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Fellow Who dats going to the Oakland game
Be careful those folks are wild..
San Francisco 49ers Shooting: 2 Shot After Preseason Game (VIDEO) The Oakland transit ..warning language |
Fellow Who dats going to the Oakland game{Warning Language}
Be careful those folks are wild..
San Francisco 49ers Shooting: 2 Shot After Preseason Game (VIDEO) The oakland transit ..warning language |
They're all riled up out here too over the BART police shooting some homeless guy. They protested again today in San Francisco. I might consider risking it if my kids were grown, but they're young and they still need me. LOL
Dam crazy people. The land of Fruits and Nuts. Dam ya'll didn't play in the game. The guys who do done CHOOT each other after the game, why do you have to.
Hey wasn't i already here.
Sounds like its turning into Italian Soccer over there in Oakland.
Them damn people aint housebroke.
Any Saints fans going to the Black Hole, PLEASE be careful!!! Mind your P's and Q's, and wear a bulletproof vest.
If you truly want the violence to stop, don't buy tickets for the games. It accomplishes 2 things:
1) Sends an economic message to the NFL that safety of the fans is #1 2) You don't have a chance of getting hurt Otherwise, don't be surprised if you leave the stadium with a few extra holes. |
This thread got me to thinking about the only time I saw the Saints play the Raiders (ha ha...had to edit that...I put Oakland to begin with) on the west coast was when they were in L.A. 2 comments...
The seats we had at the Coliseum, (or Colosseum...not sure which is right), were on the sideline. When a sweep came towards us, you could actually feel the ground rumbling. One time I got down in my best LB stance thinking I was gonna have to make the stop. 2nd comment is I also got to thinking that there still is not an NFL team in L.A. and it seems that people have forgotten about it and don't care. I wonder why that is? Note-- This is not a thread hi-jack attempt, although it could be considered that. I am the type of person who posts whatever is on my mind after reading through a thread. If it appears that I have attempted to hi-jack your thread in the past, then I apologize...that is to everyone except SkyMike. j/k, Mike. :) |
Throw their ass in jail and melt the phuckin' key. |
I wonder if Will Haden from Red Jacket is going to the game?
The Banana Republic is full of country boys that like football and attend Saints games. Those folks on the Left coast don't really know Cajuns. I hope the Left Coasters act like adults. It could get ugly, but I bet the NFL will be cracking down like the military. No joke intended. |
Reminds me of me. Being old doesn't mean you still can't whip some young punks arse. I got thrown in jail in florida for that exact thing but it was a young white punkbeotch and we weren't on the short bus.
I'd give that old guy a medal of valor. |
I try to go to a new venue every year for a Saints game. I WON'T however be going to Oakland. Ever.
That town is a classless third-world country. Alaska |
That was Marlboro Man showin that you don't mess with a 58 year old X Navy Seal.
IM sure after the SF debacle they will all be on their best behavior. Its probably not any worse than rival fans coming into Tiger stadium anyway, dont be scared to go out there and represent.
Those folks on the Left coast don't really know Cajuns. .[/QUOTE] Oakland is oddly pro New Orleans - albeit not at a football game. In the 30s and 40s the Kaiser shipping company recruited tens of thousands of people from primarily LOUISIANA to serve as the anchor to her once humming wartime ship industry. However when the war was over and the shipping industry cut it chains and sailed - it left it's anchor to rust in the ghetto. But today it is why there are even large sections with shotgun style houses. There are lots of Cajun restaurants, Soul Food, and Jazz. Perhaps the strongest Jazz town west of New Orleans. There are oddly lots of similarities, I thought I was nuts when I first came here - but then I started asking folks about it and I was astounded at how many people are either from Louisiana and East Texas - or there parents and even grand parents are from there. Even Pre-Superbowl - there was a lot of Saints bumperstickers and T-shirts here. Non the less I will watch my back at the game. |
Epic Beard Santa "PWN's" Elf!!!
remember what the topic was, but I always like a story. all good. |
Ill be there, say a prayer for me!
:notworthy: :ohno: :nuts: :peace: |
f*** those uneducated, baby factory, welfare gettin, illiterate, crap-music-listening-to, low class, useless loser Raider fans.
I aint scared of them. What, im supposed to be scared of them because they're stupid? You shouldnt be scared of them either. You go there and you wear your Saints stuff proudly, and you stand up and yell when you feel like it. You're not the one who's one fart away from being bagged by the cops again. You're not the one who's children are already on parole when theyre born. You're not the one who has to worry that someone might read the serial number on your tv. You're not the one who lives in fear that a Republican will get elected again, thus forcing them to get a job in order to eat. You're not the one with a bunch of baby mamas who might, at any time, hop over to family court, and garnish your welfare benefits. f*** no, you're educated. You know the difference between cajun and creole gumbo. You know where okra comes from. f*** them, they're stupid. They think BBBBBBBB BBBBBBB BBBBBBB is music. Thats because there's no thoughts in their head to be interrupted by noise. You get to be in beautiful Louisiana, they're stuck in the ghetto, and they're too stupid to know better. You're going to heaven with your grandma, they're going to hell. F*** them. raider fans. |
Don't give the concessions a DIME! That'll show 'em! LOL
Alaska |
I got free tickets (the Raiders gave some to my Navy unit), so I'm going with my son. It's OK, I have life insurance....
