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whowatches 03-24-2004 08:34 PM

Take the Cap Hit Now
BMG, let me just say that I for one love your fanatical ravings, and I will defend your right to type out your Manningsirian desires to your heart\'s content on this board.

I will admit, though, that I gained quite a bit of respect for Brooks at the end of last season. Did you see that block in during the \'River City Miracle\'?

All that being said, guess who is on the cover of EA Sports NCAA Football 2005? Yep. I bet you already have an advance poster.

Keep preachin\', brother!

saintz08 03-24-2004 11:12 PM

Take the Cap Hit Now

All that being said, guess who is on the cover of EA Sports NCAA Football 2005?
Think we will get lucky enough for Brooks to make the cover of Madden 2005 ???

Boogro 03-24-2004 11:42 PM

Take the Cap Hit Now
whoopty do, Danny Wuerful was on the cover of NCAA Football also. your point?

whowatches 03-24-2004 11:47 PM

Take the Cap Hit Now
I\'m jus\' tryin\' to help a brother out wit\' some man love, dang....

Why ya\'ll so sensitive?

Brooks will be the qb next year. Why can\'t ya\'ll \'low BMG a couple o\' months of happiness?

Cadillac 03-25-2004 12:31 AM

Take the Cap Hit Now

Actually, Brooks can\'t win more than 9 games a season.
There you go again with the flawed logic. Just because we haven\'t won more than 9 games with Brooks at QB does not mean we can\'t! We haven\'t yet.


The playoff win is courtesy of Az-Hakim and Brian Milne.
Yes BMG. You\'re right. It was Brian Milne who threw 4 TDs that game.


And while everyone loves to talk about how Brooks beat St. Louis, nobody remembers the 2 int\'s he threw against a suspect Vikings secondary
He forced a couple throws in the last half when the Saints were desperately trying to get back into the game. It happens. In fact, the last time I saw a Manning play, he was walking off the field dejected after a 4 INT game.


Every superbowl winner has superstar players, it\'s just about where you put them.
Duece, Horn... We have superstars, on one side of the ball anyways.


Since we have already invested most of our talent and money on the offense, why not get a franchise QB to complete the package?
Eli isn\'t gonna complete the package. A couple more solid defenders might.

saintz08 03-25-2004 12:33 AM

Take the Cap Hit Now

Brooks will be the qb next year. Why can\'t ya\'ll \'low BMG a couple o\' months of happiness?
Thought I was ..... ;)

saintz08 03-25-2004 12:40 AM

Take the Cap Hit Now

Eli isn\'t gonna complete the package. A couple more solid defenders might.
Eli would potentially open up the offensive package . Brooks does limit the passing game in the Power West Coast offense . Brooks could not hit an L-11 route with a 100 balls .

BlackandBlue 03-25-2004 08:52 AM

Take the Cap Hit Now

WOW, I never realized that. That is a wonderful accomplishment. Thanks for showing me the light. You cracked the top 25 a few times. Good for you. Now you are on your way to leading the Saints to the Superbowl. I can\'t wait.

whoopty do, Danny Wuerful was on the cover of NCAA Football also. your point?
And here I was just thinking how we seemed to be low on the ***hole factor around here- thanks for playing.

[Edited on 25/3/2004 by BlackandBlue]

steub12 03-25-2004 09:35 AM

Take the Cap Hit Now
You are a strange misanthropic little man.

If you are such a cretin that this escapes your comprehension, please avoid reading my posts. Switch to decaff, get a dog, or a girlfriend, but get off my butt about my opinion. It is mine after all and I\'d rather not have to see your goofy personal attacks just because it happens to differ from yours. I am encouraged however that I do think differently from such a doltish lout.

I have never attacked your position on Brooks or you personally and would like the same courtesy.

No personal attacks!!??

Got your point Steub 12 , forum posting is like Nascar racing at times , a little rubbing every now and then is righteous . An entire post to a thread like the therapy one is overkill .
Example : Saintsfan is a closet 49ers fan , who likes to dance the dance of the sugar plums . Not acceptable ... Saintsfan , didn\'t I see you on T.V. at a 49ers game ?? Rubbed and point made .... ;)

[Edited on 25/3/2004 by saintz08]

steub12 03-25-2004 02:05 PM

Take the Cap Hit Now
saintz08 - Believe me, I know! I love it, that\'s why I keep posting - it\'s all in good fun!


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