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WhoDat!656 12-30-2011 01:08 AM

Vilma's questionable tweets
Jonathan Vilma's Questionable Tweets - Canal Street Chronicles

Crusader 12-30-2011 02:01 AM

I don't see the problem other than that she should be in the kitchen instead of tweeting...

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 361487)
I don't see the problem other than that she should be in the kitchen instead of tweeting...


This kind of talk was used against blacks not so long ago. If people hadn't stood up to the haters back then, Vilma would not be playing football right now. Vilma needs to remember that when he speaks derogatorily towards people who are "different".

@Crusader -- Cook your own damn dinner, pinhead.

SaintPauly 12-30-2011 02:15 AM

How can you tell the context of what he meant by that? He could have been joking about a friend or something... No news here at all.... She could have taken it all wrong.

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by SaintPauly (Post 361489)
How can you tell the context of what he meant by that? He could have been joking about a friend or something... No news here at all.... She could have taken it all wrong.

He said "Grown men should not have female tendencies. Period."
She said "That's a little sexist\homophobic..."
He told her to shut up.
She asked him if he is kidding.
He said "You don't have to read my tweets".

To me, that is utterly straight-forward. Absolutely there is news here. Vilma has a problem with homosexuals or at minimum cross-dressers and was called out on it -- by a woman -- who he promptly told to shut up. She is also a fan so, another bit of news about how Vilma values his fans. And, I don't know if anyone has noticed but, New Orleans has a substantial gay population who are just as devoted Saints fans as anyone else.

But, of course, there are plenty of guys whose masculinity is threatened by feminine type homosexuals. But, frankly, that s**t is just weak.

Either you are heterosexual man or you aren't. Insisting another human being is wrong for being themselves DOES NOT MAKE YOU MORE OF A MAN. Vilma should know that.

I love the Saints and I like Vilma as the leader of the defense. But, I don't have to love or agree with his prejudices.

"Grown men" are respectful and tolerant of differences.

FireVenturi 12-30-2011 04:38 AM

Vilma is one of the smartest guys on the team. This seems very out of character for him....hard to explain.

UK_WhoDat 12-30-2011 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361491)
......You know grown men, who are fathers, HAVE female tendencies -- like when they nurture their children. ......

I do not see this at all. A man taking care of their offspring is being a father, not feminine.


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361491)
.......I don't know if anyone has noticed but, New Orleans has a substantial gay population who are just as devoted Saints fans as anyone else........

I hadn't noticed because I don't go looking. For all I care they can be male / female (in whatever way anyone wishes to define that) or can be asexual / bisexual / heterosexual / homosexual. I don't display or discuss my preferences / bias and I don't need to know anyone else's.

All I care for are this or that person is a "good" person and - oh - are you a Saints fan :bng:

To one and all - I wish y'all a healthy and happy New Year. May you get the luck you deserve.

Crusader 12-30-2011 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361488)
@Crusader -- Cook your own damn dinner, pinhead.

Well I was trying to make a joke. You can go sit on a cactus now.

skymike 12-30-2011 06:18 AM

I was concerned for a moment, when I read the headline.
Then I read the tweets.
pffft. couldnt give two sh**s less. In fact I like him more now.

This is only an issue on SR.

Srgt. Hulka 12-30-2011 06:55 AM

Are you guys kidding me. Go back and read it again. You are really getting worked up over this? Does anybody have the discussion that preceded this? He made a comment about something that was obviosly discussed earlier, and this girl, who he doesn't know from Adam, calls him a homophobe. If a complete stranger confronts me with something like that, just out of the blue, I'm gonna tell them to STFU too! I see no nothing here, just someone trying to irritate Vilma.

Srgt. Hulka 12-30-2011 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 361487)
I don't see the problem other than that she should be in the kitchen instead of tweeting...

pherein 12-30-2011 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361491)
He said "Grown men should not have female tendencies. Period."
She said "That's a little sexist\homophobic..."
He told her to shut up.
She asked him if he is kidding.
He said "You don't have to read my tweets".

To me, that is utterly straight-forward. Absolutely there is news here. Vilma has a problem with homosexuals or at minimum cross-dressers and was called out on it -- by a woman -- who he promptly told to shut up. She is also a fan so, another bit of news about how Vilma values his fans. And, I don't know if anyone has noticed but, New Orleans has a substantial gay population who are just as devoted Saints fans as anyone else.

