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whodat4lif 08-21-2012 11:29 AM

How do you watch Saints Games?
I like to turn down my sound and listen to Jim and Hokie, however there are just so many ways you can watch the game that it's tough for them to match the sync. Please take this short survey and tell them how you watch the game, so us folks on ATT Uverse can sync up!

WWL Saints Radio listener survey

saintfan 08-21-2012 11:38 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Drunker than Cooter Brown...

Not really. I have kids now...

TXGSP 08-21-2012 11:57 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Any way I can, but a mainly with a group that has basically taken over a sports bar in Plano, TX from the Cowgal fans...started as 1-2 tables of people watching the Saints.

Know the owner and we tend to migrate the games shown on what screen. The Saints games now get shown on the largest screens after we started having over half of the place full of Saints fans.

poydras 08-21-2012 01:02 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
In my seat at the SuperDome.

Rugby Saint II 08-21-2012 01:20 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
When I am home I host a social and hand out rosters. Depending on the size of the crowd we grill steaks. I mostly watch the game standing just to the left of the big screen. When I am out of town I find a sports bar or restraunt chain that has the game. If that won't work I will watch what is happening in the chat room. Then I will find a way to DVR the game and watch it again to break down some diferent plays.

The Dude 08-21-2012 01:32 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by whodat4lif (Post 429970)
I like to turn down my sound and listen to Jim and Hokie, however there are just so many ways you can watch the game that it's tough for them to match the sync. Please take this short survey and tell them how you watch the game, so us folks on ATT Uverse can sync up!

WWL Saints Radio listener survey

Even though I cant stand those two blathering ignorant bastards I do the same thing. At least I get to hear more about our guys instead of having to hear about Brady, Romo, or Farve all the time.

UK_WhoDat 08-21-2012 01:50 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Very late and any which way I can

TheOak 08-21-2012 01:56 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Dawned in Black and Gold down to my skivvies.

I watch the game alone... Family asking where Reggie is distracts me.

Cup loaded with Crown&7

This year I am going to see if my TV can simulate 3D so I can dodge Brees passes.

Halo 08-21-2012 01:58 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
I always turn down the sound on the TV and listen on the radio.

I took the survey by the original poster. I don't know what it has to do with turning down the sounds and turning up the radio and watching. It was like a general survey of what carrier you watch the game on....

saintfan 08-21-2012 03:00 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by poydras (Post 430001)
In my seat at the SuperDome.



73Saint 08-21-2012 03:07 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
This comes up every year. Before hunting season starts, usually at the dome or at home. But once the deer season rolls around, we are at our camp every weekend. I usually make a Sunday morning hunt, come into camp, haul butt packing up and hit the road as early as possible. Usually miss the first quarter or so of the noon games (But listen to 870 in the car), then catch the rest at home.

I've been doing this as long as I can remember. When I was really young, I'd lay in the back seat of the truck and pray my dad didn't wreck, or have a heart attack. That's back when the Saints did that to know, dominate a game in every aspect, but always find a way to lose in the end. What memories!!

Shoe. 08-21-2012 04:23 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by poydras (Post 430001)
In my seat at the SuperDome.

To quote the kids nowadays


dizzle88 08-21-2012 04:29 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by UK_WhoDat (Post 430016)
Very late and any which way I can

Same as above

Add NFL game pass and a couple beers to that lol

Ashley 08-21-2012 04:30 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Head to toe family in black and gold. Use to be on the tv. Now just me in front of my computer = firstrowsports

WhoDat!656 08-21-2012 05:26 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
When I am home, in front of the TV; my dogs won't watch the game with me anymore because I yell at the TV/refs too much!!

When I am on the road, usually watch on the computer or I go to a sports bar if there is one close.

Seer1 08-21-2012 05:59 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
DirecTv's the only option out here deep in donkey country. There are only sport bars. And I do mean sport not sports. There are only two teams in the NFL, the donkeys and whoever's playing them. First Tebow, now Manning. I throw up a bit in my mouth just thinking about it. May get to go to the Saints -donkeys game though. It's an eight hour drive one way from here.

QBREES9 08-21-2012 06:04 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Direct Tv, Sirius Radio. and or on my phone. I have lots of backup's.

Boutte 08-21-2012 07:12 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
I usually go to a friends house where we can't hear the game because the women are yacking about some lame crap or another. Then when I get home I watch it again so I listen to it too.

skymike 08-21-2012 07:21 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
1 Attachment(s)
road games: With the Hou-Dats, the official Houston area chapter of WhoDat Nation. We did Ragin Cajun on Westeimer last year, and will
do at least some again this year, I believe. We've been a group since, believe it or not, before the magical '06 Season, when it truly was FAITH, since to that point, we had no reason to believe we would do anything. We'll figure out
where else to meet this season, but we always hang together... There are actually about 60 people in our group now.

home games: In our seats in the Terrace, where all the crazy Cajuns sit in the Superdome.

Halo 08-21-2012 07:22 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 430140)
road games: With the Hou-Dats, the official Houston area chapter of WhoDat Nation. We did Ragin Cajun on Westeimer last year, and will
do at least some again this year, I believe. We've been a group since, believe it or not, before the magical '06 Season, when it truly was FAITH, since to that point, we had no reason to believe we would do anything.

home games: In our seats in the Terrace, where all the crazy Cajuns sit in the Superdome.

Mike's house is like a balcony in 'Da Quaters :clown:

skymike 08-21-2012 07:24 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 430141)
Mike's house is like a balcony in 'Da Quaters :clown:

hahaha.... I swear we didnt just pick that house for the balcony, but
man, life is good, when I could find an awesome swamphouse in SE Texas, and get out of Houston.

Will see you in a couple of weeks, Halo.

