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saintfan 05-02-2012 04:43 PM

The Union Weighs in On Player Punishments
NFLPA issues a statement on the New Orleans Saints punishments - New Orleans Saints Football NFL News -


"After seeing the NFL's decision letters, the NFLPA has still not received any detailed or specific evidence from the league of these specific players' involvement in an alleged pay-to-injure program. We have made it clear that punishment without evidence is not fair. We have spoken with our players and their epresentatives and we will vigorously protect and pursue all options on their behalf."

dizzle88 05-02-2012 04:54 PM

So the NFLPA is going against Darth Goodell

Does this mean some suspensions could be retracted?

Beastmode 05-02-2012 04:59 PM

I'm waiting to hear a statement form Scott Fujita. There is no way he's going to be able to stay quiet. Give it a couple of days....

saintfan 05-02-2012 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 402836)
I'm waiting to hear a statement form Scott Fujita. There is no way he's going to be able to stay quiet. Give it a couple of days....

I don't know if we'll hear from Fujita, but I bet his wife will chime in. :broccoli:

pherein 05-02-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 402833)
So the NFLPA is going against Darth Goodell

Does this mean some suspensions could be retracted?

Yes, its a work place like any other. If the NFL does not prove why they a suspending a employee they will lose millions in the suit for defamation of character, lost wages, etc, and be forced to reinstate that employee.

Rugby Saint II 05-02-2012 05:41 PM

Vindictive mean and arrogant. What a combination.

AsylumGuido 05-02-2012 07:09 PM

Goodell essentially signed his resignation papers when he took this on in the way he did. His arrogance has gotten the best of him.

I hope he ages twenty years in the next couple of years over what he started covers. And I hope his hot wife leaves him for a Saintsation's cheerleader!

saintfan 05-02-2012 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 402894)
Goodell essentially signed his resignation papers when he took this on in the way he did. His arrogance has gotten the best of him.

I hope he ages twenty years in the next couple of years over what he started covers. And I hope his hot wife leaves him for a Saintsation's cheerleader!


|Mitch| 05-02-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 402894)
his hot wife

Ashley 05-02-2012 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 402930)

I don't know???? Kinda of, could of, be a man at some point?

Ashley 05-02-2012 09:06 PM

4 Attachment(s)
And don't say it can't be! If this was a man then before?

Halo 05-02-2012 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 402844)
I don't know if we'll hear from Fujita, but I bet his wife will chime in. :broccoli:

I just got out the shower with her, she's pretty ticked off... gotta run guys, it's time for the towel!

NOLA54 05-02-2012 10:19 PM

Remember when they were rporting therewere 22 players out of 27 who participated? Well, how come only 4 players have been suspended? Because they can't prove it!

SaintGup 05-03-2012 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 402933)
I don't know???? Kinda of, could of, be a man at some point?

Maybe Goodell used to be a man too. What do you think?

pherein 05-03-2012 04:00 AM

hmmm its already starting to turn toward godell, lol, that was quick.

Trust Goodell without proof?
New Orleans Saints Bountygate players Jonathan Vilma, Scott Fujita, Anthony Hargrove, Will Smith suspended - NFL News | FOX Sports on MSN

NOS2SB 05-03-2012 04:01 AM


pherein 05-03-2012 04:10 AM

LOL, Time to go to court Godell. See your suspension in place after Vilma retires .

Courts could delay player suspensions in Saints' bounty scandal for months, if not years
Courts could delay player suspensions in Saints' bounty scandal for months, if not years - Yahoo! Sports


Vilma has retained the services of New York-based attorney Peter Ginsberg, the same attorney who successfully defended Vikings defensive linemen Kevin and Pat Williams in the "Starcaps" case.
Ginsberg declined to say what exact course of action he would take in Vilma's defense. However, another source said Ginsberg was advising the players to "go rogue" and sue the league over this matter. At least one other player has spoken with Ginsberg about representation, but so far only Vilma has retained him.

Slow enough that one attorney with knowledge of the case said he believes the suspensions of current and former Saints players Jonathan Vilma, Will Smith, Scott Fujita and Anthony Hargrove aren't months away from being decided.
Try years.

pherein 05-03-2012 04:18 AM

Im actually going to enjoy this part :)

Ex-Saint: Players will fight suspensions to Supreme Court

Ex-Saint: Players will fight suspensions to Supreme Court


"De Smith is not gonna put up with his players getting penalized without a paper trail," said Evans. "It's an uphill battle to suspend a player for eight games (or more) without hard evidence.

