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JKool 05-28-2004 03:13 PM

A rant to the regular members
Thanks for clearing that up Whowatches - I figured .02 was a little low for a decent Blood Alcohol anyway... :P

JKool 05-28-2004 03:15 PM

A rant to the regular members
Speaking of lurkers... I see that right now, as I type, there are 356 guests logged on (and 21 members). Can that be right!? That seems like a LOT of people.

PS - JKool = here too!

Halo 05-28-2004 03:37 PM

A rant to the regular members

It\'s right, was the first Saints website, even before the Saints official site. The site drives traffic even when it\'s not working. We took it over years ago and the site was down for 4 months and the first day there were 10,000 visitors.

BlackandBlue 05-28-2004 04:02 PM

A rant to the regular members

Sorry to all. I\'ve been (and in fact I still am) in Colorado Springs. Been doing an install for the foot of Pikes Peak, and it\'s absolutely stunning! I\'ve been logging on this week as time permits, but I haven\'t had much time to do much else other than make sure Whodat wasn\'t starting a fight! LMAO

I\'ll be back in Dallas next Tuesday and back to picking on Whodat for being a negative person. I know you can\'t wait...neither can I!
Any openings? I\'m currently looking to get out of the hostile environment I\'m currently in. Tech savy, well educated (my original plan on a degree was nuclear medicine, but that\'s a lonnnnng story), and strangely enjoy the 50 hour work week. My dislikes are hostile environments (duh) and women who smell like cheese. Hook me up, my Dallas brethren :p

JimBone 05-28-2004 06:28 PM

A rant to the regular members by the way, I shouldnt even have to answer to this silliness when in fact it was me who initiated the rift with Gumbo. I view myself as a regular and he left me off...Now i see myself wasting some of your time and making you guys read things that may start off as interesting and then suddenly turn into a traveshamockery.
Like that time i peed in the pool at the YMCA. GOTCHA!!!

D_it_up 05-29-2004 08:24 AM

A rant to the regular members

JimBone 05-29-2004 04:21 PM

A rant to the regular members
now you\'re making up words. Good one D.

subguy 05-30-2004 08:23 AM

A rant to the regular members
Thanks for the mention B&B..........Billy just posts so many many threads dealing with the same topic I saw his name and almost glossed over this one......I am certain that his glossing over me has nothing to do with fact that we agree on absolutely nothing....Oh Billy notice the member since date......I am almost an elder statesman

GumboBC 05-30-2004 12:01 PM

A rant to the regular members

Thanks for the mention B&B..........Billy just posts so many many threads dealing with the same topic I saw his name and almost glossed over this one......I am certain that his glossing over me has nothing to do with fact that we agree on absolutely nothing....Oh Billy notice the member since date......I am almost an elder statesman
subguy -- You\'re a volitile young man aren\'t ya? I thought about mentioning you but you\'re too confrontational when it concerns me. You\'re OK in my book, subguy. Next time, you\'ll be at the top of my list. Well, you\'ll be second on my list as I promised JimBone he would be first. ;)

lumm0x 05-30-2004 12:25 PM

A rant to the regular members
Can I be listed as an \"irregular\"?

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