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Sean Payton's Place

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Dear Sean, We that frequent B&G like to see the glass half full, well a small percentage of us do. We have recently learned that you have a lot of free time on your hands this season and we think ...

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Old 04-17-2012, 03:39 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Cypress Tx.
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Sean Payton's Place

Dear Sean,

We that frequent B&G like to see the glass half full, well a small percentage of us do. We have recently learned that you have a lot of free time on your hands this season and we think that there would be no better place to spend it than here at Black& I understand you are not to have any contact with the NFL at this point for the rest of the season, so the Moderators will have to decide if this thread belongs in the Hornet's forums or something that does not violate your "vacation".

I am fully aware that there is a less than 95% chance you will come here and grace us with your insight, or rather get your blow by blow NFL insider news from us. However, if I learned later in life that you did "pass through" and decided not to stop and stay because you didn't have your own place to hang out.... Well lets just say there is that and there is cheering for the Falcons and neither are going to happen in this life time for me.

I am sure by the time you get your award for your 1000th post you will fully understand the absolute brilliance that flows from the Black&Gold cup. I would say that Vitt and Loomis are also more than welcome to come by but Goodell has forebode contact amongst y'all. Quite frankly since we can only have one I believe we would all prefer it to be you.

I would be willing to put money.... oops sorry. I just know that if you even posted a belch it would get the award for the most "likes" of a single thread in a forum.

Anyway, welcome to your humble abode, take your shoes off and stay a while.

I have a conundrum that you may be able to shed insight on. You are to, as I understand it, report any contact that you have with anyone affiliated with the NFL to the league correct? Does that not create a vicious circle? After all, reporting your violation to the league is in fact having contact with the league, thus creating a violation paradox that goes on for infinity.

We promise not to stalk you,
Your Loyalest Fans
All of Us

Disclaimer: This thread does not in anyway officially represent the opinions of I am not affiliated in any way with I am just a fan who is tired of all the gloom and doom that fills the rest of the internet and airwaves regarding the Saints 2012 season.
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It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see. ~ Henry David Thoreau
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Old 04-19-2012, 05:48 PM   #2
Bounty Money $$$
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Location: 5800 Airline Dr. Metairie, LA.
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Originally Posted by x626xBlack View Post
Dear Sean,

We that frequent B&G like to see the glass half full, well a small percentage of us do. We have recently learned that you have a lot of free time on your hands this season and we think that there would be no better place to spend it than here at Black& I understand you are not to have any contact with the NFL at this point for the rest of the season, so the Moderators will have to decide if this thread belongs in the Hornet's forums or something that does not violate your "vacation".

I am fully aware that there is a less than 95% chance you will come here and grace us with your insight, or rather get your blow by blow NFL insider news from us. However, if I learned later in life that you did "pass through" and decided not to stop and stay because you didn't have your own place to hang out.... Well lets just say there is that and there is cheering for the Falcons and neither are going to happen in this life time for me.

I am sure by the time you get your award for your 1000th post you will fully understand the absolute brilliance that flows from the Black&Gold cup. I would say that Vitt and Loomis are also more than welcome to come by but Goodell has forebode contact amongst y'all. Quite frankly since we can only have one I believe we would all prefer it to be you.

I would be willing to put money.... oops sorry. I just know that if you even posted a belch it would get the award for the most "likes" of a single thread in a forum.

Anyway, welcome to your humble abode, take your shoes off and stay a while.

I have a conundrum that you may be able to shed insight on. You are to, as I understand it, report any contact that you have with anyone affiliated with the NFL to the league correct? Does that not create a vicious circle? After all, reporting your violation to the league is in fact having contact with the league, thus creating a violation paradox that goes on for infinity.

We promise not to stalk you,
Your Loyalest Fans
All of Us

Disclaimer: This thread does not in anyway officially represent the opinions of I am not affiliated in any way with I am just a fan who is tired of all the gloom and doom that fills the rest of the internet and airwaves regarding the Saints 2012 season.
Welcome Sean. If you need anything just let us know.
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