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What are the chances of Eli coming to the Done? Benson knows the name will sell tickets but can it happen?
That is clearly not going to be a good question for the BEAT team .
I will take a shot based upon 2 hypotheticals . 1. If Haslett is in control of all personel manuevers and might be under the hot seat next year , I would guess not so good .Haslett seems endeared to Brooks . 2. There is the potential of a new personel guy joining the front office in New Orleans to handle the player selections , so if he is not thrilled with Brooks and Benson see\'s this as the mega money aquisition it could be , then maybe . Certainly Eli would add interest from the Mississippi region with both Duece and Eli playing for the Saints , getting Eli could give the majority of interest in the gulf coast south to the Saints . |
Everything 08 posts is based on hypotheticals.
How many consecutive sellouts since Brooks became the starter? |
As far as I know, a bunch! How many more tickets can they sell? None!
new stadium\" deal that would only happen if Eli is drafted by the Saints. |
How many fewer tickets might they sell if the Saints signed Eli? Not many. How many more jerseys and other merchandise might they sell with a Manning back in black and gold? TONS! Do the Saints make more money from ticket sales (which all go to a centeral pot and then are redistributed by league) or by merchandising, which they get royalties from directly? Maybe you should stick to talking about how Manning might effect the team\'s performance, b/c I think you guys might be mistaken about how he could effect business. |
How about 18 , Eli should have the number 18 . Seems right to me .... How about a black cap , with an 18 on it and a fleur de lis embossed over it ??? |
To replace your Delhomme Jersery 08? I hope he doesn\'t find out! ;)
I wonder what would happen to the Brooks-a-philes if Brooks were to come out with some sort of Cory Dillon-esque, \"I\'m sick of being here, trade me to Dallas.\" sort of outburst?
Never got the chance to get the Delhomme jersey , they did not sell it for the Saints . Would be worth something now if they had .... ;)
I know some Saints fans love the Mannings. But I equate the word Manning to the word LOSER. Now, I\'m not saying that to be bashing the Mannings, but that\'s all any of them have done. Is it all their fault? Of course not. Archie played on some bad teams. Peyton on the other hand I believe is a genuine choke artist.
I also think the Manning boys are very selfish, \"me\" type players who put their stats above their team. Peyton tries to do it all himself and it has cost the Colts year after year in the playoffs. And that includes this year of course. If we are going to draft a QB, I want one associated to winning and the name \"Manning\" hardly defines that word. Maybe the Manning are cursed? Or, maybe overrated. When their dad teaches them that football is a team game and it\'s better to be an average QB, then maybe they will finally win the big one. WhoDat will testify to that? |
Well, I know the Mannings and they are great people. That\'s right, I know them. Archie\'s house is next door to a friend\'s house (which incidentally was the house that JFK was filmed in - Kevin Costner\'s house). I\'ve barbequed in their backyard, been in their pool, and played basketball with them all from Coop to Eli and even Archie. They are anything but me first type of people and they are most definitely not losers. I still believe that Archie would have been a Pro Bowler year in and year out if he hadn\'t played for the Aints. Poor Archie. All of the Manning boys were stars at Newman, and stars in college. Peyton is a star in the pros.
I\'m not saying that I advocate drafting Eli, I\'m just throwing in my two cents about the Mannings, since I actually KNOW them as compared to some people that make inferences about them having never met them. |
2. Do you know Aaron Brooks? If not then why do you bash the guy so hard. Maybe he\'ll inivite you to eat some chitlin\'s one day and only then you can criticize the man. |
Dangit Billy, you got there just before I could. How do those words taste whodat?
Just to set the record straight --
I am only playing around with WhoDat. I think WhoDat knows that and I\'m not trying to start any arguements or belittle anyone. Is that cool?? |
So then Billy. You don\'t like Eli b/c \"the Mannings\" are losers. So would you trade Brooks for Peyton straight up if both cost the exact in salary and cap hit and all that? Right now, if I said here\'s Manning, take him, just give me Brooks, would you do it? |
Yeah I would do it and I\'d have to hope Peyton learns to not try to do everything in the playoffs. See, I tell it like it is.
So then by your reasoning, \"the Mannings\" are losers, but still a better choice than Aaron Brooks. Thus, Brooks is a bigger loser. Good work Billy.
