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Is ESPN getting off easy after punkin the saints?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; It's been nearly 2 months now, Tom Benson has hired a former FBI guy to conduct thorough investigations, the actual FBI has put out no detail and appears to have none, the NOPD has no further information to support the ...

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Old 07-22-2012, 02:31 PM   #1
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Is ESPN getting off easy after punkin the saints?

It's been nearly 2 months now, Tom Benson has hired a former FBI guy to conduct thorough investigations, the actual FBI has put out no detail and appears to have none, the NOPD has no further information to support the claim either.

ESPN has defamed the Saints and Loomis with their sucker punch jab in their attempt to get an extra story of their own by poking around where they don't belong getting a former worker to lie to them about something as series as wiretapping which is not only a serious allegation of breaking league rules but it is a federal crime that could involve Prison time.

I want ESPN to apologize i want everyone involve to apologize, Saints Org have taken enough punches, we have given ESPN some of the highest rated games that has aired on their network and in return they're crooked smile bit us... You never bite the hand that feed you!

I hope whenever everything is done and all is clear ESPN gets sued to the max and the story spread like wild fire that ESPN LIED!
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Old 07-22-2012, 05:33 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Saintswrath View Post
It's been nearly 2 months now, Tom Benson has hired a former FBI guy to conduct thorough investigations, the actual FBI has put out no detail and appears to have none, the NOPD has no further information to support the claim either.

ESPN has defamed the Saints and Loomis with their sucker punch jab in their attempt to get an extra story of their own by poking around where they don't belong getting a former worker to lie to them about something as series as wiretapping which is not only a serious allegation of breaking league rules but it is a federal crime that could involve Prison time.

I want ESPN to apologize i want everyone involve to apologize, Saints Org have taken enough punches, we have given ESPN some of the highest rated games that has aired on their network and in return they're crooked smile bit us... You never bite the hand that feed you!

I hope whenever everything is done and all is clear ESPN gets sued to the max and the story spread like wild fire that ESPN LIED!
Let's wait and see what comes from the Vilma trial where a LOT of things are on the table. If the NFL loses on a trumped up story, there may be evidence of media manipulation.

I noticed when Vilma filed that suit, ESPN conveniently shut it's trap real fast. Again, much may come from Vilma's trial, and the NFL and its flunkies may not like the courts findings.
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Old 07-22-2012, 06:09 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Halo View Post
Let's wait and see what comes from the Vilma trial where a LOT of things are on the table. If the NFL loses on a trumped up story, there may be evidence of media manipulation.

I noticed when Vilma filed that suit, ESPN conveniently shut it's trap real fast. Again, much may come from Vilma's trial, and the NFL and its flunkies may not like the courts findings.
I agree Halo. I just want to see everything put out on the table and if this mountain of evidence proves the NFL's case then so be it, we will just have to take our medicine and go about the business of treating every team on our schedule like a red headed step child this year. But if this so-called "evidence" proves to be nothing more than conjecture and hear say and doesn't justify the punishments handed down then the Commissioner and ESPN can take a long walk off a short pier!!!!!

And we'll still go out and treat every team like a red headed step child.
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Old 07-22-2012, 11:00 PM   #4
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Vitt should hang a pic of Roger Goodell and Pat Yasinskas above the urinal in the men's room so all the players can piss on them before each game.
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Old 07-22-2012, 11:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by saintfan View Post
Vitt should hang a pic of Roger Goodell and Pat Yasinskas above the urinal in the men's room so all the players can piss on them before each game.
Or at least put'em on the tackling dummies, practice helmets and what not.

Back to the thread, I must say I'm pissed I'm gonna have to click on their POS channel to watch some games this coming season.
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Old 07-23-2012, 05:19 AM   #6
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Benson will own the local Fox affiliate and ESPN??? That would be funny...

They'll hide behind the first amendment which would be the biggest abuse of the right to free speech/press...

I think when all is said and done - there'll be failings on the part of Saints Mgt and ESPN mgt...

Anyone every consider this - The traitor who shall not be named works in Connecticut and ESPN is located in same? Not a condemnation of CT, but a question of the proximity of the broadcaster and source...
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Old 07-23-2012, 08:02 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by saintfan View Post
Vitt should hang a pic of Roger Goodell and Pat Yasinskas above the urinal in the men's room so all the players can piss on them before each game.
Can you get peoples faces imposed on the big blue mints?
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Old 07-23-2012, 10:35 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by x626xBlack View Post
Can you get peoples faces imposed on the big blue mints?
Sure, even like this.
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Old 07-23-2012, 12:11 PM   #9
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Once it all said and done is the key.
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Old 07-23-2012, 06:10 PM   #10
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There will be no back lash to ESPN.........FOX NOISE does it every day and still gets their political agenda across without repercussions. The NFL is much more powerful and will never admit to anything other than trying to protect the players.
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espn, goodell, loomis, saints, tom benson, wiretap

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