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It's time for the pundits to quit calling Ryan an elite QB
I hope these so-called experts shut up now. 0-3 in the playoffs.
He ABSOLUTELY does NOT deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Brees, Brady and P.Manning. |
Oh, and ZERO offensive points today.
Who called him "elite"? Whoever they are aren't watching him play. And, they get the proper pundit label: Dumb ass.
Yeah that ship has sailed but the team collapse belongs on Smith's shoulders that was a disgraceful performance for a team representing the NFC South.
We should vote and place ALTANTA in the NFC WEST with the rest of the UNDERACHIEVERS!!!!!!!!
These Are The Same Idiots That Called Atlanta The "Greatest Show On Turf" Coming Into This Season....HAHA
Matty iSUCK isn't a leader ... Leaders WIN and make others better --- I've never seen him do that. Thank goodness we have Brees!!!
Cowboys, Jets, Falcons. The three most over-rated teams in the NFL. For as average as Ryan is, Smith is just an idiot.
Meg Ryan is not an NFL quarterback. You fellas are just being plain mean. Just because she wears a Falcons' jersey and lines up in the shotgun does not mean she has talent or skill. And the fact that she throws like a girl should in no way be held against her. I'm sure you'd apologize if she were sitting on the couch next to you instead of the bug smear her body is imitating on the carpet of MetLife stadium.
The same idiots who keep calling him "MATTY ICE".
How about you earn a nick name. |
That is media talk. They really make matters worst in the end for these guys and the teams. I am glad, have said it before, so glad, the Saints and Brees do not get that kind of media coverage and don't get too much coverage at all. It is a curse. The Saints get a bit of coverage after a game and then that is it. On Brees and the record that Marino left, some coverage was on that night and then the next day, practically nothing. Go :bng: and keep quietly going to the winner's circle. |
We won't have to listen to John Gruden say "Mattttty Iiiiiiice" over and over. I think he coined the whole "Matty Ice" thing didn't he?
Melty Ice, I guess he couldn't handle the pressure. He melted !!!!! I'm meltingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Great to see that dumbass have to eat his words. How about... Most drops of any reciever in the league!! :bng: |
I expect that you are going to see the media and pundits and power ranking types, putting down the crack pipe and backing away from the Falcons and the "Matt Ryan is elite" type talk after today. ESPECIALLY now that Tebow is a story.
See the thing is, the hype associated with Atlanta and Ryan was always a product of the "Rise Up" advertising campaign and not about what happened on the field. And that advertising campaign is OVER now, the money has been spent and the media no longer has the obligation to be nice to them. "Rise Up" was a big PR campaign by Arthur Blank, to try and counter the Falcons always being second fiddle to Sean Payton and the Saints, and to sell the myth that the team were winners or an up-and-coming franchise. The "Rise Up" slogan literally meant to "rise up" from perennial #2 second place in the division to #1, and implied that the Falcaons were going to replace the Super Bowl-winning Saints as the dominant team of the NFC South and as a major star attraction in the eyes of the media. Ad dollars were spent, PR was being spun, and so the media gave the Falcons the benefit of the doubt and hyped up Matt Ryan as "elite," according to what the Falcons told them to say. Like talking points. Now, after what's happened to them in the playoffs 3 times in a row, reality is sinking in and media pundits are starting to realize they have been played. Even borderline that they've been made fools of. So I think you will see analysts and pundits starting to keep their distance from from Atlanta and Ryan from here on out, backpedalling or walking back on things they said earlier about him and the team. Or just flat out ignoring them. In fact, I'm even hopeful that this is going to be a definitive moment, like the Vikings in the NFC Championship game, that it will break their spirit, and that the Falcons will just be another team receding in our rear view mirror, from this point on. |
You can do it!! I have faith in you Xan. |
I posted this under the NFL tab the other day.
All of which brings us to the elephant in the room in Atlanta's 2011 post-mortem of pigskin: Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan simply can't get it done. Read more: Costly Julio Jones trade came back to bite Atlanta Falcons in playoffs - Kerry J. Byrne - SI.com |
Matty douche is an icebag.
Wipe your (_!_) already. |
I know we have no love for the Failclowns, but really? We're in the playoffs and they aren't relevant until next September, and we're hung up about Ryan? SMDH
I'm not sure what they're going to do now that they can't ride Ryan's or Freeman's jocks. I guess it's on to Cam..
The following belong on the same list of "Not actually elite".
