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RockyMountainSaint 11-11-2012 11:23 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 456294)

This is a special occasion Mark.

Xan is drinking Champipple!

TheEnigma 11-11-2012 11:49 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Yes we are still not a great team, but after all that trash the falcons were talking about how good they were, yes it is a big deal.

goguxxx 11-12-2012 02:09 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
It was just a step up from the D , simple as that . Just 10 points in the second half is bad tho, the offense needs to do more , Colston was missing the entire second half , glad Moore stepped up .

halloween 65 11-12-2012 07:17 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Yes, its a start. If some how some way our D catches fire, it's on.

FinSaint 11-12-2012 08:27 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Yes, the win naturally was/is a big deal, and on more than one levels.

But, I do applaud xan's realist view point on this matter, and I don't agree with the harsh and outright mean responses he received by some.

Respect other peoples' opinions and point of views!


xan 11-12-2012 10:20 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Thanks for the defense Fin, but I knew I was poking the bear on this one and I earned all the vituperative comments. But I'm sticking to my Karl Rove analogy.

TheOak 11-12-2012 10:22 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 456294)

After a win I bet it was Shampiple

TheOak 11-12-2012 10:22 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Please dont turn this political...

leilung 11-12-2012 11:10 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
The sun shines a little bit brighter, spirits are a little bit cheerier...all because we BEAT the Birds!!!! (Still can't get the smile off my face!)

PLUS, I have a bet with a Clown fanboy buddy from college...that bourbon is going to taste sooooo sweet!

Belair57 11-12-2012 11:17 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Now lets go smack them dirty turds around in the their own house in a few weeks!!!!!!!!!!!

xan 11-12-2012 12:35 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
How is ignoring reality and facts, making up fantasy pathways to the Super Bowl political? Oh, yeah, right. Sorry.

Carry on.

frydaddy 11-12-2012 01:46 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Everyone here is cognizant of the facts and the reality of the situation. Of course we're still a long shot to even make the playoffs. Thing is, and maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall anyone suggesting otherwise after yesterday's win. You seem to have mistaken our excitement over beating the falcons for something else entirely. Then you crawfished and said that a 2-14 season is as good as a winning season, as long as the 2 wins come against the falcons. So why try to make the rest of us out to be ignorant in the first place? That's really where I took issue with your original post, the condescending tone. I'm sure I speak for most of us "mean-spirited" people when I say I respect your opinion, but the presentation was uncalled for.

burningmetal 11-12-2012 02:07 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 456408)
Yes, the win naturally was/is a big deal, and on more than one levels.

But, I do applaud xan's realist view point on this matter, and I don't agree with the harsh and outright mean responses he received by some.

Respect other peoples' opinions and point of views!


You couldn't have read the same post the rest of us did if you think we're mean spirited in our responses. We're not cursing the guy out. But when come on the heels of a big and exciting win, and tell everybody to get real, as he did, you will get exactly this kind of reaction every time. An opinion is one thing. This wasn't a presentation of why he alone didn't think it was a big deal. It was a presentation of how stupid he seems to think we all are. No one, I mean not a single person, did I see in here saying we're going to the super bowl. We were just happy to win, and he wanted poop all over that fact.

FinSaint 11-12-2012 03:37 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 456537)
You couldn't have read the same post the rest of us did if you think we're mean spirited in our responses. We're not cursing the guy out. But when come on the heels of a big and exciting win, and tell everybody to get real, as he did, you will get exactly this kind of reaction every time. An opinion is one thing. This wasn't a presentation of why he alone didn't think it was a big deal. It was a presentation of how stupid he seems to think we all are. No one, I mean not a single person, did I see in here saying we're going to the super bowl. We were just happy to win, and he wanted poop all over that fact.

OK. Well then it seems that we both read what xan wrote, but interpreted it in different ways.

I didn't think he was belittling all of us in his initial post; just that he was representing another side to the state of how things stand at the moment in relation to the recent win over the Saints' division rival.

And, on another note, this was his thread and he made it in compliance with the forum rules, so if you don't like it... be civil about your counter-arguments or just ignore the thread!

At least that is how I see it.

NonieT 11-12-2012 03:52 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Yes. It was a big deal. It is a step in the right direction.

burningmetal 11-12-2012 03:54 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 456555)
OK. Well then it seems that we both read what xan wrote, but interpreted it in different ways.

I didn't think he was belittling all of us in his initial post; just that he was representing another side to the state of how things stand at the moment in relation to the recent win over the Saints' division rival.

