11-09-2011, 09:15 AM
500th Post
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Harvey La.
Posts: 611
Do not see a problem here. We do not have an everydown back with any of our runners. It has been proven time and again that none of our backs have made a season without injuries and setbacks. In that respect I feel they compliment eachother. Also returning punts or kickoffs is one of things Sproles does best and should continue with these duties. Not waisting a roster spot for a returner that does nothing else. Unless Ingram seperates himself form the pack somehow. With ingram whom I think is good (somewhat above average good) but I don not see him being an elite runner yet pocessing power, breakaway speed , elusivness, and longevity I think is requried before you can be in that category. PT should be taking the majority of the snaps and spelled by the others. I hope he did not agravate that high ankle sprain. We are going to need some tough yards against hated Atlanta.