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View Poll Results: Will our AWESOME win shut them up about Tebow??
Probably not - they will be up his buttocks 31 54.39%
Yes 0 0%
God I hope so - I am sick of him already 4 7.02%
Voters: 57. You may not vote on this poll

Will this shut them up about Teebow??

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I hope he has a decent career but I'm so sick and tired of the all he media coverage that's given go him and the Broncos. They barely talked about the Saints scoring 60 (which hasn't been done in 50 ...

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Old 10-29-2011, 10:01 PM   #31
Hou Saints Fan
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Houston, Tx
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I hope he has a decent career but I'm so sick and tired of the all he media coverage that's given go him and the Broncos. They barely talked about the Saints scoring 60 (which hasn't been done in 50 years) but if it would of been New England or Dallas that had accomplished the same feat it would of lead off every single football show on every sports channel
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Will this shut them up about Teebow?? This thread Refback 10-24-2011 02:41 AM 2

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