I see no one put up any REAL arguement as to why the Mannings shouldn\'t be considered losers. It seems some folks are very defensive when someone critcizes the Mannings, but they can\'t understand why some fans get upset when people constantly bash the New Orleans Saints current QB, Aaron Brooks. Peyton Manning can put up stats, but as long as he\'s been in the league he\'s got to be considered the BIGGEST reason his team has been booted out of the playoffs EVERY year. It wasn\'t the defense, or anything else that caused the Colts to LOSE in the playoffs. It was PEYTON throwing STUPID interceptions and that\'s a FACT!! In my book that makes Peyton a LOSER. Now, I think Peyton is a better QB than Aaron Brooks, but he should be. I would take Peyton over Brooks RIGHT NOW, but I would have some BIG concerns about him blowing BIG games. He\'s done it dating all the way back to college. For all you Manning Fans: If you get upset by this, then surely you can understand why I get upset about the \"Brooks Bashing\" [Edited on 29/1/2004 by BillyC] [Edited on 29/1/2004 by BillyC] |
Billy still has a good agument here that no one has really addressed. Peyton has monster numbers, a solid running back, good recievers, and a serviceable defense and he keeps blowing it. I don\'t think the coaches or the play calling is an issue either, since Peyton audibles at the line on almost EVERY play. Some wanna give all the credit to the Patriots defense in the AFC championship game, but we ALL saw Peyton make some REALLY stupid throws in that game. In my opinion Peyton choked...again...and his last name shouldn\'t (if we\'re being fair) cause you all to judge his performance any differently. Looks to me like Peyton is the guy who\'s gettin owned\". ;) [Edited on 29/1/2004 by saintfan] |
The worst possible scenario that could have happened to Peyton in the playoffs this year was to play New England, Belichick has had his number for quite some time. What you have seen this season is Peyton make it past the first round of the playoffs for the first time ever, and he did fairly well up until the championship game, where he reverted back to the Manning of old. There have been good, solid arguments for both sides on this thread. If the Saints would have made it to the championship game, I would have been thrilled, and would not be questioning the coaching staff, players, free agent pickups, and draft class as much as I have.
Dan Marino only went to one Superbowl in his career and that was very early on. Does that make him a loser? What about McNabb, loser of 3 straight NFC championship games? Is he a loser, too? I\'ve always kind of thought Archie might be a bit over-rated as QB simply because the fans of NO love him so. However, he really didn\'t get a good chance to prove whether he was or not, since he never played for decent team. So who really knows? Peyton on the other hand is smart, durable, and accurate. He also a good leader. Regardless of his past playoff performances, I do not think you can justify the term loser being applied to him. I don\'t give a squat whether an athlete is a loser or not in real life. One doesn\'t have to look far to find real life losers in the world of professional athletes who are superstars in their respective sports. That argument makes no sense at all. |
ScottyRo --
For all the eye-popping stats Peyton has put up and as much of a leader as he might be, there is no denying that Peyton is the BIGGEST reason that the Colts have been booted out of the playoffs EVERY year. It wasn\'t ANYONE else but Peyton. Call it what you will, LOSER, CHOKE ARTIST, or anything else, but HE lost those games and he\'s the reason HIS TEAM is sitting at home watching the playoffs. He did better this year in the playoffs, but when push came to shove, he threw 4 (or 5) interceptions. So in reference to my statement: Quote:
The reason I picked that particular part out of your thread is because you stated your opinion as being THE TRUTH while instead you should have said \"he is a loser in my opinion.\" (2) Because their opponents\' team performance was better than the Colts\' on that particulary day. (3) To answer this, one would have to review each game...not just the stats. Were the receivers in sync? Maybe the D had shutdown the running game or the blocking schemes were ineffective. Maybe the Colts fell behind early forcing them out of their game plan and they never recovered. Maybe there was a fumble at a key moment that stalled a deciding drive. Maybe the Colts D just couldn\'t stop anyone.... Maybe each loss was all Peyton\'s fault. Forget that it\'s a team game. Everyone else played up to 100% potential except Manning. That still wouldn\'t create a fact that he is a loser. I tend to think that good players and bad players are made during the regular season. The good generally go to the playoffs and the bad, perhaps, are losers. Then, in the playoffs the good have the opportunity to show their greatness. If they fail in that endeavor then they are just good, after all. Right now, I think Peyton is a good player bordering on greatness, but he\'s going to have to win more playoff games and at least make the superbowl because the expectations for him are so high. [Edited on 29/1/2004 by ScottyRo] |
