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GoofySaint 08-02-2012 03:50 PM

Skip Bayless says he's lost respect for Drew Brees
Lot of words:

You probably heard that Drew Brees said that players don't trust Goodell.

Drew Brees explained last night what he meant by those comments and that he wasn't trying to start some war with Goodell.

First take literally this morning just a few hours after this thread was made had skip bayless trashing Brees because he felt that Brees had "backed off" of his original comments.

I personally don't watch ESPN or first take that much anymore cause skip is probably just told to be the devils advocate and everyone else is supposed to be shocked.

But this mildly annoyed me because Skip has exaggerated and misread quotes before but this just went off the deep end by basically insulting Drew Brees character for no reason. Not to mention that Skip said that he thinks that the rest of the Saints players have lost respect for Brees. That was the part that was the most frustrating seeing as Skip has never touched a football or pads in his life and when you at the fact that every player that comes on first take almost ALWAYS disagrees with Skip. Plus the fact that skip had to lie that he did well when he played basketball.

The problem with his argument was that Brees DIDN'T back off of his comments. Brees said that players don't trust Goodell and idiots in the media(like skip and stephan) took it as if the players were going to assassinate Goodell and Brees was the ringleader. So what does Brees do? He goes on TV and explains that he's not trying to start a smear campaign or start a war and just explained his HONEST opinion based off of the many players that he's talked. "Backing off" of his original comments would imply that Brees suddenly thinks that players DO trust Goodell(which he did the exact opposite of) or try something like saying that the words were taken out of context.

Just saying what's on my mind and it especially aggravated me. Especially now when the whole media praises tebow for being such a good guy even though I feel Brees has done WAY more moral wise than Tebow. Oh and if my grammar is bad, I apologize. I have a nerve disorder.

Seer1 08-02-2012 05:07 PM

Who is Skip Bayless?

Halo 08-02-2012 05:10 PM

Maybe he's offended because Drew was talking about him (Bayless)?

WhoDat!656 08-02-2012 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Halo (Post 423365)
Maybe he's offended because Drew was talking about him (Bayless)?

Brees probably worries more if the turd he flushed this morning had a pleasant trip than if Skippy Bayless is losing respect for him!

RaginCajun83 08-02-2012 05:15 PM

who gives a rats arse what that piece of garbage has to say about Drew, I haven't watched that abortion of a show in months and can't think for a second when I've missed it

st thomas 08-02-2012 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 423363)
Who is Skip Bayless?

hes that thing hanging out the dallas cowboys arses all the time.;p

Seer1 08-02-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by st thomas (Post 423372)
hes that thing hanging out the dallas cowboys arses all the time.;p

No, that's Jerry Jones. Seriously, who is skip bayless and why is he saying those things about Drew?

Halo 08-02-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 423369)
who gives a rats arse what that piece of garbage has to say about Drew, I haven't watched that abortion of a show in months and can't think for a second when I've missed it

For some reason, abortion is the perfect adjective here.
That show lost me waaaaaay before Goodellgate ever started.

AlaskaSaints 08-02-2012 05:30 PM

Regardless of how good we are or not this season, the bounty scandal will haunt us all the way to Champions' Square at the end of the season.

"They" are NOT going to let it go.


dizzle88 08-02-2012 05:34 PM've lost respect for drew brees? I'm sure he's cryin his eyes out at the very moment because he cares about what you think soooo much.....not

SaintsBro 08-02-2012 06:26 PM

Personally I'm glad he's lost respect for Drew. It's not like he ever had that much respect for the dude to begin with. All these media guys have overlooked and dissed Drew at every turn.

I want to be old-school Oakland, and be the team people love to hate. I really don't care if any of them like us, or what they think. If what we do makes them mad, or unhappy, or bothers them, then that's all good.

CharityMike 08-02-2012 06:28 PM

Like Drew/Saints give 2 Sh!ts what Skip thinks. Please..your not that important buddy!

|Mitch| 08-02-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 423383)
Regardless of how good we are or not this season, the bounty scandal will haunt us all the way to Champions' Square at the end of the season.

"They" are NOT going to let it go.


I'll say it again; they either love us or love to hate us... If we're dropping 40-burgers on everyone I could careless

Boutte 08-02-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 423368)
Brees probably worries more if the turd he flushed this morning had a pleasant trip than if Skippy Bayless is losing respect for him!

Ahhh thanks. I needed a good laugh.

spkb25 08-02-2012 08:28 PM

That's a compliment, I think

Ashley 08-02-2012 08:29 PM

Huh, I never had respect for him or that other ass hat thats on that show

Beastmode 08-02-2012 08:32 PM

Skip use to be a talented sports writer / investigator. The man tapped out the day he started with ESPN. Whatever gets ratings he'll say it like attempting to call out Brees for backtracking. Brees didn't backtrack. He stands by what he says but the show needs fuel. Dump dog s!@# in it, cat s!@#, whatever keeps the flame bright.

SloMotion 08-02-2012 08:44 PM

First of all, his name is "Skip", short for "Skippy", which will get him a good ass-beating in about any neighborhood outside of ESPN ... secondly, and at the end of the day, who really respects what this guy thinks or has to say anymore?

Beastmode 08-02-2012 08:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 423440)
First of all, his name is "Skip", short for "Skippy", which will get him a good ass-beating in about any neighborhood outside of ESPN ... secondly, and at the end of the day, who really respects what this guy thinks or has to say anymore?

