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RaginCajun83 10-17-2011 10:18 AM

Thought this was the most talent GW had with the Saints, well 1. Sharper isn't here 2. Ever stop and think that these "big" upgrades just wanted their money, the guys let go (Remi, Hargrove) played with heart. Thats one thing I see missing from the D, no heart and desire

Kryptonite 10-17-2011 10:25 AM

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I'm 99.9% sure that GW focuses on individual tackling and pressuring the opposing QB, when they are running drills. But he can't enter their bodies and do it for them. I said it once and I'll keep saying it, where in the hell is Vilma? Although, no one on the defense is looking worth anything.

Defense has had one decent game....Chicago. Offense has had one decent game...Chicago. hmmm....

I'm just saying!

jnormand 10-17-2011 10:29 AM

It's not like the coaches didn't try to make our defense better. I mean they went out and signed two defensive linemen that were supposed to be awesome! Franklin and Rogers. Unfortunately they really don't make much of an impact. The only thing Sed has done is use them as a reason to get fat.

SmashMouth 10-17-2011 10:36 AM

It's pretty simple... no turnovers, we win in a landslide ... while our defense isn't top five caliber, it does not need to be with our offense. If we cut down on mistakes, it's a non-issue. Our O-line is letting people through, however... is it center related, perhaps? And let us not forget that we also have some young talent on the defense that is still developing.

SaintsRule11 10-17-2011 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 340326)
I agree with Danno. Our Oline and turnovers killed us. The defense is pretty bad, but I think its more of a personnell thing. We did not address the needs we should have during the offseason. If we do not get some talent this offseason on Defense I will blame the FO.

I disagree. We addressed all of our needs in both free agency and the draft. We wanted run-stuffers: we got Shaun Rogers and Aubrayo Franklin. We wanted pass rushers: we drafted Cam Jordan and Martez Wilson.

We can only go so far in blaming personnel. We got some great people both in free agency and in the draft. The responsibility falls on Gregg Williams to direct his players to do good things. I think the real problem is that Williams' defense has become too predictable. Opposing teams always seem to know exactly what is coming on every down.

Haps Biggest Fan 10-17-2011 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by SaintsRule11 (Post 340352)
I disagree. We addressed all of our needs in both free agency and the draft. We wanted run-stuffers: we got Shaun Rogers and Aubrayo Franklin. We wanted pass rushers: we drafted Cam Jordan and Martez Wilson.

We can only go so far in blaming personnel. We got some great people both in free agency and in the draft. The responsibility falls on Gregg Williams to direct his players to do good things. I think the real problem is that Williams' defense has become too predictable. Opposing teams always seem to know exactly what is coming on every down.

Good gosh, whomever executed the plans to get people to stuff the run and rush the passer did an awful job, because the Saints D is mediocre at BOTH of those skills.


FireVenturi 10-17-2011 11:10 AM

Get rid of GW. Thats funny to blame the D when the O had 4 turnovers and we couldn't protect the qb or open up holes in the running game.

darstep 10-17-2011 11:38 AM

In the opening pre-season game, I could not figure out why we were bringing the house as if it were the NFC championship game. I wanted to see the guys play straight up and see if they could hold their own. It just looked and smelled of smoke and mirrors to me. From that game until now, I kind of see what GW has been doing. Trying to mask our weakness but it hasn't worked. Teams have been exposing us every week. Our defense is average at best which makes our offense have to over achieve each week for us to have any success. We are soft...and we tackle like sissies. Teams and runners are going to challenge us every week and if they can run the ball down our throat and keep the ball out of Brees' hands, it works to their advantage. Most of the teams we play would jump at the chance to just be able to sit at the table with us late in the fourth quarter, for a chance to draw an ace.

AlaskaSaints 10-17-2011 11:50 AM

Okay, since we're speaking our minds:

Get the man a bra, for Christ's sake! I've always had a problem with obese coaches. They can't coach themselves into weight loss and fitness but are supposed to coach finely-tuned machines into getting better?

This turd has been relieved of every coaching job he ever had.

He has no FIRE. LOOK at him!

Rugby Saint II 10-17-2011 12:23 PM

I don't care how good a chess player you are when you play an opponent that has most of his pieces and you don''s a hell of a lot harder to win.
I've been saying all season GW is coaching with less than average talent.

saintfan 10-17-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 340324)
WHAT... its always the coaches fault!!!

He is the one who sets the starting line up... he is the one that coaches them up. He is the one who makes the game plan. He is the one who makes the play calls.

It is always the Coaches is fault.

One could make the argument as HC its Sean's fault as well.

If a ship goes down, Captain is always to blame.

When Greg is allowed to draft the players he wants and to sign the players he wants without regard to Loomis, Tom, Rita, and Sean, THEN it's his fault.

