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Fujita questions NFL investgation

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Former Saints linebacker Scott Fujita, a union leader with a record of criticizing the NFL's player-safety record, sees elements of a "smear campaign" in a bounty investigation that has sullied his reputation. Some NFL players agree, and question whether Fujita's ...

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Old 06-24-2012, 04:01 PM   #1
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Former Saints linebacker Scott Fujita, a union leader with a record of criticizing the NFL's player-safety record, sees elements of a "smear campaign" in a bounty investigation that has sullied his reputation.
Some NFL players agree, and question whether Fujita's three-game suspension has something to do with retribution.

"I'm not saying the NFL is intentionally lying," Fujita said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I've been willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they may have just been working with the information they've been given, even though much of that information was inaccurate and lacked credibility.
"It's their cavalier interpretation of everything that's been way off. They clearly proceeded with a public smear campaign with very little regard for the truth."
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell could rule on the appeals of Fujita and the other players suspended because of their roles in the bounty program as early as Monday.
Saints linebacker Scott Shanle finds it hard to ignore the symmetry of the NFL portraying Fujita as a hypocrite on player-safety matters after Fujita had done the same thing to the league.
"When you look at Scott, who was here for one season (of the three spanned by the bounty probe), for him to get three games, I just felt like there had to be more of a personal issue with that," Shanle said. "When you look at how outspoken he is and a lot of the issues he tries to address, it probably doesn't sit well with the league."
NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the NFL stands by its finding that Fujita gave "more than token amounts" of money to a pool that also rewarded injury-producing hits called "cart-offs" and "knockouts."
"The process gave all of the players every opportunity to raise arguments and provide any mitigating information," Aiello said. "Scott Fujita unfortunately chose not to avail himself of the process. Nothing that he has asserted in his various public statements undermines the findings of the investigation."
Fujita, who now plays for Cleveland, was one of four current or former Saints suspended in the bounty probe. Two of them, Jonathan Vilma and Will Smith, still play for New Orleans. The other, Green Bay defensive lineman Anthony Hargrove, left New Orleans after 2010, while Fujita left after 2009, the first season covered by the investigation.
In 2010, Fujita became a member of the NFLPA executive committee, and has since echoed comments by Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) comparing the NFL's 2009 position on concussions' links to brain disease to the way the tobacco industry denied knowledge that smoking caused cancer.
Fujita argued Goodell undermined his own credibility on player-safety matters when he pushed for an 18-game regular season.
He called for the NFL to employ independent neurological consultants after Browns quarterback Colt McCoy was knocked out of a game, but allowed to return, despite later being diagnosed with a concussion.
Browns players say Fujita challenged Goodell's answers to a range of questions including how a lockout would affect players' health coverage when the commissioner visited the team in 2010.
"Scott wasn't scared to ask the tough questions that some of us wouldn't or some of us didn't even know to ask," Browns tight end Benjamin Watson said. "Scott wanted to make sure the commissioner owned up to all that stuff and ... you could tell that Mr. Goodell wasn't comfortable answering some of those questions."
Former Browns linebacker Eric Barton added, "Most people in the room were like, this guy (the commissioner) is full of it and Scott just called him out, and it was almost like, `Oh, Scott, you're going to be in trouble."'
After seeing evidence the NFL presented against him in last week's appeal hearing on the four players' suspensions, Fujita has more questions:
- Why has the NFL linked him to bounties in its public statements, while its disciplinary letter announcing his suspension acknowledges there is no evidence he "pledged money toward a specific bounty" on a particular player?
- Why does that same letter state he was a member of the Saints in the 2010 season, when he was with Cleveland? And what does that say about the quality of the investigation?

Read more: Scott Fujita questions NFL's bounty*investgation - NFL -

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Old 06-24-2012, 08:31 PM   #2
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Scott is a class guy, and if any of the people accused are beyond reproach, its Fujita. Regardless of what Roger wants to do, if Scott says its bogus, then it's bogus. I'd hand my hat on that.
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Old 06-24-2012, 08:52 PM   #3
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Get them Scott !
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Old 06-24-2012, 10:58 PM   #4
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The general public is starting to take notice. Ol' Rog better start stretching because he's about to get bent over. Grab your ankles. This might hurt a little so get prepared.
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Old 06-25-2012, 02:26 AM   #5
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Screw Roger, he came out and said a lot of b.s.. The damage has been done, he is a tool.. 50,000 pages really? How in the hell can anyone have 50,000 pages of anything.
I hope this works out, and he ass is out of a job.
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Old 06-26-2012, 12:18 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ashley View Post
Screw Roger, he came out and said a lot of b.s.. The damage has been done, he is a tool.. 50,000 pages really? How in the hell can anyone have 50,000 pages of anything.
I hope this works out, and he ass is out of a job.
That's so true. I doubt there were 50k pages for Watergate. The thing is Roger has fooled a lot of people, because a lot of people are extremely stupid.
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Old 06-26-2012, 06:32 AM   #8
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