Utah_Saint 08-21-2012 07:30 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 430067)
Head to toe family in black and gold. Use to be on the tv. Now just me in front of my computer = firstrowsports

Me too. But this last season we found a pizza place we've been going to that has all the games and they'll put at least one TV on the Saints game, usually two for us. So it's like 50/50 between going out and watching on the internet,

pumpkindriver 08-21-2012 10:51 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
It all depends on my situation at game time. If I"m on the road I will try to get to sports bar that carries all the games. If I'm at home then its off to the local sports bar in Harker Heights, Tx. Which in addition to other teams, has a big Fleur-de-leis painted on the outside wall. If the game is on local TV then I"m in the bedroom watching and here chatting. I do enjoy the sport bar atmosphere though , its second to actually going to the game. I'm gonna try and make one this year, if I can get the time off and make all the plans and have the $$$.

The Dude 08-21-2012 11:05 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Butt naked with my junk tucked. and a rubber glove over my head and I run around screaming "LOOK IM SQUIT! LOOK IM A SQUID"

MistaBigXXL 08-21-2012 11:14 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 430210)
Butt naked with my junk tucked. and a rubber glove over my head and I run around screaming "LOOK IM SQUIT! LOOK IM A SQUID"

That mental image will haunt my dreams for at least a month.

Crusader 08-22-2012 12:49 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
A lot of times, in the middle of the night screaming loud enough to wake the neighbours!

jeanpierre 08-22-2012 06:59 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Prep starts on Friday

Buy Lemon Pepper Grilled Chicken, Mild Sausage, NonMSG Chicken Stock, an inexpensive Pinot Grigio, Shallots or Green Onions, Vidalia Onions, Bell Pepper for JeanPierre's Happy Time Gumbeaux, oh and Flavor of the Week Abita Beer; also Shrimp and Gold Squash...

Saturday, during LSU afternoon games, the Gumbeaux Cooking Starts > Cook Sausage, Roux from Sausage oils, then et al items...

Sunday, After Church, Prep Shrimp and Gold Squash, Serve Gumbeaux, Beer (Heavy Alcohol if Drew's having an off-day); Half-time Fry Shrimp, Gold Squash Fritters in Egg Wash/Flour/Corn Meal...

And that's it...

ScottyRo 08-22-2012 07:54 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
DirecTV Sunday Ticket.

Utah_Saint 08-22-2012 08:00 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by The Dude (Post 430210)
Butt naked with my junk tucked. and a rubber glove over my head and I run around screaming "LOOK IM SQUIT! LOOK IM A SQUID"

Are you available for parties?

Utah_Saint 08-22-2012 08:02 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 430244)
Prep starts on Friday

Buy Lemon Pepper Grilled Chicken, Mild Sausage, NonMSG Chicken Stock, an inexpensive Pinot Grigio, Shallots or Green Onions, Vidalia Onions, Bell Pepper for JeanPierre's Happy Time Gumbeaux, oh and Flavor of the Week Abita Beer; also Shrimp and Gold Squash...

Saturday, during LSU afternoon games, the Gumbeaux Cooking Starts > Cook Sausage, Roux from Sausage oils, then et al items...

Sunday, After Church, Prep Shrimp and Gold Squash, Serve Gumbeaux, Beer (Heavy Alcohol if Drew's having an off-day); Half-time Fry Shrimp, Gold Squash Fritters in Egg Wash/Flour/Corn Meal...

And that's it...

Dang it. I seem to be hungry every time I leave this site.

Dasidreidia 08-22-2012 08:10 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
We finally got DirectTV so I'll actually be able to watch all the games this time. We used to just suck it up and watch what we could.

Budsdrinker 08-22-2012 08:12 AM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 430141)
Mike's house is like a balcony in 'Da Quaters :clown:

Yes it is but no one wants to see Mike flash anything!!

ScottF 08-22-2012 02:36 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Alone. I'm a screamer.

(except for one home game and the Atl game at the GA dome)

sharke 08-22-2012 02:45 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
At local NOLA restaurant in town, free jello shots every time LSU or Saints score.

mutineer10 08-22-2012 03:12 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
I watch 'em drunk ... eh, yeah ... drunk ...

Cruize 08-22-2012 03:27 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Atleast 1 in person. The rest thanks to the NFL Sunday Ticket.

xan 08-22-2012 03:56 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
In front of my computer while simultaneously preparing my lectures. Students wonder often why so many sports metaphors and anti-falcons jokes.

kcsaints 08-22-2012 04:07 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Got DirecTV last fall and a new 62 inch HD television in January. Beer - lots of beer and we usually have a boil - or sometimes I make my chicken creole. I may live in Kansas but I'm a Southerner at heart thanks to my Grandma :bandg:

Boutte 08-22-2012 05:45 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 430244)
Prep starts on Friday

Buy Lemon Pepper Grilled Chicken, Mild Sausage, NonMSG Chicken Stock, an inexpensive Pinot Grigio, Shallots or Green Onions, Vidalia Onions, Bell Pepper for JeanPierre's Happy Time Gumbeaux, oh and Flavor of the Week Abita Beer; also Shrimp and Gold Squash...

Saturday, during LSU afternoon games, the Gumbeaux Cooking Starts > Cook Sausage, Roux from Sausage oils, then et al items...

Sunday, After Church, Prep Shrimp and Gold Squash, Serve Gumbeaux, Beer (Heavy Alcohol if Drew's having an off-day); Half-time Fry Shrimp, Gold Squash Fritters in Egg Wash/Flour/Corn Meal...

And that's it...

What's your address?

Danno 08-22-2012 05:49 PM

Re: How do you watch Saints Games?
Alone in the man cave. I don't want some clueless moron screaming next to me "we should have run!!!"

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