Matt Ryan Sanchez E. Manning Romo Roethlisberger The talking heads just cant make it so for them... |
Anagrams for: Matt Ryan
Manta Try My Tartan Am Tyrant Ma Tyrant Man Tarty Man Ratty Myna Tart Many Tart Natty Arm (roflmao!) Mar Natty Ram Natty Matt Yarn Matt Nary Am Ant Try Try At Man My Tat Ran Rant At My My Ant Tar My Ant Rat My Rat Tan |
Anagrams for: Mark Sanchez
Hack Rams Zen Hack Mars Zen Hack Arms Zen Hacks Mar Zen Hacks Ram Zen Hacks Arm Zen Shack Mar Zen Shack Ram Zen Shack Arm Zen Mach Arks Zen March Ask Zen March Ska Zen Charm Ask Zen Charm Ska Zen Chasm Ark Zen Machs Ark Zen Arch Mask Zen Char Mask Zen Cash Mark Zen Smack Rah Zen Rack Sham Zen Rack Mash Zen Rack Hams Zen Racks Ham Zen Cask Harm Zen Sack Harm Zen Mac Shark Zen Mac Harks Zen Cam Shark Zen Cam Harks Zen Macs Hark Zen Scam Hark Zen Cams Hark Zen Czars Hank Me Czars Hank Em Czars Ankh Me Czars Ankh Em Czars Khan Me Czars Khan Em Czars Ham Ken Czar Hank Ems Czar Ankh Ems Czar Khan Ems Czar Khans Me Czar Khans Em Czar Hanks Me Czar Hanks Em Czar Shank Me Czar Shank Em Czar Ankhs Me Czar Ankhs Em Czar Ham Kens Czar Sham Ken Czar Mash Ken Czar Hams Ken Czar Mask Hen Czar Sank Hem |
Anagrams for: Eli Manning
Meaning Nil Lineman Gin Melanin Gin Male Inning Meal Inning Lame Inning Lean Mining Lane Mining Elan Mining Mane Lining Name Lining Amen Lining Mean Lining Nae Limning Nailing Men Alining Men Malign Nine Laming Nine Gamin Linen Naming Lien Naming Line Manning Lie Manning Lei A Mingle Inn A Elm Inning A Men Lining A En Limning Age Limn Inn Gleam In Inn Legman I Inn Mangle I Inn Angle Mi Inn Glean Mi Inn Angel Mi Inn Mega Nil Inn Game Nil Inn Mange Nil In Male Gin Inn Meal Gin Inn Lame Gin Inn Mane Ling In Mane Gin Nil Name Ling In Name Gin Nil Amen Ling In Amen Gin Nil Mean Ling In Mean Gin Nil Nae Gin Limn Malign En In Laming En In Align Me Inn Align Em Inn Align Men In Gamin El Inn Gamin En Nil Naming El In Manning El I Gain Elm Inn Gain Men Nil Gain En Limn Lag Mien Inn Lag Mine Inn Gal Mien Inn Gal Mine Inn Mag Lien Inn Mag Line Inn Mag Linen In Mag Nine Nil Nag Lime Inn Nag Mile Inn Nag Linen Mi Nag Mien Nil Nag Mine Nil Nag Nine Mil Nail Gem Inn Nail Men Gin Lain Gem Inn Lain Men Gin Aim Glen Inn Main Gel Inn Main Leg Inn Main Glen In Main En Ling Ani Men Ling La Me Inning La Em Inning La En Mining Lam Nine Gin Am Linen Gin Am Nine Ling Am El Inning Am En Lining Ma Linen Gin Ma Nine Ling Ma El Inning Ma En Lining Man Lien Gin Man Line Gin An Mingle In An Glen Mini An Mien Ling An Mine Ling An El Mining An Me Lining An Em Lining An En Liming A Glen Mi Inn A Gem Nil Inn A Elm Gin Inn A Me Ling Inn A Em Ling Inn A Men Ling In A Men Gin Nil A En Gin Limn Lag Me In Inn Lag Em In Inn Lag Men I Inn Lag En Mi Inn Gal Me In Inn Gal Em In Inn Gal Men I Inn Gal En Mi Inn Mag El In Inn Mag En Nil In Nag El Mi Inn Nag Elm I Inn Nag Me Nil In |
Anagrams for: Tony Romo
Mono Troy Moon Tyro Moon Troy Moron Toy (perfect) Room Tony Moor Tony Motor Yon Roomy Not Roomy Ton Norm To Yo Morn To Yo Om No Troy Om Torn Yo Om Tony Or Om Yon Tor Moo No Try Moo On Try Mot Nor Yo Mot Yon Or Tom Nor Yo Tom Yon Or Mr Onto Yo Mr Yon Too My No Root My Root On My Nor Too Mr No To Yo |
Anagrams for: Drew Brees
Brewed Res Bred Resew Bred Ewers Brewers Ed Brewer Eds Beers Drew Brews Deer Brews Reed Brew Reeds Brew Deers Be Drew Res Brr We Seed Brr Dew See Brr Wed See meh. i was expecting more. ;^p |
I would put Eli right after the Elite 3 right now. Which is hard for me because I don't really care for him.
I've NEVER heard Matt Ryan called elite. Are you guys hearing that from Falcons fans or something?
What I don't understand is who in their right mind has been calling Ryan elite? So what if he was 1000-1 at home or whatever his record is, thats all they can bring up about him. If he could start throwing the ball more than 5 yards down field then maybe they could start talking about him, till then just shut up
I agree, and it's about time he gets stripped of that "Matty Ice" label (which sounds more like a beer than a good QB, anyways).
I personally never though he was that great to begin with, even coming out of college. I thought he was another good QB that would never be anything special i nthe league and always leave his team wanting more. While the Falcons sucked the year before drafting Ryan, only a fool would think that he wasn't drafted into an excellent situation. That same off-season, the Falcons traded for Michael Turner, Roddy White was already a 1k WR, and they traded up to draft Sam Baker at LT. Once a QB loses 4 straight playoff games, doubt begins to creep in their minds. The true great QB's don't have to wait 5-6 years just to get 1 freaking W in the playoffs. Great QB's, Montana, Young, Brady, Brees, Warner... these guys didn't need half a decade to win a game. Ryan's weak arm and unathleticism was exposed against the Giants. |
:) The "ice" had anudder meltdown....no surprise here!
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