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NFL better move the Superbowl

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; The commish isn't going to be welcome to attend it in New Orleans....

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Old 03-22-2012, 03:35 PM   #1
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NFL better move the Superbowl

The commish isn't going to be welcome to attend it in New Orleans.
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Old 03-22-2012, 03:37 PM   #2
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Old 03-22-2012, 03:37 PM   #3
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Oh I hope they don't. Please Lord let them keep it in New Orleans. I want so badly to see the most unpleasant reception Goodell will receive in our beloved city.
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Old 03-22-2012, 03:39 PM   #4
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It is gonna be one heck of a weird weekend, isn't it?
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Old 03-22-2012, 04:00 PM   #5
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Stay classy my friends...........keep it on the down low!
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Old 03-22-2012, 04:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
The commish isn't going to be welcome to attend it in New Orleans.
I'm really worried about this. New Orleans doesn't need the bad pub an incident would bring. They really may want to reconsider....

I know it hurts the city but damn why'd this have to happen this year...
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:10 PM   #7
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It'll only benefit the city with all of the monetary income that type of a sports event creates - I see no reason to postpone or move it to another city.
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:14 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by foreverfan View Post
Absofreakin love this LOL. We need to send out the Nation to the airport and egg Goodells limo when he leaves the airport and when he leaves the game too. I'm sure we have agents EVERYWHERE that can get us the info we need, like hotel, flight, arrival time etc, etc.
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:48 PM   #9
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I seriously wonder about this in terms of the larger tourism picture, though...I just think this city is so built up on hospitality, and charm, and this premise of letting people from other places come down here and be stupid, let them dance and party and pee in the streets and whatnot....the economy here is largely based on taking people's money when they come from other places, and smiling pleasantly at them while they have a good time and counting the money after they's sort of a charade, this idea of it being a really fun-loving place with easygoing people....most people I know in the city don't actually like tourists, they just put up with it with a fake smile, or tolerate them when they ask for directions or come around. Every tourist place is like that.

Well what will the mood be like, I wonder, out on Bourbon and in the Quarter, or in the hotels and bars, when all these NFL people come down here to have their glitzy party, and NOBODY here in the city is in the mood to party?

I mean, already pretty much every bit of good will or hospitality that the average people had in this city, towards the NFL organization, or the Super Bowl, it's pretty much evaporated at this point. If the Saints suck next year, the mood will be even WORSE when this game weekend comes around next year. Even the fans of the other teams who do eventually get to the Super Bowl, Saints fans are not gonna want to see them or hear them, or have anything to do with them. It could get ugly.

I mean, seriously -- what's gonna happen, if on Super Bowl weekend some fan of a team from out of town is in a bar, and he starts wisecracking jokes about bounties, in a loud voice, calling the Saints cheaters, tainted, stuff like that, and being a real jerk about it? What's gonna happen if the bartender or bouncer has worked like quadruple long shifts all weekend, like LONG hours, and all these out-of-town idiots have been giving him smack about the Saints all weekend? And what if him or somebody else in the bar has just finally had ENOUGH of hearing about it? It could get reeeeally ugly out there, I think.
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:10 PM   #10
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It's gonna be ugly. I get the whole influx of money and the economical aspect but I don't see how they can have the Superbowl in New Orleans after all of this just for the reason of safety. They're going to bring a bunch of morons into New Orleans and of course they'll get liquored up... It can't possibly end well. For the sake of the reputation of the fine people of the Gulf Coast in general, think about moving the Superbowl.
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