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BlackandBlue 01-30-2004 04:18 PM


Peyon Manning
Did you mean \"Peon Manning\"? lol

BillyC 01-30-2004 04:20 PM



Peyon Manning
Did you mean \"Peon Manning\"? lol
LMAO.........Exactly!! :P

WhoDat 01-30-2004 04:23 PM

What exactly is your take on Manning Billy? The guy is a loser? That\'s your take and you want me to argue that? Please clarify.

BillyC 01-30-2004 04:27 PM


What exactly is your take on Manning Billy? The guy is a loser? That\'s your take and you want me to argue that? Please clarify.
The evidence is all there WhoDat. Do you need me to post it twice? I\'ll just assume since you are steering clear of the evidence that you can\'t argue it. That\'s what I\'ll do. Yep!!

Maybe you need to recruit some D.A.M.N. members to assist you?

Seriously though, all I ask is to judge Peyton like you do Brooks. I don\'t think you will. Prove me wrong and I\'ll eat those words.

BrooksMustGo 01-30-2004 04:37 PM


Is that D.A.M.N.\'s best defense? D.efend A. M.anning Now tatics are to divert attention from Peyon Manning and talk about Brooks.
Uh.... Isn\'t this ALL about Brooks?
Isn\'t the Brooks crowds entire argument that we\'re better off with Brooks than with a Manning?
Isn\'t the core of the argument that Brooks is a \"winner\" while the Mannings are \"losers\"?
But if Peyton is such a loser, then how does the Brooks-luvin crowd explain away the 55-21 whipping the Colts laid on the Saints? How is it that Peyton played 3 flawless quarters and Brooks fumbled twice and threw 2 picks?

BillyC 01-30-2004 04:43 PM



Is that D.A.M.N.\'s best defense? D.efend A. M.anning Now tatics are to divert attention from Peyon Manning and talk about Brooks.
Uh.... Isn\'t this ALL about Brooks?
Isn\'t the Brooks crowds entire argument that we\'re better off with Brooks than with a Manning?
Isn\'t the core of the argument that Brooks is a \"winner\" while the Mannings are \"losers\"?
But if Peyton is such a loser, then how does the Brooks-luvin crowd explain away the 55-21 whipping the Colts laid on the Saints? How is it that Peyton played 3 flawless quarters and Brooks fumbled twice and threw 2 picks?
D.A.M.N\'s leader has spoken. A moment of silence please!! ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Now, I ask this one simple question to ALL the DAMN members.

Has Peyton Mannning choked in the playoffs EVERY YEAR? And, isn\'t it also true that he choked in college too? The prosecution rests !!

[Edited on 30/1/2004 by BillyC]

BrooksMustGo 01-30-2004 04:55 PM

Yeah the 2 picks Brooks threw in the 34-16 playoff loss to the Vikings couldn\'t be called choking under any circumstances.

BillyC 01-30-2004 05:02 PM


Yeah the 2 picks Brooks threw in the 34-16 playoff loss to the Vikings couldn\'t be called choking under any circumstances.
Answer the question or you\'ll be held in contempt.

Order in the court!! Order in the court!! -- :P

The judge has made a ruling!!

After hearing all the evidence I find that DAMN has been using unfair practices in their agenda to persuade members over to their side and are clearly acting in an
arbitrary and capricious manner.

As punishment I sentence all the DAMN members to serve one year in federal prison and it shall be served in the same cell as Martha Stewart. No more football for you!!

[Edited on 30/1/2004 by BillyC]

WhoDat 01-31-2004 04:38 PM

OK Billy. I answer NO to your question. And as we all know the burden of proof is on YOU, not us. You want to accuse Peyton of something then you can\'t make a statement and then tell us or him to prove it wrong. SO, show some evidence or this case will get kicked out.

Is your contention that Manning hasn\'t made it to the Super Bowl yet, and thus, he\'s no better than Brooks? Does getting to the Super Bowl make a QB good? What exactly is your point about Manning? I ask you to clarify for the second time. Do me a favor and actaully make a statement this time rather than talk about how I won\'t raise and points to counter your ambiguous statements.

BillyC 02-02-2004 07:49 AM

WhoDat --

How many times must I make my case? For the last time:

Peyton Manning and Peyton Manning alone caused his team to be booted out of the playoffs EVERY year by throwing stupid interceptions.

It\'s an open and shut case!!

[Edited on 2/2/2004 by BillyC]

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