And, on another note, this was his thread and he made it in compliance with the forum rules, so if you don't like it... be civil about your counter-arguments or just ignore the thread!

At least that is how I see it.

He said it within forum rules? I didn't accuse him of breaking rules, and frankly I don't care if he did or not, to be honest. I was more than civil enough, along with everyone else. We didn't break any rules either. If he wanted to say "well it's a win, but we're still not going anywhere", then that's an opinion and I respect it, whether or not I agree. But there was no room for any other interpretation than what we took it as... We're just a pack of daydreaming fools, who have no sense of reality.

The sarcasm, and condescension couldn't have been more obvious to anyone. I will end by saying respectfully to you; if you don't like what WE have to say, then just ignore the thread. I'm not belittling your right to have a say, but you're asking us to respect an opinion while not respecting ours. When you call people out for being happy of all things, as the original poster did, then you deserve to be lambasted.

dizzle88 11-12-2012 04:17 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Yep the win is a big deal

FinSaint 11-12-2012 04:18 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 456561)
He said it within forum rules? I didn't accuse him of breaking rules, and frankly I don't care if he did or not, to be honest. I was more than civil enough, along with everyone else. We didn't break any rules either. If he wanted to say "well it's a win, but we're still not going anywhere", then that's an opinion and I respect it, whether or not I agree. But there was no room for any other interpretation than what we took it as... We're just a pack of daydreaming fools, who have no sense of reality.

The sarcasm, and condescension couldn't have been more obvious to anyone. I will end by saying respectfully to you; if you don't like what WE have to say, then just ignore the thread. I'm not belittling your right to have a say, but you're asking us to respect an opinion while not respecting ours. When you call people out for being happy of all things, as the original poster did, then you deserve to be lambasted.

I never claimed that you were "guilty" of the behavior I was frowning upon in my initial post, so I don't know why you are taking this so personally.

I was just defending xan's right to voice his opinion on these boards, and since he did it in a way that is in accordance to the rules the site administrator has set in place - I see no reason to make the content of his thread to consist of one hit after another on him, although many of those hits were well-mannered and in jest. Incidentally, I am also guilty of joking around and at times maybe taking it too far, so I'm far from being innocent in that regard.

I probably overreacted, and like xan already stated - he doesn't need any defending. I have nothing against no one on these boards, on the contrary, but I'd also like to see our written transactions to be more cordial at times, because "united we stand!"

xan 11-12-2012 04:24 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
We are all big boyz and gurlz here and I am very happy to get my butt kicked if I'm wrong in my assessment.

It is going to be pretty obvious that we're going to be the best team in the NFL that won't go to the playoffs if we lose one more game. I'm not saying we have no chance. And I'm not saying that we shouldn't be excited about the win. All I'm saying is:


mutineer10 11-12-2012 04:24 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
I love this thread. :)

Feels like the good old days!

Danno 11-12-2012 04:28 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 456408)
Respect other peoples' opinions and point of views!


I disagree with this sentiment. I may respect their right to say it, but that doesn't mean I should respect their view or opinion itself.

Racism is a point of view I have no respect for. Granted thats the extreme but it illustrates my point. Same with those morons who think man-boy relations are OK, or Muslims that want to murder any and all Jews.

mutineer10 11-12-2012 04:31 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 456573)
Same with those morons who think man-boy relations are OK

FinSaint 11-12-2012 04:47 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 456573)
I disagree with this sentiment. I may respect their right to say it, but that doesn't mean I should respect their view or opinion itself.

Racism is a point of view I have no respect for. Granted thats the extreme but it illustrates my point. Same with those morons who think man-boy relations are OK, or Muslims that want to murder any and all Jews.

I guess it's all in the wording and how someone understands the said wording based on his or her own preexisting views.

Racism, at least to me is not a point of view, but an ideology that most often is coupled with an action or practice that - most often but not necessarily - is in its innate nature promoting racial superiority. It is a profound belief, not a point of view or an opinion.

But, again, that is how I interpret it as a person who only speaks English as a second language...

Danno 11-12-2012 06:10 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 456582)
I guess it's all in the wording and how someone understands the said wording based on his or her own preexisting views.

Racism, at least to me is not a point of view, but an ideology that most often is coupled with an action or practice that - most often but not necessarily - is in its innate nature promoting racial superiority. It is a profound belief, not a point of view or an opinion.

But, again, that is how I interpret it as a person who only speaks English as a second language...

I'm not kissing you, unless you're female and look like Scarlett Johansen.

TheOak 11-12-2012 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by mutineer10 (Post 456570)
I love this thread. :)

Feels like the good old days!