His name is actually John, he later changed it to Skip. Oh, and the ratings are sliding bad....

JimmyB1775 08-02-2012 09:15 PM

I watched that this morning. Drew "backpedaled" because he was probably told to by the PR guys. Lost respect? That's silly. I'd lose respect for someone who says something ridiculous and then refuses to make it right by apologizing or sticking to his emotional words regardless of all the professional advice he receives. Skip is a joke.

The Dude 08-02-2012 09:16 PM

Has this ****** ever said anything at all good about the Saints or any player associated with us? This guy is the biggest ******** I have ever known of. He only writes articles to get peoples dander up at the expense of peoples reputation and true facts. I wish Mr Gill Favor would get a hold of him and give him a good ole what for.

GoofySaint 08-02-2012 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by JimmyB1775 (Post 423448)
I watched that this morning. Drew "backpedaled" because he was probably told to by the PR guys. Lost respect? That's silly. I'd lose respect for someone who says something ridiculous and then refuses to make it right by apologizing or sticking to his emotional words regardless of all the professional advice he receives. Skip is a joke.

The thing about it was it was hardly even "backpedaling". The media just went to far with the comments as if Brees was declaring war on Goodell and Brees just explained why he said what he said. It's not like he "took it back" or something.

The Dude 08-02-2012 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by GoofySaint (Post 423463)
The thing about it was it was hardly even "backpedaling". The media just went to far with the comments as if Brees was declaring war on Goodell and Brees just explained why he said what he said. It's not like he "took it back" or something.

If he would have done that then I may have lost respect for him. Brees has nothing to backpedal about and only said he was responding to a question asked and that he didn't just come out and say those things about Goodell off the cuff.

QBREES9 08-02-2012 11:23 PM

Drew Brees, one of the greatest Quaterbacks to play the game. Skip Bayless hack writer. Yeah really don't care what you have to say.

Luda34 08-02-2012 11:56 PM

I hate this more than I hate Roger

Utah_Saint 08-03-2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 423363)
Who is Skip Bayless?

I always thought it was this guy.

Turns out they're two different people.

Who knew?

(After listening to them both, I still can't tell which knows more about football)

Halo 08-03-2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Luda34 (Post 423480)
I hate this more than I hate Roger

NOT ME! Roger will burn in hell.

pumpkindriver 08-03-2012 12:41 AM

Skip is a doofus. I think the only reason espn keeps him on is so that people will have someone to get mad at or laugh at.

Cruize 08-03-2012 03:20 AM

What I do wish is for the players to quit talking about it. It's done. It isn't going to be changed. Everyone is already on record on how they feel about it. Move forward. The more you talk about it, the bigger possibility of it becoming an excuse comes to pass.

SloMotion 08-03-2012 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 423446)
His name is actually John, he later changed it to Skip. Oh, and the ratings are sliding bad....

I did not know that ... but now I'm thinking, "who in the hell changes their name from 'John' to 'Skip' anyway?".

Seer1 08-03-2012 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Utah_Saint (Post 423482)
I always thought it was this guy.

Project Runway's Tim Gunn: What Your Style Says About You - YouTube

Turns out they're two different people.

Who knew?

(After listening to them both, I still can't tell which knows more about football)

That was hilarious! "I've always been a big fan of the closet...."
Nothing like a word or two taken out of context, eh roger?

I still don't know who skip bayless is though.

SmashMouth 08-03-2012 10:04 AM

This douche is on ESPN .... more affectionately known as Estranged Sports rePorters Naysayers .... enough said!

GoofySaint 08-03-2012 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 423491)
What I do wish is for the players to quit talking about it. It's done. It isn't going to be changed. Everyone is already on record on how they feel about it. Move forward. The more you talk about it, the bigger possibility of it becoming an excuse comes to pass.

The problem is most of the time, it's brought up cause it's asked by reporters or the media. This whole thing with Brees started in a SI interview. I've never seen Brees actually bring it up without being asked about it by someone.

Rugby Saint II 08-03-2012 01:18 PM

Skip Cluess is more like it! :smile:

Mardigras9 08-03-2012 04:03 PM

Really feeds back into the no interviews with anyone not local for the whole season concept. Media are analyzing everything to the letter that Saint players are saying just looking to blow it up.

SmashMouth 08-03-2012 04:13 PM

I think these guys are interested in what this douche has to say ...

vpheughan 08-03-2012 05:21 PM

They spelled his last name incorrectly: BALL-LESS!!!

deleeryus 08-04-2012 06:34 AM

Skip Bayless has never liked the Saints...and WE have never liked him! No love lost there...

Wilde18 08-04-2012 06:36 AM

Where can I find that article?

Somewhere over the rainbow!

SloMotion 08-04-2012 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mardigras9 (Post 423655)
Really feeds back into the no interviews with anyone not local for the whole season concept. Media are analyzing everything to the letter that Saint players are saying just looking to blow it up.

I would like to see something like that by the Saints just as a means of showing their displeasure with the national media ... let all the national guys get their storylines from the local New Orleans media ... I think it would be appropriate under the circumstances ... I know if it was me, I'd be budgeting for the upcoming fines from the league for not talking to any of those m'fers as long as Payton is suspended.

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