ScottyRo --
Fair enough. I believe Peyton is a very good player that chokes in big games. I also don\'t think that\'s debatable and I feel it\'s not my opinion but I believe it is the ABSOLUTE truth. I\'ve said many times that there are FACTS and opininos and the FACT is Peyton ALONE threw those interceptions and those interceptions are the reason the Colts got booted out of the playoffs every year. Did other players on the Colts not play up to their potential? I don\'t know. What I do know is NO one made Peyton throw those interceptions. Also the interceptions he threw were of the STUPID variety. It\'s not like the balls were tipped or the receivers ran the wrong routes. |
what a jolly good thread.... :casstet:
ok.. since it ssems as no one watched the game, I\'ll tell you why the Colts lost to New England, and why Manning threw those INT\'s: ...because the Patriots\'s DB\'s were NOT afraid to jam the receivers at the line, like everyone else who played the Colts all season was. That completely disrupted the Colts passing game.If you look at the Colts games this season, and we all saw it against the Saints, most of us (I assume) against TB and Denver, the Colts receivers were allowed to roam around untouched., while N.E. jammed them every single play. ..while there were a couple of occasions where a flag should\'ve been thrown for holding,l the Colts receivers are not physical enough to counter that level of defensive aggression. ..and, when you disrupt the receivers\' routes, guess what? You disrupt the QB\'s game as well, because now he has to hold the ball longer than he wants to, throw it where he doesn\'t want to, disrupt th timing with the receivers, etc... and that\'s when errors occur, i.e., INT\'s. ... I think some here should invoke their 5th... |
Talking about a loser, Brooks couldn\'t pour urine out of a boot with instructions on the heel without fumbling it.
All I\'m saying is the Manning\'s and the word \"Championship\" don\'t really go together.
When Archie was with the Saints, he lost much more than he won. Sure he played on some bad teams and Archie could have developed into a great player. He definately had the \"POTENTIAL.\" \" But, potential is nothing, winning is everything.\" Now, Peyton. Where do we begin. How \'bout his college days in Tenn. His college career was defined by the \"big stats\" he put up but the knock on him was that he blew big games. They said he tried to do too much and threw too many interceptions. That\'s what they said. Yep!! Peyton then enters the NFL and proceeds to put up big stats. He got the Colts to the playoffs and then the knock on Peyton became.........well...........he couldn\'t win big games and tried to do too much and threw stupid interceptions. That\'s what they said he did. Yep, once again Peyton was called a \"choke artitst.\" Well, this year Peyton takes his Colts to the AFC championship and the rest is H.I.S.T.O.R.Y. Let\'s discuss? |
It\'s just too much for the Manning-ites to digest Billy. Sorta like a deer in the headlights...what to do, what to do ?!?!?
Yeah, the years that Brooks led UVA to national championships really established his dominance over the Mannings.
And that 55-21 pasting that the Colts put on the Saints in the Dome this season really highlighted that Brooks is the superior QB in a head to head matchup. [Edited on 30/1/2004 by BrooksMustGo] |
The point really doesn\'t have anything to do with Brooks. The point has everything to do with the fact that Peyton is a Choke artist and there isn\'t much that can be said against that argument...which is probably why Brooks\' name ever entered this thread to begin with.
Haven\'t read this thread in a while - don\'t really care what it says. I just had to drop in and say...
BNB I freakin\' love these pictures. Where do you find them? Keep \'em coming amigo. You\'ve got me rolling. I took a time out before I could post and I\'m still laughing. Thanks man. Really, thank you. |
PS - I\'ll probably get yelled at for this, but I just can\'t resist. Billy, I think that is my fifth straight \"owned\" picture against you. One might say that I\'m a better poster b/c I\'ve \"won\" more of these \"discussions\", but you don\'t believe in stats or wins and losses so I\'m sure it won\'t phase you. LMAO! ;) Just kidding Bill, just kidding.
I have a huge stash, some I\'ve used, others I\'m sure I\'ll use eventually. Hey, people keep giving me reasons, I\'ll keep posting them. Muahahahahahahaha.
And don\'t think you\'re immune, either. I\'ve got a special one I\'m saving for you, WhoDat ;) [Edited on 30/1/2004 by BlackandBlue] |
Too bad you won\'t ever get to use it! ;)
It\'s like asking a politician a question: \"Mr. Senator, did you vote on that bill to raise taxes?\" -- Mr. Senetor\'s answer -- \" Well, I\'ll have you to know that I have an outstanding voting record on fighting crime.\" Never a straght answer.......... Yeah, I feel so \"owned\". I feel an owned picture in my future very soon....... :P |
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