He's not doing anything now he wasn't doing in 2009. The issue is the level of talent, not the coach. That's just my .02.

jcp026 10-17-2011 01:16 PM

I'd agree with Williams being overrated at this point, but letting him go is definitely an overreaction. If we blitz all 11 men I'm still not sure we'll get pressure. I don't know what to do about that.

jnormand 10-17-2011 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 340393)
Okay, since we're speaking our minds:

Get the man a bra, for Christ's sake! I've always had a problem with obese coaches. They can't coach themselves into weight loss and fitness but are supposed to coach finely-tuned machines into getting better?

This turd has been relieved of every coaching job he ever had.

He has no FIRE. LOOK at him!

Oh for cryin out loud Alaska! C'mon! What the hell does that have to do with anything? LMAO! Thats just trivial. I don't give a **** if the guy weighs 400 lbs, has bigger nockers than Strato's avatar and is patroling the sidelines from a ****in Rascal! I just want results!!

Sean needs to get back out there, beat the hell outa the entire team with his newly aquired crutches and light a fire under their asses.

We'll be fine.

SaintsBro 10-17-2011 02:23 PM

it seems like the defense not been quite the same, since he kinda moved away from the visor and the spiky blonde dye job look a while ago. His "exotic blitz packages" don't seem nearly as impressive when he doesn't look like a complete psychotic lunatic while calling them. Maybe that's an adjustment that could make midseason, without the need for new players.

Kryptonite 10-17-2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 340454)
it seems like the defense not been quite the same, since he kinda moved away from the visor and the spiky blonde dye job look a while ago. His "exotic blitz packages" don't seem nearly as impressive when he doesn't look like a complete psychotic lunatic while calling them. Maybe that's an adjustment that could make midseason, without the need for new players.

Whatever the adjustment, make it already!

SaintPauly 10-17-2011 02:52 PM

I have a question, has anyone seen Will Smith this year? Or how about our first round pick (bust) Cameron Jordan? Sean Rodgers? Sedrick Ellis? Our d_line is supposed to be one of our biggest strengths, but by my estimation, it is our weakest link. Where is Vilma? Hes backing up a sub par defensive line.

strato 10-17-2011 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by saintpaul25 (Post 340465)
I have a question, has anyone seen Will Smith this year? Or how about our first round pick (bust) Cameron Jordan? Sean Rodgers? Sedrick Ellis? Our d_line is supposed to be one of our biggest strengths, but by my estimation, it is our weakest link. Where is Vilma? Hes backing up a sub par defensive line.

Come on..Jordan has playe 6 games and he is a bust? we are tripping around here..

claus808 10-17-2011 03:01 PM

This thread is a joke

SaintPauly 10-17-2011 03:05 PM

OK Strat, i'll bite.... How many games do we give him? How many sacks does he have through six games? If hes not ready to play with the big boys, then why did we draft him in the first round? By production, we should have taken Ingram first, and we would still have our picks for next year. He is getting man handled by every tackle he has faced, with the exception of the bears game.

SaintPauly 10-17-2011 03:08 PM

I would be really curious to see the percentage of PREVENTING 3rd down conversions.... Because it seems to me thats our favorite down to give them ten more yards. If the defense is getting tired, from being on the field too long, then heres an idea, stop them on third downs!

Saintswrath 10-17-2011 03:14 PM

The team collectively lost.. The Defense and Offense Sucked, Yes im going to include Drew Brees, his Bright spots were overshadowed by his terrible, terrible error's, he was Freeman's Mentor a few years back and Freeman i guess learned to not force a throw if it could result in a turnover while Drew Brees forgot what he taught him..
The student beat the teacher and i feel freakin sick to my stomach for even typing this.

Danno 10-17-2011 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Saintswrath (Post 340478)
he was Freeman's Mentor a few years back and Freeman i guess learned to not force a throw if it could result in a turnover while Drew Brees forgot what he taught him..

You must have missed Josh Freeman last week, and well, pretty much the entire season.

Freeman 2011 - 5 TD's, 6 INTS, 62% Comp% and 78.2 Passer rating
Brees 2011 - 13 TD's, 8 INTS, 68% Comp% and 97 passer rating

The student ain't even close yet.

Euphoria 10-17-2011 05:06 PM

We have been rebuilding the D line since Payton got here... Hell look at what we did this last off season and they were all excited about what they got done and its all for NOT.

Don't get me wrong we should be constantly rebuilding with the state of the NFL these days but when they pass out the Cool-Aid and I get diet coke then I am going to give them back a serving of hater-aide.

We aren't talking one bad game for the D we are talking 6-7 bad games in a row now. I don't think we should tolerate the same product year in and year out on that field.

Making a change sooner than later is way better. Gibbs was kept around way longer than he should have.

saintfan 10-17-2011 05:12 PM

Boutte 10-17-2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 340262)
While the defense played bad, they only gave up 6 points in the 2nd half.

The offense was equally to blame in ths one, specifically the O-line.

True but the D has stunk it up pretty bad all year. (Except Chi.) I wouldn't want to fire the guy in the middle of the season but I really would like to see a new DC next year.

AlaskaSaints 10-17-2011 05:27 PM

Divisive week, that's for sure. Everyone just fed up with underperformance.