"They will probably fight this thing all the way to the Supreme Court."

FinSaint 05-03-2012 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 403003)
hmmm its already starting to turn toward godell, lol, that was quick.

Trust Goodell without proof?
New Orleans Saints Bountygate players Jonathan Vilma, Scott Fujita, Anthony Hargrove, Will Smith suspended - NFL News | FOX Sports on MSN

Thanks pherein for the good read!

papz 05-03-2012 06:41 AM

"The evidence conclusively demonstrated that from 2009-11, Saints players of their own accord pledged significant amounts of their own money toward bounties, that players accepted payments for "cart-offs" and "knockouts" of injured opposing players, and that the payout amounts doubled and tripled for playoff games," Goodell said in a statement.

The NFL Players Association released a statement on the suspensions that asks for the evidence used to determine the punishments.

"After seeing the NFL's decision letters, the NFLPA has still not received any detailed or specific evidence from the league of these specific players' involvement in an alleged pay-to-injure program," NFL Players Association Executive Director DeMaurice Smith said. "We have made it clear that punishment without evidence is not fair. We have spoken with our players and their representatives and we will vigorously protect and pursue all options on their behalf."

NFL Roundup: Vilma suspended for 2012, vows to fight; Seau found dead - Yahoo! Sports

SaintGup 05-03-2012 07:38 AM

Let's be honest, the appeals will mean jack because the players, stupidly, said that Goodell could have the final say in these decisions. I'm just as cheesed off with Goodell as everyone else but there is nothing that will change his mind and the unfairness of it all infuriates me but as there has been little evidence of actual wrongdoing and we still got heavily penalised something tells me it will not matter what is found or isn't found, the NFL will find a way to still make it stick. However, as I don't know your legal system I may be spouting a lot of hooey and someone can be brought in to deal with it but from what it seems, it has already been decided. 50,000 pages of evidence? Probably some stuff scrawled on the back of a cigarette packet...22 of 27 players getting hit? Not really. Just 4 and two of those are elsewhere now. Player safety? No, just covering my butt for the impending lawsuits the NFL will be hit with. Appeal? Did you not hear me the first time? Why are you asking me to review something which I have decided? Go away. Independent arbiters? Sorry, you gave me complete power and I am wielding it with much pleasure. Am I wrong? Probably but who's going to do anything about it? You?

neugey 05-03-2012 09:00 AM

As long as Goodell withholds whatever evidence he does or doesn't have, the players have a solid case. Go get 'em NFLPA.

pherein 05-03-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by SaintGup (Post 403030)
However, as I don't know your legal system I may be spouting a lot of hooey and someone can be brought in to deal with it but from what it seems, it has already been decided. 50,000 pages of evidence? Probably some stuff scrawled on the back of a cigarette packet...22 of 27 players getting hit? Not really. Just 4 and two of those are elsewhere now. Player safety? No, just covering my butt for the impending lawsuits the NFL will be hit with. Appeal? Did you not here me the first time? Why are you asking me to review something which I have decided? Go away. Independent arbiters? Sorry, you gave me complete power and I am wielding it with much pleasure. Am I wrong? Probably but who's going to do anything about it? You?

In our legal system godell can not impose suspension, until the civil case, which is for a monetary sum, and the legal case, under the Fair work place Act of 1960's, has completed and their is a verdict.
The appeal to the NFL is useless, and they will only do this to stall for time and build a legal case.
Don't even take notice of the appeals to Godell, thats just a shell game the players know they can not win.

In america if a person is loses a legal trial. Like the one against OJ Simson. The family can still sue OJ after in civil court for money. So, you get 2 shots really.

The Players will sue Godell and the NFL for lost wages, after they bring Godell to court for violation of contract laws. The contract laws and fair work place trial could take years. The NFL is not allowed to suspend anyone until its done, and that could and probably will go to the the supreme court.

and I say that because the Supreme Court tried to stop the agreement the NFL had with the players before, because it is unprecedented in the work place. So, they are already not happy with the agreement, and consider it a constitutional issue.

saintfan 05-03-2012 10:05 AM

Any chance the leagues anti-trust exemption or whatever is as risk here? Having all the authority in a single chair doesn't seem smart. Hell, Roger has more power over his domain than the President of the United States. That's bad karma. :-)

pherein 05-03-2012 10:17 AM

Well the supreme court was not happy about the leagues anti-trust exemption. They stated that. But, the agreement is not iron clad either.
Like Ive said, if the players can show malice, breach of contract, or improper conduct by Goddell, they are allowed to go to court, according to the agreement. I read it last night.

