01-12-2012, 02:07 AM
100th Post
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 382
Originally Posted by WineDine&49
The problem with blitzing is that it is a feast or famine style of ball... unless you have EXCELLENT DB's that are adept at press coverage.
With Tracy Porter and Jabari Greer, 2 finesse cover CB's.... I hope Gregg Williams DOES bring the blitz.
When the 49ers' hunkered down against the blitz this year, they have been excellent. After much scrutiny (deserved), the OL came out and shut Blitzburgh's pass rush down.
Of our 44 sacks, 20 came in 3 games - DAL, BAL and the 2nd AZ game. Players barely knew the playbook in Week 2 against Dallas, we had a short week and road trip on the Ravens' game... and AZ was just a game we looked over.
Oh, and Alex Smith has a QB rating of about ~98, good for #3 in the league against the blitz among QB's.
PLEASE blitz and leave Vernon Davis and Crabtree 1-on-1.
LOL....I wish we were still NFC WEST....ahhhh, those were the days. Geaux Saints!!!!