Anyway, it's the only chance to see the Saints on the west coast this year, unless they go to SF in the playoffs, or Seattle. Nah, that could never happen, right? d'Oh. |
@ SkyMike - not sure if you were being ironic - if so forgive me...
but you say: "those uneducated, baby factory, welfare gettin, illiterate, crap-music-listening-to, low class, useless loser Raider fans." I hate to be the bearer of bad news: 1) you say "uneducated and illiterate." Even though the state of California has fallen in recent year - but the school system is generally ranked higher and in deed literacy rate is much higher than in Louisiana, Sorry, it's just true. 2) You say "low class" Sorry, the standard of living higher by most any measure is higher. Don't get me wrong I do so Love New Orleans - culture, music, generosity of spirit - but when you go off of measures like: access to certain goods (such as number of refrigerators per 1000 people), or measures of health such as life expectancy, or the ease by which people living in a time or place are able to satisfy their needs and/or wants, Louisiana ranks fairly low. 3) Baby Factory? Sorry man research it for yourself. You have nothing to brag of here. In fact, none of these are accusations I would hurl about willy nilly else you be in danger of destroying the very glass house you are protecting. 4). "Crap music listening to." It is true: Oakland's music scene does not hold a candle to New Orleans. However her Jazz scene is pretty good. Yoshi's is considered one of the best Jazz clubs in the world. It is largely becaus a large bulk of the population is from Louisiana. They (myself included) carried our musical tastes with us. SO i short - if we in Oakland, CA listen to crap music it may very well be because we brought it with us. I think this may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. in this case lets hope it is black and gold and not black and silver. Now, back to football. Sorry, as someone who has lived in both places I just couldn't let that go. Yours, a fellow Saints fan. |
1. You might be taking my comedy post a little seriously. I have family in the Bay Area. Not to mention my good friend, saintfan. love and peace brother. |
The East Bay is actually not bad all in all, but to be sure Oakland and San Francisco are not places for children. That should tell anyone all they need to know. |
I grew up on the coast in Gulfport, and lived there with my parents until college. In all that time, I personally never got into the whole Mardi Gras thing. We had a little parade every year on the coast, and I'm sure that I went to a few of those, but Mardi Gras in NO really isn't for anybody younger than 18, IMO. We always heard horror stories about people with razor blades in their shoes and kids getting run-over by floats and stuff...and I can't speak for everyone, but I didn't have to go to NO to get a nude frontal view of a woman. Anyway, after all those years and I was married with 4 children living in Slidell...and I finally decided to go to a parade in NO. I made the mistake of taking the children along. We parked our car somewhere, and then after walking for a while, (and we did get a glimpse of that Margaret/Martha ?? Dubisson (sp?) news reporter lady that use to be big there, not sure about now...but she sure was littler in person), and then we came across this guy with an old man mask on and a trench coat. When he got right up to us, he flashed us. He had a fake unit that was about 12" long...and the kids got a good look. Then, one of those private clubs that march before the real parade came marching down the street. They had caps on and there were things protruding from their caps. Well...the name of the club was the "D#ck Heads" so you can imagine what those things protruding were. So...it was right about that time that I said, "OK, let's go home." I still haven't seen a real parade in NO. |
Im glad you stand for protection of children. A lot of people are getting this "so what" attitude about protecting kids ears & eyes, and I think thats wrong. You got the whole rest of your life to be a freak like me. Whats wrong with having some childhood? I'll never buy that "well the rest of the world...." crap. MTV aint happening in my house. So did you go to the French Quarter, when this happened? Because my understanding, and I've seen it also, is that Mardi Gras is actually a family thing on St Charles Ave, and in a lot of NOLA, excluding the quarter.... I have a bunch of friends here in the Hou-Dats, who grew up in NOLA, and they all say Mardi Gras was like extra Christmas to them, and they went when they were small children to catch the goodies and watch the parades. I think you just went to the wrong place. |
New Orleans is really a lot about partying, with alcohol especially, and there are those who love that. I am a little too mellow, and I never have been a real big fan of jazz. I do, however, love the Saints, beignets (as I have already pointed-out in another thread), the smell of coffee when driving over the high rise in the morning (not sure if that's still there), when my dad use to spring for a summer day at Ponchartrain Beach when I was a kid,(pretty sure that's gone), stopping at the White Kitchen on the way there, (maybe this is gone, too) po-boys, gumbo, crawfish, seeing the real Santa Claus along with Mr. Bingle at Maison Blanche (again, not sure). Those are a bunch of the things that I loved about NO growing up. |
I feel obliged to say that the Raider's fans were very nice. I got zero crap for wearing my colors. and all in all had a great time. My fears were for naught.
Glad to hear that, Exiled. Not many fans there from either team as I saw it on TV. At first I thought the tailgating carried over beyond the start of the game but the stands were half-empty in the second quarter as well, huh?
Here's to being able to go and enjoy a game anywhere and not being subject to any more than friendly hazing! Alaska |
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