TheOak 05-03-2012 10:22 AM

The Players and NFLPA can not take this past RG1 with out breaking the terms of the CBA.

pherein 05-03-2012 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by x626xBlack (Post 403091)
The Players and NFLPA can not take this past RG1 with out breaking the terms of the CBA.

Thats not correct, sorry x626xBlack, not trying to be a dink.
There are better explanations that explain it isn't as hard as the NFL might think, but I just have this link saved from last night.

Could Saints appeal bans to Supreme Court? - News from USA TODAY

However the players, who were given three days to appeal, may have significant hurdles to overcome. The collective bargaining agreement signed after last summer’s lockout essentially makes Goodell judge and jury for matters pertaining to the integrity of the game. Since this case technically falls under the umbrella of off-field conduct, the players can’t appeal to anyone but the commissioner per the CBA’s bylaws and may have difficulty getting the case in front of an outside judge.

“The players gave him extremely broad authority,” says Gabe Feldman, director of Tulane’s Sports Law program. “They’d have to show he exhibited bias or had no basis for the punishments, and that he acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner.

“There’s always the possibility the commissioner exceeded his powers, but that’s a difficult claim for the players to make. … They are going to have to overcome the fact that they bargained for a limited appeal right and that somewhere the commissioner violated the terms of the contract.”
Until, that trial is done, godell can't suspend anyone. and the supreme court are not NFL supporters..

Supreme Court denies NFL's request for broad antitrust protection

darstep 05-03-2012 10:38 AM

Let's say the CBA becomes the central issue.
If, constitutionally it violates a players rights to seek remedy in the courts,
If the CBA is tossed, frozen, stayed, struck down or otherwise,
would we go back to not having an agreement in place? and play suspended? again?

pherein 05-03-2012 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by darstep (Post 403102)
Let's say the CBA becomes the central issue.
If, constitutionally it violates a players rights to seek remedy in the courts,
If the CBA is tossed, frozen, stayed, struck down or otherwise,
would we go back to not having an agreement in place? and play suspended? again?

Short answer, yes. But thats a supreme court issue.

if the players can not show malice, breach of contract, or improper conduct by Goddell and get a court case, which seems unlikely, Im sure they will challenge the CBA in the supreme court based on constitutional law. The supreme court will likely void the agreement like they did last time.
So, football might actually stop, until a new CBA is drafted and approved.

Then the players can bring the NFL to court on any charge that works. After that would be a civil case. But, as long as the suspensions are in court, they cant be carried out. Thats my understanding.

TheOak 05-03-2012 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by pherein (Post 403107)
Short answer, yes. But thats a supreme court issue.

if the players can not show malice, breach of contract, or improper conduct by Goddell and get a court case, which seems unlikely, Im sure they will challenge the CBA in the supreme court based on constitutional law. The supreme court will likely void the agreement like they did last time.
So, football might actually stop, until a new CBA is drafted and approved.

Then the players can bring the NFL to court on any charge that works. After that would be a civil case. But, as long as the suspensions are in court, they cant be carried out. Thats my understanding.

Don't apologize for anything brother.. Your not being a dink.

The catch is "proving" the following:
  • He operated out side of his authority (he has nearly absolute authority). Broad and nearly all encompassing. Especially in areas concerning the integrity of the game which this is.
  • As for the rest of bias, basis, etc... All Goodell has to do it put Greg Williams on the stand because that is where he got his evidence and all of that is moot.

What ever body of morons thought it would be "ok" to give one person absolute power, should be taken out back, cut, gut, shot, and lit on fire.

The NFLPA and the owners made this monster.

In regards to the Supreme Court: That was an antitrust issue, I do not see them willing to hear a case that violates no laws, or rights. Especially when everyone being punished is part of a collective group that gave Goodell his powers.

I love my Saints, I love NFL football, I also love my country and with everything that is going on in this country; I would be quite upset if the Supreme Court has time to hear matters like this.

Had someone died, someones constitutional rights been violated, if someone that was suspended was "INNOCENT", i might have a different opinion.

Screw the appeal higher than Goodell, lets get the suspensions started and get it all behind us.

saintfan 05-03-2012 11:13 AM

I'd rather see the season suspended than to see Roger get away with what he has, so far, managed to get away with. As "Big Worm" stated so eloquently, "There's principalities involved!"

Seriously. This is an attempt at getting a leg up on player lawsuits and the NFLPA. It is being manipulated at every turn and it should not be allowed. I'd seriously rather see the league dismantled and rebuilt in a year or three than to see this continue under Roger Goodell.