But, of course, there are plenty of guys whose masculinity is threatened by feminine type homosexuals. But, frankly, that s**t is just weak.

Either you are heterosexual man or you aren't. Insisting another human being is wrong for being themselves DOES NOT MAKE YOU MORE OF A MAN. Vilma should know that.

I love the Saints and I like Vilma as the leader of the defense. But, I don't have to love or agree with his prejudices.

You know grown men, who are fathers, HAVE female tendencies -- like when they nurture their children. So, anyway, I think I got Vilma's drift.

hmm. are you the woman that tweeted him

Kryptonite 12-30-2011 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 361512)


That's when South Park was hilarious...

papz 12-30-2011 08:35 AM

Doesn't seem like Vilma does it?

Or... maybe he's on his period. #femaletendancies

Danno 12-30-2011 08:42 AM

He should be applauded for standing up for whatever he believes, regardless of what others think about it.


Scott Fujita Fan Club Members.

halloween 65 12-30-2011 09:21 AM

If I truly said on this page what I would like to say I would be kicked off. A man, with a wife{woman} and 2 kids. And I applaud Vilma. I hope this was politically correct enough for ya!!!! Me, I'm not so sensitive......

saintfan 12-30-2011 10:32 AM

Here's the problem. Rather than say to themselves, "You know, I think I disagree with this person", people are on the red-hot lookout. They are on the hunt for something offensive so they can be offended.

Jamessr 12-30-2011 10:37 AM

Don't botter me... I don't tweet.

phocis850 12-30-2011 10:53 AM

I think he's starting to come out of the closet. I mean, that's what I got from the tweet anyway.

Every team needs a token gay guy. The Falcons have Ovie. :D

JoanieNTX 12-30-2011 11:27 AM

I love Vilma. The fact that he's made it as a successful player in the NFL might also point to the fact that he's a very physical, masculine male. In his mind, he probably DOESN'T get men having feminine tendencies. I mean...uhhhh...lots of testosterone out on that field on any given Sunday! His tweets don't bother me in the least bit, either! Carry on....JV!!!

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 361507)
Well I was trying to make a joke. You can go sit on a cactus now.

After you cook your own damn dinner, sit on your stove.

Oh, and telling women that they should be in the kitchen cooking instead of expressing their opinions ......... is weak.

Also, not funny.

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 361521)
hmm. are you the woman that tweeted him

Nope. But, I can LOVE THE SAINTS, and even Vilma, without agreeing with his gender politics or diversity ethics.

I've seen Vilma in interviews and he seems intelligent and articulate. However, I'm not offended. I grew up in New Orleans, and the deep South, so I am used to this kind of gender bias. But, given what minority groups have been through ( including Vilma's minority group ) you would think he would be much more diversity tolerant and respectful.

But, whatever. Vilma is an exceptional football player and has done incredible, amazing things for my team. So, I have a great deal of appreciation for him for that.

Mardigras9 12-30-2011 06:01 PM

I love Vilma, as our middle linebacker. I could care less what his opinions are that don't deal with football anyway. If you invite him over for dinner, then you can sit at the table and hash out differences in what you feel is right or wrong.

Tobias-Reiper 12-30-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361696)
After you cook your own damn dinner, sit on your stove.

Oh, and telling women that they should be in the kitchen cooking instead of expressing their opinions ......... is weak.

Also, not funny.

Dude, you made come out of lurker mode... TIP: get to know the people who post here. Although not as close a knit as is was before the SB run, still, the "old timers" don't need to put tags or smileys on their posts to know when they are making a joke or being sarcastic.

Danno 12-30-2011 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 361722)
Dude, you made come out of lurker mode... TIP: get to know the people who post here. Although not as close a knit as is was before the SB run, still, the "old timers" don't need to put tags or smileys on their posts to know when they are making a joke or being sarcastic.

Long time no see T-R.

Post more, or I'll have Foreverfan sick attack cat on you. :) <-- Smiley indicating jovial banter.

Tobias-Reiper 12-30-2011 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 361726)
Long time no see T-R.

Post more, or I'll have Foreverfan sick attack cat on you. :) <-- Smiley indicating jovial banter.

Exactly :) <---- commesurating smiley

<no, I am serious>Is there an option for gas chamber, or maybe a quick injection? Death by cat pic flood sounds really painful.</no, I am serious>

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 361722)
Dude, you made come out of lurker mode... TIP: get to know the people who post here. Although not as close a knit as is was before the SB run, still, the "old timers" don't need to put tags or smileys on their posts to know when they are making a joke or being sarcastic.

