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Billboard for the Superbowl
Listen up...Im serious about this. I really want to take up a collection to rent a billboard for when the superbowl is here displaying something about Roger Goodell. We have plenty of time to come up with something catchy...i will do all the leg work if people are as serious about this as i am. I just cant stand for this guy to come here and feel welcomed. I know people say that we need to be hospitable to this dictator but i strongly disagree. I cant stand this whole situation. Lemme know what you think. Maybe we can set up a paypal account and openinly show all donations so everyone doesnt think i am a scam artist..
If it ends up a real thing, I'm in for 50. PayPal is multi purpose.
I can do 50 bones also I hate that fag. We know he will have bodyguards and police when he get to New Orleans.
I'm in for a "C" note at minimum!!! :bng:
i will start getting pricing today. im pretty sure that the prices will be higher for superbowl...
I pledge 50 also don't want this man not to remember this for however long we have to put up with Him.
I'm in for the C Note as well
Plus I got the phrase... I've spent hours on it..... Deep consideration and pulled together all my creativeness and wordsmithing.... Here it is FUUUUUUUUU *# You Goodell So... What ya think?????????????????? Ok now before the nerds and do-gooders jump on me... ITS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I'm totally into it if the slogan is right. Remember, they are not going to just let you put any crazy old thing you want to up on the billboard, it has to be tame and subtle enough to get okayed by the company that actually owns the billboard.
Skins fan here. I love the city of New Orleans and I would be in for 50 as well.
It needs to be humorous. Something classy like a picture of the Stalin picture and a catchy phrase like "We don't like bullies in New Orleans." I would send Halo a fifty dollar check.
just talked to billboard company. We can get a 2 week spot during the superbowl for about $1400. It will be on the digital board right by the superdome. No way this ***** misses the sign. Trick is..we need to submit 50% payment asap to get the spot reserved.
If we are moving forward with this we also need to have a picture/ design completed at least by the beginning of the season. Owners are very nice, season ticket holding fans. If we get the payment in quickly he mentioned a better deal on the sign...he loves the idea. No curse words either. LETS DO IT!!! This WILL go down in history!!!!! I bet it also get TV time and makes the newspaper. |
Setup a Paypal account and put it not the front page of the website. We can all pass it around on Facebook too.
Fourteen Bucks shouldnt be too hard to come up with - let alone seven. But is that for a ten second spot an an revolving LED Bilboard with a hundred images?
Listen. Paypal is good for 1400. IRS doesn't care about chump change. Just realize that Its going to take a while to get the first $700. But definitely put it up on twitter and facebook.
I can come up with a way better picture of Goodell in a Napoleon outfit. It can't be stalin. i wouldn't recognize Stalin. It can't be hitler because people will lose their poop if there are swastikas all over. Napoleon should be it. Or maybe just him in a dress. I just need a few minutes. If it's digital, can we put up multiple pics? |
Goodell...The Football Nazi...
5.00 for each nipple. |
Picture Goodell in a chef's uniform with a red white and blue shield and a football on his uniform, maybe even a meat cleaver in his hand, on one end of the billboard and Payton, Vilma, and Williams on the other end of the board. At the bottom it says: NO FOOTBALL FOR YOU! Would that be a copyright infringement for using the Soup Nazi idea? Would it be illegal to use Goodell's likeness on a billboard? It's not very much and it's not very original, I know, but it's all I got. :D http://www.tvacres.com/images/rules_soupnazi.jpg |
Will it be signed BlackandGold.com, Saint Nation, or not at all?
Put me down for fidy bucks. Tree fidy for the Southpark addicts like myself. Hehehehe. Let me know the paypal address.
**if people donate to paypal and we dont have enought money and i give a refund...will everyone get the full refund or will there be the paypal charge applied? |
Update: It may or may not happen guys. Ron told me he is unsure if he can get all the money together in time. Anything can change though. We will keep you updated on it.
I'm in for $50, too! Love it! If I'm not around when $ is due, someone please email me or message me on FB. Joan McMullen Krupicka. Thanks!
i'm down to chip in...as far as slogan best i can come up with is
Let the Goodell times fold or Laissez les bonsell temps plier (correct french translation?) |
i'm down for $50 right now...let me know!
looks to me like we have $700 right now...14 people at $50...c'mon folks!! |
SAINTS WIN SUPERBOWL! Dats what I wanna see with some sowce on it.
Im down for $50
In Goodell We DONT Trust The City of New Orleans understand tragedy, and its a tragedy that the NFL has picked a Commissioner that will go down as the worst in history. hmm Free Unpaid Vacations for all NFL players , curtsy of Rogers Ego. or WELCOME TO NEW ORLEANS ! unless your name is Roger Godell. Or GOD made the Earth in 7 days. GODdell tried to destroy a franchise in 1. Both did it with just a thought and no substance. or WANTED for Obstruction of Commonsense. (Goodell pic) , .....or, Bring on the Clowns ! Welcome to the NFL's Fake Bounty & Barely competent Circus ! theres so many you could make,lol |
"What the hell are you doing, Roger?"
I'm in for $50 |
I'm in as well. Let me know by PM how we are doing this.
How about: http://a.fn.fncdn.com/images/content...838/dL0s6j.jpg "New Orleans establishments: Do not serve this man" |
im a little nervous to start taking money and then we dont have enough and paypal or a pay service doesnt refund all monies due to their commision. Does anyone know for a fact how this works?
Here's an idea; left half of the billboard has a picture of, say, Y. A. Tittle (you know the one) with the legend 'Before Goodell' and the right hand side has a picture from Lingerie Football and the legend 'Goodell's vision'.
Across the bottom of the whole board says 'He must be stopped...and soon!' Just throwing this out there. |
If the monetary default is supporting our veterans in any way, I'm good with that.
I'm in $50. Paypal is the way to go.
Any overage goes to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, I believe it's the Fischer House. I was there for 2 years. All volunteers and they put a lot of smiles on faces and assist families. Great, great organization. If we end up short we can get support from every team if the banner is a general slogan. We can also get a larger pool of ideas which is always a good thing. |
It's the Family Support Center at Brooke Army Medical Center. Wounded Soldiers love this place.
Warrior and Family Support Center |
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 10:26 PM. |
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