and cleared my ignore list. Some people were on it for being rude or just simply dumb but most people were there because they had obscene or "not workplace appropriate" avatars or pictures attached to their posts. It's embarassing when someone comes into my office and I appear to be scrolling down a porn site while viewing posts. Anyone who knows me or has seen my own pictures knows I'm not some puritan trying to force my morality on other people. My own avatar is a caricature of a girl in tiny shorts, but c'mon guys, this is a sports board; please be reasonable.

I know I was one of the ones on the ignore list. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA:bng:

jeanpierre 07-27-2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 311593)
poydras i went through this a few years back as a mod here and thought it outlined. but i have been gone for over a year so i am not updated as to what the guide lines are now. i agree with u. i had my job block the site a after it was seen by fellow employees back then. which was silly because it was a sports site.

I know i will get the "Let Freedom Ring" speech from members but it would be nice to a certain level of understanding on this topic and accept the fact that pushing this issue so close to limits only hurts a group of people here from being on at work and other places.

i understand your point of view. I view this site like a family. i have missed it while i was gone

Lesson Learned: Hagan should never leave that long again...

AlaskaSaints 07-27-2011 02:46 PM

Consider it done.

Sorry if I offended. I was sorta just playing along. My wife questioned mine too and I just explained it away as one-upsmanship by a bunch of fellas on the board.

Truly sorry if I'm an offender.


JoanieNTX 07-27-2011 09:29 PM

I love that u guys are not upset! Says a lot for this board! Classy!!! :)

alldat 07-27-2011 11:22 PM

Umm, I'm female and have never been offended by an avatar. It is to be expected, I'd say. Lighten up Francis!

foreverfan 07-27-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by poydras (Post 311571)
It's a new year so I went and cleared my ignore list. Some people were on it for being rude or just simply dumb but most people were there because they had obscene or "not workplace appropriate" avatars or pictures attached to their posts. It's embarassing when someone comes into my office and I appear to be scrolling down a porn site while viewing posts. Anyone who knows me or has seen my own pictures knows I'm not some puritan trying to force my morality on other people. My own avatar is a caricature of a girl in tiny shorts, but c'mon guys, this is a sports board; please be reasonable.

Alldat, Joanie and Poydras... where ya'll been? The ladies are back! :D

Please remember football is a violent sport played by men. As such, beautiful women have always been a part of football too. While I do not speak for management, consider that unlike other websites this board has always been moderated at a PG-13 level and most likely will continue in that fashion. Members have always conducted themselves in the proper fashion.

This board has never needed to be over moderated and many of the avatars are no worse than you would see at the beach. If you thing an avatar is over the top, please send a private message to the member and ask them to change it before bringing it to management or to this forum. Most members understand and gladly change them at a simple request. If you feel that you need to turn off avatars at work or around children, please check your UserCP for these controls.

Guys... please keep your avatars in good taste and within the guidelines already set by management, and I think we will have no trouble.

Thank you ladies for understanding. Now let's get ready for the season.

Boys will be boys... Old habits are tough to break...

foreverfan 07-27-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 311653)
I know I was one of the ones on the ignore list. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA:bng:

Yea... It's a good thing Brees is such a nice guy. :rolleyes:

Saint_LB 07-28-2011 05:33 AM

I thought we went throught this a long time ago. I was wondering why it was slowly moving back in that direction, though. Ever since my last chastising I decided to go with an avatar that represented what sport was in season. I'm gonna keep the Lincecum (sp?) avatar, though, until the Giants are no longer world champs. (side-note...I've been a SF Giant fan since 1962 when I was placed on my first organized baseball team, the SF Giants in the pee-wee league at the Gulfport harbor.)

I like my avatar, though. Every time I look at it I imagine that I am about to hit against "The Freak". I'm not sure if that would be awesome or gruesome, though.

2nd side-note...Although I probably did, I hope I didn't make Poydras' ignore list.

papz 07-28-2011 07:17 AM

I'm a Rangers fan. :disgusted::duel::cursing:

Crusader 07-28-2011 07:28 AM

I liked the Dodgers when they played in Brooklyn....

spkb25 07-28-2011 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 311605)
Last year my 10 year old daughter walked up, looked over my shoulder, and said "Daddy, who's that girl?" ... what girl? I don't see any girl..."You think mommy knows who she is?"

That is honestly hilarious.

