05-23-2012, 07:42 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Originally Posted by skymike
oh good grief.... everybody get happy.... re-laxxxxx.
BurningMan, too serious, Holmes. I used to have a pony tail, and "pony -tail activist" is freakin hilarious. How "metal" can you be? You live in Crowley. Now see? Im messing with you. Do not take me seriously. Im old and drive a beat up truck.
Holy Cross, Jesuit.... so good to have rivalry... made this thread funny, too.
Jimmy, come on. He apologized @ the 1st hole, then took a pic w/ you at the 2nd. He had no way of knowing it would be blurry. You're too old to be that disappointed. You sound reasonable and understanding.
You know everybody assails prominent people with stupidity. Im semi-prominent in SE Texas. (in my biz, most the people dont think we're any big deal / but some people react like they just saw bigfoot.) Anyway, I cant even imagine being really something like Drew Brees. I go some places, and wish I could hide. You would be astounded at how pushy some people can be-- both pony tail activists and trailer park trash. The most obnoxious, drunkest inbred in any club ALWAYS goes straight to me. Occastionally, I do get "Hi, I see you're busy there, (usually Im mixing) but I'd love to hear Free Bird, if you can fit it in." [/REQUEST] "btw, I enjoy your news & commentary. I wonder what its like to talk to a million people? Have you ever messed up?"
But often its, "HEAAEEAY MAAAYAAN.... WHY DONT YOU PLAY SOMETHING GOOD WE CAN DANCE TOO? (50 girls are already dancing.) PLAY FREE BIRD... MAN, THATS WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS TO HEAR. So youre skii miiike! I never listen to your station... yall play too much ____ and you never play ____ ... Yall need to play more _____ (most obscure, untalentd artist possible) PLAY FREE BIRD DAMMIT... NOW... your station sux... TURN THIS CRAP OFF NOW AND PLAY FREE BIRD. YOU HAVE IT? IS IT NEXT? ARE YOU GONNA PLAY IT? HUH? HUH? HUH? HUH? HUH? LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING... THIS IS HOW IT IS... I KNOW SOMETHING AND I'LL TELL YOU WHAT BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT ITS ABOUT....... HEY B**** PLAY FREEBIRD!
Then a nice person comes along, and I semi snap at them, hopefully catch myself, and make it a point to be nice.
Jimmy, get back up on that horse, and meet your idols.
hey wouldnt it be cool if Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears, etc, would get out of a car, and nobody cared?
I still have a pony tail, Mike. And everywhere I go, I've got someone looking down on me even though I'm just a regular guy when you get to know me. I could understand if I had piercings on every square inch of my skin, for people to make a rush to judgement. That would stand out. But I don't even have one.
So reading that comment a couple days ago touched a nerve with me. Then he labels me a pony tail activist. That may be funny to you, but my sense of humor isn't wired for sarcasm. It was an insult, not a joke. I make fun of myself all the time. I know the difference. Some people prefer to accept the stereotype and let people talk. I am not one of those people.
If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.