I been saying' we need a break out game!

Glad to be here, through it all.


jlouhill 10-17-2011 05:46 PM

Actually, I think it's time to accept the fact that this is the new NFL. High scoring games, little defense and defensive players who can't tackle because it has become a lost art and isn't taught anymore for whatever reason. I loved the defensive monsters of the past but the day's of the steel curtain, the dome patrol, the dooms day defense... well they are dead and gone I'm afraid.

SaintsRule11 10-17-2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 340518)
We have been rebuilding the D line since Payton got here... Hell look at what we did this last off season and they were all excited about what they got done and its all for NOT.

Don't get me wrong we should be constantly rebuilding with the state of the NFL these days but when they pass out the Cool-Aid and I get diet coke then I am going to give them back a serving of hater-aide.

We aren't talking one bad game for the D we are talking 6-7 bad games in a row now. I don't think we should tolerate the same product year in and year out on that field.

Making a change sooner than later is way better. Gibbs was kept around way longer than he should have.

Although I share your frustration and anger, we are not talking about 6 bad games in a row. The Saints defense was excellent against the Bears and the Jaguars. Unfortunately, the Saints defense was truly awful against the Texans, the Packers, the Panthers, and now the Buccaneers.

Mardigras9 10-17-2011 06:21 PM

The defense has been unable to shut the other teams down enough in the end when we need them to and Drew has to keep pulling 4th quarter game-winning drives, which he almost did again w/the bucs. That is not a formula for success. Defense shows signs of life and then seems to go soft on 3rd downs. They have to get better pressure from the front four. However, nobody's Defense is standing out this year in the other top teams either.

Belair57 10-17-2011 07:18 PM

Euph lost yer mind man....(see what I did there)

foreverfan 10-17-2011 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Belair57 (Post 340568)
Euph lost yer mind man....(see what I did there)

xan 10-17-2011 07:43 PM

I'm not trying to poke any bears here, but the defense got sold out by the offense this week. Two short fields, 5 drives by the offense of under 1:39, only two drives over 4 minutes.

I don't care if they are professionals, you just can't do that to the defense on a hot day and they have to chase from 2 scores behind.

We should get healed up the next two weeks.

papz 10-17-2011 10:53 PM

Exactly. You can't put Tampa on our side of the 40 and expect the defense to shut them down every time. But... if you're putting all your emotions on your sleeve and fail to think logically, of course it's the defense's fault.

QBREES9 10-17-2011 10:56 PM

3rd and 20 and you give up a first down ? i don't get it. They do that at least 2 time a game.

BringTheWood 10-17-2011 11:07 PM

I don't want to sift through 8 pages to judge the boards entire reaction to this, but... I agree, but not as vehemently. It's pretty simple for me. He has the rest of the season to try and get this ball rolling on D, but after this year, I can't see him being brought back at this rate. I realistically just can't. We have FAR too much talent on D to look as bad as we have. Our front 4 almost looks like the NFC starters in the pro bowl. Jenkins is a huge bright spot, and Robinson is gonna be dynamite with a little more practice. Just like Jenkins. Other than that, we're getting beat on coaching, not talent. Vilma is solid but has to do too much. He coaches more than Williams does at this point. And though he has had a few bad audibles, he's also bailed us out many times from Gregg just repeatedly calling a blitz. It's almost like Gregg's playbook looks like this:

1. Blitz (Any kind)
2. Zone cove... I want a cheeseburger really bad right now. Think Sean could handle D for a bit?

Again, I don't want to jump on a hate Williams bandwagon after one horrible loss, which it was (we lost to a team that struggled far more, is far less talented, and could still only win by 6 with 4 turnovers), but this seems to be a theme. Get it together Gregg, or get ready to start writing resumes.

SaintPauly 10-17-2011 11:11 PM

Every NFC loss we get, is bad. There are no gimme games in this league. Anyone remember how costly that loss to atlanta was last year???? Yeah, thats what i thought. It was the difference between playing at home, and being embarassed in seattle....

Euphoria 10-18-2011 11:02 AM

NEWS FLASH we get embarrassed anytime our D takes the field.

Euphoria 10-18-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mardigras9 (Post 340545)
The defense has been unable to shut the other teams down enough in the end when we need them to and Drew has to keep pulling 4th quarter game-winning drives, which he almost did again w/the bucs. That is not a formula for success. Defense shows signs of life and then seems to go soft on 3rd downs. They have to get better pressure from the front four. However, nobody's Defense is standing out this year in the other top teams either.

There are several good defenses this year on OTHER teams.

Watch other games!

neugey 10-18-2011 11:50 AM

Defense has not looked good, but it hasn't looked Venturi-bad. Maybe if the defense continues to have problems we consider making a move.

But even assuming Euph is right ... who in the heck would we replace him with? Are any of our defensive assistants good enough?

AllSaints 10-18-2011 11:56 AM

I agree Willams is overrated... I mean Im still waitin on this beast mode D to show uup with our beast mode D-line n beast mode secondary......... ?

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