First, not a dude. Second, still not funny, I don't care how many added happy faces.

Look, I can say "Hey man, looks like you forgot your Viagra" just as easy as you guys can say "Hey babe, looks like you forgot your Midol".

But, do we really need to go there? Jus sayin'.

QBREES9 12-30-2011 08:15 PM

Social Media. This is what you open yourself up to.

WHO_DAT_CAT 12-30-2011 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by QBREES9 (Post 361753)
Social Media. This is what you open yourself up to.

There are many things that I love about the South. Etiquette was always one of them.

But, don't get me wrong, I love a beat down just as much as the rest of you.

But, let us, not-so-gentle people, focus our aggression on the proper targets: First, the Panthers, then the FailClowns.

Lots of added happy faces!!

I'm done here.

xan 12-30-2011 08:50 PM

This thread is exactly why I advise my students to kill their Twitter accounts.

I don't care how "innocent" a comment might be, it will always have the opportunity to be taken out of context or manipulated to be something other than it was intended.

My suggestion to anyone considering posting a Tweet is to think about how it might play in a Grand Jury investigation.

saintfan 12-30-2011 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by xan (Post 361759)
This thread is exactly why I advise my students to kill their Twitter accounts.

I don't care how "innocent" a comment might be, it will always have the opportunity to be taken out of context or manipulated to be something other than it was intended.

My suggestion to anyone considering posting a Tweet is to think about how it might play in a Grand Jury investigation.

Wise indeed sir. Personally, I have a facebook account and enjoy posting videos and one-liners whilst viewing myself as clever...

My only friends there are people I've known for nearly all of my 42 years...

People are just too damned eager to get offended. It's a big bad old world and, well...lets just say your advice is solid, but it probably falls on deaf ears.

Michigan_SF 12-30-2011 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 361762)
it probably falls on deaf ears.

What do you have against deaf people?

neugey 12-30-2011 10:07 PM

Ugh social media drama ... is it time for the Panthers to kick off yet?

The Dude 12-30-2011 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361488)

This kind of talk was used against blacks not so long ago. If people hadn't stood up to the haters back then, Vilma would not be playing football right now. Vilma needs to remember that when he speaks derogatorily towards people who are "different".

@Crusader -- Cook your own damn dinner, pinhead.

well said. its 2012, people should except people for who they are. Has a homosexual ever done anything to any of you guys to warrant that much hate?

Belair57 12-30-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by WHO_DAT_CAT (Post 361491)
He said "Grown men should not have female tendencies. Period."
She said "That's a little sexist\homophobic..."
He told her to shut up.
She asked him if he is kidding.
He said "You don't have to read my tweets".

To me, that is utterly straight-forward. Absolutely there is news here. Vilma has a problem with homosexuals or at minimum cross-dressers and was called out on it -- by a woman -- who he promptly told to shut up. She is also a fan so, another bit of news about how Vilma values his fans. And, I don't know if anyone has noticed but, New Orleans has a substantial gay population who are just as devoted Saints fans as anyone else.

But, of course, there are plenty of guys whose masculinity is threatened by feminine type homosexuals. But, frankly, that s**t is just weak.

Either you are heterosexual man or you aren't. Insisting another human being is wrong for being themselves DOES NOT MAKE YOU MORE OF A MAN. Vilma should know that.

I love the Saints and I like Vilma as the leader of the defense. But, I don't have to love or agree with his prejudices.

"Grown men" are respectful and tolerant of differences.

dont care who hates me for saying it, but I agree with Vilma...I hope he hates cross dressing queers !!! and if you are on , I dont apoligize

Cory9289 12-31-2011 12:29 AM

Hate is an ignorant word that will get you nowhere in life.

Halo 12-31-2011 12:40 AM

This thread TOTALLY sucks.

UK_WhoDat 12-31-2011 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 361726)
........:) <-- Smiley indicating jovial banter.

That is funny. Lol

saintfan 12-31-2011 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Michigan_SF (Post 361765)
What do you have against deaf people?

Not a single thing. Some of my best friends are deaf people. :brood:

C17-BING 12-31-2011 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 361867)
Not a single thing. Some of my best friends are deaf people. :brood:

Bro ... I think there was some sarcasm in his response ... You know the part about how people take things out of context. Happy New Year!

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