Saint_LB 07-28-2011 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by papz (Post 312074)
I'm a Rangers fan. :disgusted::duel::cursing:

My condolences...:(

fhotard 07-28-2011 08:51 AM

I'm a guy. I love women. I like porn. I like football. I love the Saints.

But I don't need to get them all in one place. The Internet is huge, so there's no need for near-porn on a sports board.

I haven't added anyone to the ignore list, but I did turn off the avatars in my user settings a LOOONG time ago. I just can't risk someone walking into my office and seeing something inappropriate on my screen.

JoanieNTX 07-28-2011 09:04 AM back is to the door, and anyone who walks past my office or to the door sees everything on my screen. Granted, we own the company, so the only person who will actually QUESTION me on it is the hubby, but at the same time, it does look really strange. I'm sure people wonder why I am looking at all these "in your face" b**bs! ;) Nope, my door doesn't swing both ways! Anyway, to those of you who decided to change to less pornographic avatars, thank you! And to those who decided to keep theirs....I can live with it...that is between you, your spouse, your significant other, your boss, your kids, etc. :) Let's play ball!!!!!!

Srgt. Hulka 07-28-2011 10:03 AM

Well I hope my avatar is not too offensive. These days, you never can tell.

papz 07-28-2011 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by JoanieNTX (Post 312132)
I'm sure people wonder why I am looking at all these "in your face" b**bs! ;) Nope, my door doesn't swing both ways!


Saint_LB 07-28-2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by poydras (Post 311571)
Anyone who knows me or has seen my own pictures

I don't think anybody should change anything until Poydras puts her old avatar back up there...the one in the shorts.

poydras 07-28-2011 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 312188)
I don't think anybody should change anything until Poydras puts her old avatar back up there...the one in the shorts.

The real one or the little caricature? I still have the real one on my profile if you mean the one at Pat Obriens.
To be honest, I had planned to make this post, just to let people know I was having office issues with some avatars, let people see it and flame me if they wanted, and then I was going to come back later and delete the entire thread as to not be a distraction. Unfortunately, I found out that deleting posts isn't an option anymore. Oh well, best intentions and all.......

foreverfan 07-28-2011 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 312188)
I don't think anybody should change anything until Poydras puts her old avatar back up there...the one in the shorts.

No way man... someone could be looking over my shoulder and think I'm cruising porn. :beatnik:

Last year... I'd be the first to admit that it had gotten out of hand .
Ladies... this board has been cleaned up. Look around.

This year I haven't seen one avatar that is that offensive...

Saint_LB 07-28-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by poydras (Post 312224)
The real one or the little caricature? I still have the real one on my profile if you mean the one at Pat Obriens.
To be honest, I had planned to make this post, just to let people know I was having office issues with some avatars, let people see it and flame me if they wanted, and then I was going to come back later and delete the entire thread as to not be a distraction. Unfortunately, I found out that deleting posts isn't an option anymore. Oh well, best intentions and all.......

The real one...where you are wearing the white shorts. Actually the one before that one was good, too. Weren't you in the Superdome?

foreverfan 07-28-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 312236)
The real one...where you are wearing the white shorts. Actually the one before that one was good, too. Weren't you in the Superdome?

I don't think this relationship is going anywhere LB.

poydras 07-28-2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Saint_LB (Post 312236)
The real one...where you are wearing the white shorts. Actually the one before that one was good, too. Weren't you in the Superdome?

Yes. My avatar before the little cartoon caricature was a picture of me in my seat in the SuperDome but that picture, as well as the Pat Obriens picture is a little dated now.

ALLSAINTS66 07-28-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by poydras (Post 311571)
It's a new year so I went and cleared my ignore list. Some people were on it for being rude or just simply dumb but most people were there because they had obscene or "not workplace appropriate" avatars or pictures attached to their posts. It's embarassing when someone comes into my office and I appear to be scrolling down a porn site while viewing posts. Anyone who knows me or has seen my own pictures knows I'm not some puritan trying to force my morality on other people, but c'mon guys, this is a sports board; please be reasonable.

Hear, hear! The T&A on this board is redonkulous.
Don't they make sites for y'all to go do that stuff?
Not all of us are dudes! THANK YE KINDLY!

jeanpierre 07-28-2011 08:43 PM

Gotta say, like the sense of humour here, but here in the Deep South we are the last bastion of having some class when it comes semi-public forum...

Maybe we could show a little class?!?

SaintPauly 07-29-2011 03:51 AM

My avatar is the best avatar ever!!!! I won't be changing it anytime soon!!!!

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