04-09-2012, 05:22 PM
Senior Citizen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Gulfport, MS
Posts: 3,180
From talking heads on television, to newspaper and magazine reporters, to fans of other teams, and even people on here, the title of this thread is meant for you. I have been a fan of the Saints, since before most of these people mentioned, were even born. What exactly, do you expect Saints fans to do, exactly? Hang our coach in town square? Turn on the organization, and be completely "outraged", and "sickened", to the extent that deem acceptable? What will make you back off, and move on with your life? Let me tell you this, my fanhood for this team went through decades of dissappointment, and embarrassing moments, so why in the world do YOU think this will change that now? I am a Saints fan, and i will be, till the day i die. I defend my team, because its MY team. Right or wrong, for better or worse, you wont see me saying the same things you do, about MY team, so give up trying to get me too, and GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE. Its over, so get over it. Call us names, run us down, do what you gotta do, because ive been through it all before...... WE'VE been through it all before. You had no problems with us, when we were the loveable losers, bag wearers, and the full time stars of NFL Follies. Now we are a legit threat every year, and have a ring, and here comes the vultures. I would rather be known as a bounty hunter, than a bag head any day of the week. I think, if you spent as much time cheering your own team, as you do bashing ours, you might live a more fulfilling life. But that wouldnt be as much fun as coming in here, mouthing off, and showing your ass now would it? The game has changed i guess...... Now its fans are more loud mouthed, five year olds, more interested in drama, than the game itself.... Now thats progress.....
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....