I have to respectfully disagree 626. That ONE MAN has the authority to take away another man's ability to make money without giving that man the opportunity to speak for himself OR show him the evidence against him is precisely unAmerican and SHOULD land on the steps of the Supreme Court.

You don't know if any of the suspended are innocent or not, because you haven't seen the evidence. Neither have I. Neither have they. That just isn't right.

TheOak 05-03-2012 11:20 AM

If the players do appeal, and it sounds as if they will, they go right back to a familiar source. They appeal to Goodell. Unlike other pro athletes, NFL players didn't negotiate the right to independent arbitration in their new collective bargaining agreement. And because Goodell made the decision that the Saints' transgressions are off-the-field issues, appeals go directly to him.

Brennan: NFLPA wrong on Bountygate Saints; Goodell makes right call

TheOak 05-03-2012 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 403117)

I have to respectfully disagree 626. That ONE MAN has the authority to take away another man's ability to make money without giving that man the opportunity to speak for himself OR show him the evidence against him is precisely unAmerican and SHOULD land on the steps of the Supreme Court.

I appreciate your view... However there is evidence. Public evidence that people seem to forget.

Once Fujita and Hargrove ADMITTED to it.... it was all over but the crying. How much more evidence is needed?

Once a suspect pleads guilty, the case is over...he is now in the hands of Judge or jury for punishment.

I know there are loose ends in the public eye, Ill bet a years pay Goodell can tie them up very quickly but is choosing not to do so because he would have to sacrifice the lamb (Greg Williams).

pherein 05-03-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by x626xBlack (Post 403115)
Don't apologize for anything brother.. Your not being a dink.

The catch is "proving" the following:
  • He operated out side of his authority (he has nearly absolute authority). Broad and nearly all encompassing. Especially in areas concerning the integrity of the game which this is.
  • As for the rest of bias, basis, etc... All Goodell has to do it put Greg Williams on the stand because that is where he got his evidence and all of that is moot.

What ever body of morons thought it would be "ok" to give one person absolute power, should be taken out back, cut, gut, shot, and lit on fire.

The NFLPA and the owners made this monster.

In regards to the Supreme Court: That was an antitrust issue, I do not see them willing to hear a case that violates no laws, or rights. Especially when everyone being punished is part of a collective group that gave Goodell his powers.

I love my Saints, I love NFL football, I also love my country and with everything that is going on in this country; I would be quite upset if the Supreme Court has time to hear matters like this.

Had someone died, someones constitutional rights been violated, if someone that was suspended was "INNOCENT", i might have a different opinion.

Screw the appeal higher than Goodell, lets get the suspensions started and get it all behind us.

Well, that guy was very limited in the possibilities they have for a court to hear the case. Its actually if the players can show malice, breach of contract, or improper conduct by Goddell. So, just a little more than he explained, but to your points. I won't even cover breach of contract, thats a possibility also.


He operated out side of his authority (he has nearly absolute authority). Broad and nearly all encompassing. Especially in areas concerning the integrity of the game which this is.
[*]As for the rest of bias, basis, etc... All Goodell has to do it put Greg Williams on the stand because that is where he got his evidence and all of that is moot.
Well, the players can show he is violating the integrity of the game by.
1. Suspending players arbitrarily on assumption, and no evidence.
2. Imposting player safety issues based on lawsuits, and not based on player health. The NFL has know about this sense this problem for some time know.
3. Using the senates proposal to reduce fines,, against Godell, because the NFL knew this was happening as far back as 2005 in GB.
4. Maliciously lying about said evidence proving the player involved.
Lots of things.
5. The disproportional discipline given to the Saints as oppose to others, show bias.

Not sure if anyone can prove he overstepped his bounds, but easy to prove he's a ego maniac. All they need to do is get a judge to say , yes you have a case.

IF GW is on the stand there is no suspensions until the trial is done :) That could be years.
Plus, GW is not a good witness for the defense. The players can show he's testifying to keep his job, and prove he has lied before. GW could be discredited on the stand easily.
And might not do it, knowing what else will come out about his conduct on other teams.
GW is screwed anyway you look at it. His smartest move is to shop for a university to coach.