Feels like the morning after a night chock full of Habanero eating contest,
followed with all you can eat jalapeņos marinated in Tobasco.

TheOak 11-12-2012 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Danno (Post 456573)
Same with those morons who think man-boy relations are OK

Great..... Drag in the Catholics.

mutineer10 11-12-2012 06:45 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
OH NO ...


FinSaint 11-12-2012 06:50 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 456623)
I'm not kissing you, unless you're female and look like Scarlett Johansen.

Nope, that would be my girlfriend, and I'm certainly not going to allow you to kiss her! ;-)

Srgt. Hulka 11-12-2012 09:36 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Boy, xan just yanked everybody's chain, and everybody fell for it, hook line and sinker, including myself. Way to go xan.

RockyMountainSaint 11-13-2012 01:32 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka (Post 456703)
Boy, xan just yanked everybody's chain, and everybody fell for it, hook line and sinker, including myself. Way to go xan.

Crab strikes again!

I Luv All of y'all!

Fuzz the Falcons!


burningmetal 11-13-2012 02:34 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 456564)
I never claimed that you were "guilty" of the behavior I was frowning upon in my initial post, so I don't know why you are taking this so personally.

I was just defending xan's right to voice his opinion on these boards, and since he did it in a way that is in accordance to the rules the site administrator has set in place - I see no reason to make the content of his thread to consist of one hit after another on him, although many of those hits were well-mannered and in jest. Incidentally, I am also guilty of joking around and at times maybe taking it too far, so I'm far from being innocent in that regard.

I probably overreacted, and like xan already stated - he doesn't need any defending. I have nothing against no one on these boards, on the contrary, but I'd also like to see our written transactions to be more cordial at times, because "united we stand!"

Of course you didn't direct it at me. You didn't direct it at anyone, specifically. But as far as I can tell, everyone seems to be posting the same type of sentiments, and so you've pretty much indicted us all. I didn't say you were targeting just me, which is why I keep using the word "us" in my responses.

I'm just not seeing what you are considering to be so mean spirited about any of the posts. People don't like being talked down to, especially when people were otherwise in a good mood. It was uncalled for, and I for one am not dumb enough to fall for his cop-out, trying to back pedal and say all he wants is to win one game at a time. As if anyone had contradicted that idea to begin with. We know you can't win more than one at a time.

I understand you are trying to represent and defend the right to opinion, and I don't take issue with you on that. But this is an isolated case where the opinion was more of a rant against being a happy fan, than it was of being a rational, objective view.

xan 11-13-2012 06:57 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Man, this was like forum Napalm. Everyone's on FIRE!

Mardigras9 11-13-2012 10:44 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 456754)
Man, this was like forum Napalm. Everyone's on FIRE!

It's a nice change from the earlier season threads.

Danno 11-13-2012 10:52 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Wow, so whats next, a trade Drew Brees thread? :rolleyes:

atltillidie 11-13-2012 11:20 AM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
Exactly. You took nothing from us except for a W.

AlaskaSaints 11-13-2012 12:10 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
That two-game road trip for me will be the highlight of my year regardless of how the remainder of the season goes.

EPIC roadtrip for me.

Thanks to SkyMike and BudsDrinker for making it that!



Papa Voodoo 11-13-2012 01:24 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 456159)
Still under .500.

Still third place in the division after 9 games.

Still 5th in a five team race for last playoff spot.

Still have Giants, Clowns, and cowgirls on the road.
Still have Niners, bucs and panties at home.

Still hardest schedule remaining of playoff contenders.

Don't be Karl Rove.

The Falcons will NEVER be able to live down the fact that they lost their "Pay Back" game by not being able to get 1 yard on the worst D in history to a team without a head coach when tehy were undefeated. It was a HUGE deal regardless of us making the post season.

saintfan 11-13-2012 01:49 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 456754)
Man, this was like forum Napalm. Everyone's on FIRE!

That's what happens when we mix kool-aid with Ripple.

Jamessr 11-13-2012 02:07 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?
... When keeping it real goes wrong.

Kryptonite 11-13-2012 02:38 PM

Re: So you think beating the Clowns was a big deal?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 456159)
Still under .500.

Still third place in the division after 9 games.

Still 5th in a five team race for last playoff spot.

Still have Giants, Clowns, and cowgirls on the road.
Still have Niners, bucs and panties at home.

Still hardest schedule remaining of playoff contenders.

Don't be Karl Rove.

I'm with you. Winning is never a big deal.

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