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drewbrees: Wait til you see it!!! I was part of the band! RT @blakergirl75: @drewbrees. Is it true you filmed a pepsi commercial with One Direction?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; drewbrees: Wait til you see it!!! I was part of the band! RT @blakergirl75: @drewbrees. Is it true you filmed a pepsi commercial with One Direction? More......

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:31 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 42,102
Twitter drewbrees: Wait til you see it!!! I was part of the band! RT @blakergirl75: @drewbrees. Is it true you filmed a pepsi commercial with One Direction?

drewbrees: Wait til you see it!!! I was part of the band! RT @blakergirl75: @drewbrees. Is it true you filmed a pepsi commercial with One Direction?

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