Well, they would take it to the supreme court only to erase the antitrust agreement, as unconstitutional. That is so they can bring Godell to court with not antitrust agreement in place. But, that is only if they are blocked by it and no judge will hear the case.
I don't think I would be upset. Thats their job. And to tell you the truth, as you said, you right. The antitrust agreement is against american principles and rights as an individual to seek council and defend yourself. Thats why they struck it down before.
IF the NFL can have this agreement, then who's next ?
Your work place ? IBM,Microsoft, ATT. The agreement is nuts, and Im a little disappointed that Brees was not more vocal it.
Its a constitutional right to trial, face your accuser and evidence against you.

Well, personally Im not sure the NFL owners will let it go to court :) Thats the point in doing it. Its better for them to cut their losses, fire godell to save face, reinstate the Saints players, so they can keep the antitrust agreement in place, and continue the revenue.

At this point our Saints could be Boo'd by Philly fans for things they never did, and the NFL is ok with that. Im not.

Oh , don't worry we will have football, but I nice clubbing of the godell seal by Vilma on the side makes a nice side dish to watching the saints play, at least for me. :)

pherein 05-03-2012 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by x626xBlack (Post 403121)
If the players do appeal, and it sounds as if they will, they go right back to a familiar source. They appeal to Goodell. Unlike other pro athletes, NFL players didn't negotiate the right to independent arbitration in their new collective bargaining agreement. And because Goodell made the decision that the Saints' transgressions are off-the-field issues, appeals go directly to him.

Brennan: NFLPA wrong on Bountygate Saints; Goodell makes right call

NFLPA appeals mean nothing its the court case thats fun


Originally Posted by x626xBlack (Post 403123)
I appreciate your view... However there is evidence. Public evidence that people seem to forget.

Once Fujita and Hargrove ADMITTED to it.... it was all over but the crying. How much more evidence is needed?

Im only speaking for Vilma he has a very strong case

FinSaint 05-03-2012 11:43 AM

Wasn't one of Harrison's recent appeals heard before someone else than Goodell, even though it was originally supposed to be heard by him alone, at least I seem to recall that having been mentioned in some program I was watching?

pherein 05-03-2012 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 403137)
Wasn't one of Harrison's recent appeals heard before someone else than Goodell, even though it was originally supposed to be heard by him alone, at least I seem to recall that having been mentioned in some program I was watching?

LOL, Harrison is someone that might be able to prove Bias, lol, maybe he was looking into that.

TheOak 05-03-2012 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 403137)
Wasn't one of Harrison's recent appeals heard before someone else than Goodell, even though it was originally supposed to be heard by him alone, at least I seem to recall that having been mentioned in some program I was watching?

The catch to Harrison is that his actions were "on the field". Those appeals go to Ted Contrell, or Art Shell.

First bounty battle could relate to who handles the appeals | ProFootballTalk

saintfan 05-03-2012 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by x626xBlack (Post 403123)
I appreciate your view... However there is evidence. Public evidence that people seem to forget.

Once Fujita and Hargrove ADMITTED to it.... it was all over but the crying. How much more evidence is needed?

Once a suspect pleads guilty, the case is over...he is now in the hands of Judge or jury for punishment.

I know there are loose ends in the public eye, Ill bet a years pay Goodell can tie them up very quickly but is choosing not to do so because he would have to sacrifice the lamb (Greg Williams).

I have seen or heard NOTHING stating Will Smith or Jonathan Vilma did anything wrong that wasn't pumped out through the media by Roger Goodell. Not a Single Thing. ZERO. Even if Vilma or Smith said there was a program, that's not saying they took part in it...and they are seemingly adamant that they didn't.

You shouldn't have to wager a years pay. That's the point. There should be nothing to wager on at this point since the punishment has been handed down. There should be NO WAY in the United States that ONE MAN can remove another man's ability to make money in his chosen profession without SOLID, IRON CLAD, 100% ACCURATE PROOF of his case. That SHOULD NOT be allowed to happen in this country. PERIOD.

TheOak 05-03-2012 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 403144)
I have seen or heard NOTHING stating Will Smith or Jonathan Vilma did anything wrong that wasn't pumped out through the media by Roger Goodell. Not a Single Thing. ZERO. Even if Vilma or Smith said there was a program, that's not saying they took part in it...and they are seemingly adamant that they didn't.

You shouldn't have to wager a years pay. That's the point. There should be nothing to wager on at this point since the punishment has been handed down. There should be NO WAY in the United States that ONE MAN can remove another man's ability to make money in his chosen profession without SOLID, IRON CLAD, 100% ACCURATE PROOF of his case. That SHOULD NOT be allowed to happen in this country. PERIOD.

Ever hear of a "hire at will" state? people are terminated from their jobs every day for ZERO reason.

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