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Shoe. 10-20-2012 09:36 AM

Re: Will the return of Joe Vitt bring energy back to the New Orleans Saints?
Does trolling give you a boner or something?

We've had a couple of you guys come through lately- it's weird, your team finally doesn't look like a total piece of **** and you feel like you deserve to go and rag on somebody elses that's down (for now). Savor the flavor sir because you know as well as I do that when Payton gets back the ass whippings will continue as before.


We're in your head

SaintsBro 10-21-2012 10:25 AM

Re: Will the return of Joe Vitt bring energy back to the New Orleans Saints?
That would be you. Some people keep thinking you are a Falcons fan, and even though I know better than that, I don't blame them at all for thinking it.

OK. I am already quite familiar with the Santini lawsuit, thank you. My question for you is -- was the Santini lawsuit settled IN court, or out of court. It's yes or no, in or out, it can only be one or the other. Just answer the question son...If the Saints invoked the clause to settle it out of court, then that means it was OUT OF COURT. That means that legally, it was not a matter to be settled IN court, the court proceedings were started IN the court and then they were taken OUT of the court, and the JUDGE agreed to it and TOLD them to do it. Are you following this? Are you keeping up?

The lawsuit started in court, the Saints requested it go to arbitration and the judge AGREED -- the judge basically said the Saints legal team is RIGHT, Santini's legal team is WRONG, take this case to arbitration and GO AWAY. Get this thing OUT OF COURT. Santini wanted to keep going in court -- was there for two weeks and wanted to push for that $2 million payday-- and the judge said NO, don't do this here, this is a matter for arbitration not court. Follow me? THAT is called being thrown out of court, whether you like it or not, my friend.

Of course we don't know what happened from there. You can spin it however you like, "where there's smoke there's fire" -- I know you get a boner for wanting Payton and Vitt to be guilty of something, anything, just so you can troll and be a Big Man, but it ain't that simple, my friend. There are entrapment and consent and interpretation issues in play, with the Santini lawsuit, and your boy had the same problems at the FBI, when he "got" Edwards.... which was a good thing.... but one of the things that made "getting" Edwards so difficult and took so many years, that made the case so complex and difficult for a jury trial, was that your boy played fast and loose with the law and with interpreting the content of conversations, and he liked to play in gray areas of what's admissable in court (ie getting a warrant for wiretapping in one place and then tape recording the suspect in another place), and a bunch of stuff too difficult to get into here.

We don't know what happened, you can believe whatever story or cut-and-paste article you want, knock yourself out bro, but pretending that something being settled out of court automatically means someone is guilty is kind of a bogus way of thinking, IMHO.

Marlboro Man 10-21-2012 06:14 PM

Re: Will the return of Joe Vitt bring energy back to the New Orleans Saints?
I hope he brings back the "Play the Best Player" philosophy, cause it ain't happening right now with Ivory not playing, Johnny Patrick not playing and Ingram, Patrick Robinson and White all playing.

lynwood 10-21-2012 07:23 PM

Re: Will the return of Joe Vitt bring energy back to the New Orleans Saints?

Originally Posted by Mikemike (Post 450628)
Your condescending tone doesn't replace reality or reinforce your position. It makes you look petty and juvenile.

Back to the topic;
The facts are there. You just made up your own scenario to justify your position.

Whatever the legal maneuvers were and how they were resolved doesn't change the fact that surveillance video and audio exists that prove vicodins were stolen and attempts were made to cover it up. Spin that however you want.

Here is some spin for you.... Who Cares? Your comments have nothing to do with the thread title and you come off like you are holding a grudge or you are bitter about something. Other than you bringing it up I don't recall seeing any Vicodin issue in the news lately.What does Vicodin have to do with Vitt coming in and bringing some needed leadership to the team? Why not just call the Saints Cheaters and Vilma a liar? At least it would be a little more relevant.

TheOak 10-22-2012 12:26 PM

Re: Will the return of Joe Vitt bring energy back to the New Orleans Saints?

Originally Posted by Mikemike (Post 451072)
As I said before, it shows a pattern of various types of misconduct.
You don't care if your coaches are stealing narcotics for each other, ok. That's you.

You heard about the guy filing a class action suit against the NFL?
He won't get anywhere with that..

He SHOULD be suing the Saints for breach of contract (against the season ticket holders like myself) for allowing illegal things to continue after being caught and then warned to stop by the NFL.

The bounty, the vicodin thefts and abuse.... associating with convicted felon Mike Ornstein and some other incidents make smart fans cautious...but you guys carry on...rah rah..

Kindly edit your post to a few lines and a few links so we can go there and read more if we care to. If you quote... You link back.

Mobile users do not care to thumb scroll for 10 minutes.

Shoe. 10-22-2012 12:40 PM

Re: Will the return of Joe Vitt bring energy back to the New Orleans Saints?

Originally Posted by Mikemike (Post 450628)
Your condescending tone doesn't replace reality or reinforce your position. It makes you look petty and juvenile.


Coming to another team's forum, thread-jacking, and trolling are juvenile acts. Whatever thrill this gives you, please go to some other team's forum to get your kicks.

The Chargers have been found to be using a banned substance on the sidelines, so go over to their web-site and spew your negativity.

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