02-17-2004, 09:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 10
Brooks let's grow up
I am not an Arron Brooks lover or hater, I just want him to show some leadership qualities that have so called been bestoyed upon him.I have stated I have been a fan for years but nothing annoys me more than to see a QB of his potential laugh and giggle like a little school girl when he throws and incomplete pass or makes a mistake which of late he seems prone to do.Arron wake up this is the NFL not high school football on a friday nite you are getting payed millions of dollars to play not act like this is your everyday backyard football game we all played. I want to see true leadership in him or in my eyes he has become a cancerous torn in our sides. As for the Eli manning issue compared to his fathers era much different times we at least have a somewhat respectable team now. I thought his father was a great QB but he was in his prime when we were no where near ready for him thus wasting his potential.