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GumboBC 08-26-2004 11:20 PM

Question for the members??
Just curious about something.

Where are you guys orginally from and where do you live now?

I know about some of you but tell us anyway. ;)

Me? I'm from Monroe, La. and I now live in Biloxi Mississippi.

[Edited on 27/8/2004 by GumboBC]

lumm0x 08-26-2004 11:26 PM

Question for the members??
Originally from Spruce Grove, Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. About 20 miles difference.

CheramieIII 08-26-2004 11:53 PM

Question for the members??
Born at Southern Baptist Hospital in New Orleans, I think the name is different now. Lived in New Orleans until I was 17 and entered the Marines. I now live in Fort Mohave, Arizona (The Freakin Desert), it gets to about 125 during the summer hear, but you know what, it\'s still hotter in New Orleans when it\'s 95 and 95% humidity. I have lived in 12 differents states and 3 different countries. It\'s been a wild ride. I still consider New Orleans my home and have tried to spread the Saint\'s fan base wherever I go.

SaintNik 08-27-2004 12:56 AM

Question for the members??
I think most of you believers know a bit about my past but very few know about my little home away from home spot on the northshore in Covington, La. I\'ll be visiting most of you soon.

Question for LUMMOX.............How did you become a SAINTS fan?

Danno 08-27-2004 06:16 AM

Question for the members??
Born in Mobile AL, grew up in Mobile, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Birmingham and back to Mobile. Lived in Houston for a year or so (thanks a lot Brown & Root).

I have relatives that live in Mandeville and Madisonville.
Rest in peace Joe Koepp! You\'ve earned it.

rusta 08-27-2004 06:53 AM

Question for the members??
I\'m from new orleans, algiers to be specific, went to edna karr with patrick surtain in fact

live in northern VA now, damn redskin country

WhoDat 08-27-2004 08:21 AM

Question for the members??
Born and raised in NO. Grew up uptown right around the corner from Tulane. Left for Chicago on an athletic scholarship at 18 and have been here ever since. I do hope to eventaully come back home, if only NO can create anything resembling an economy. I\'ve been waiting for that for a decade now. I\'m not sure what\'s more likely to happen, NO develop any kind of real economy or the Saints win it all. I think I\'m going to die in Chicago. ;)

saintsfan1313 08-27-2004 08:43 AM

Question for the members??
Grew up in Kingsville Texas, small town south of Corpus Christi. Graduated High School at 16, got a degree by 19 and now work for a Mortgage company in San Antonio. Not exactly Saints country, but at least I get to fight with Cowboy\'s fans once a year.

canucksaint 08-27-2004 08:49 AM

Question for the members??
Born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Lived for the last 12 years in Toronto, Canada.
Although my sister just moved back from living in Mobile, AL. for 10 years, but those are about as southern as my roots go.

JOESAM2002 08-27-2004 09:07 AM

Question for the members??
Boy this\'ll date me! LOL Born in Hotel dew in New Orleans. raised in De Ridder La. Now living the beach life in Crystal Beach Texas. It\'s a dirty job but........ :cool:

BlackandBlue 08-27-2004 09:17 AM

Question for the members??
Born and raised in Shreveport, lived in Ruston for about 7 years, moved to Dallas, and been here ever since.

whodatsaintsfan26 08-27-2004 11:59 AM

Question for the members??
Born at Lakeside Hospital in Metarie. Moved to La Place and Destrahan. Went to Destrahan High School. Live in Dallas now and loving every minute. To all these people in Texas we should get together for the Saints game here. Everyone else is welcome to come on down to Big D.

saintsfan1313 08-27-2004 12:06 PM

Question for the members??
I\'m down for getting together at the game. Anyone else in Texas going to the game?

WhoDat 08-27-2004 12:34 PM

Question for the members??
Don\'t worry Joe - I spent some time in Hotel Dew as a kid. What ever happened to it anyway? It became LSU Medical Center, no?

saintfanatic 08-27-2004 12:36 PM

Question for the members??
I am from Monroe, LA and now live in Anderson, SC.

BlackandBlue 08-27-2004 01:12 PM

Question for the members??
Best place in Dallas to watch the LSU/Saints play, hands down, is Ben\'s Half Yard House, over on Greenville Ave.

JOESAM2002 08-27-2004 02:32 PM

Question for the members??
I believe it did WhoDat.

CheramieIII 08-27-2004 02:35 PM

Question for the members??
Hey Danno, it\'s a small world man. I lived in Bham for about 4 years, Baytown TX for about 2 years and my mom lived in Mobile for several years.

Hey BB and 26, I lived in Irving and Denton for a few years and loved it there. Would be there if it was\'nt for the freakin JOB.

whodatsaintsfan26 08-27-2004 04:08 PM

Question for the members??
Greenville and what Black and Blue? Dallas or addison? Let me know. I have nfl ticket but not college.

BlackandBlue 08-27-2004 04:17 PM

Question for the members??
Dallas side, down by Walnut Hill intersection. Can\'t miss it, big place, on the east side of the road next to Enchilada\'s. I\'ll be there for all the LSU games this year, but like you, I also have the NFL Ticket.
Cherry- you\'re not missing much- the city government lacks leadership, currently, and since the police commissioner scandel, crime has shot through the roof.

[Edited on 27/8/2004 by BlackandBlue]

JKool 08-28-2004 02:39 PM

Question for the members??
LummOx, I didn\'t know you were a Canadian.

I am originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I am currently in Madison, WI.

WhoDat 08-28-2004 02:53 PM

Question for the members??
Jkool - up in my neck of the woods (sorta)?

JKool 08-28-2004 02:58 PM

Question for the members??
WhoDat, I would guess we\'re not more than three hours apart.

CheramieIII 08-28-2004 03:05 PM

Question for the members??
Hey BB, any place is better than the freakin desert.

whowatches 08-28-2004 05:18 PM

Question for the members??
Born and raised in Hattiesburg, MS. Went to Southern Miss. Got married and moved to Birmingham, AL. Been here about six years. Love it. Not too humid, not too cold. Only downside is living so close to Atlanta.

All you Dallas guys really love it there? I\'ve visited friends in the past and never really felt too comfortable there. Too dadgummed big. I do love me some Fort Worth, though.... cowgirls and two-steppin... I need a moment.

CheramieIII 08-28-2004 06:37 PM

Question for the members??
Hey Who, what part of Bham. I lived in Riverchase 4 years.

lumm0x 08-29-2004 10:19 AM

Question for the members??
Well since someone asked I\'ll rehash this story again.

When I was a kid I saw a Saints 49ers game on TV. My dad was a big 49ers fan (God rest his soul- but may his team head further south than he is) and I saw Archie get interviewed at half time. I saw this red-headed, freckle-faced kid and swore right then and there that he was Archie from my comic books. From that moment I watched every Saints game that our crappy cable service would pick up. I followed the stats in the Monday paper, I bought sports magazines and knew every player. I even had my little Saints jersey. Well, I soon figured out it wasn\'t Archie but by then I was hooked. I got my Saints tattoo in 1986 and loved every minute of the Dome Patrol days between 1988 and 1993. Of course I had to tolerate the old man rubbing the success of the niners at me. Ever since that day in the mid to late 70\'s I have lived and died every Sunday. I guarantee that I take football to a different level than most woulf consider sane. It dominates my whole life and my pay cheque (with cards, memorablia, flying to games, etc.) Thank god I have the most understanding wife and kids there could be. They know Daddy loves them.....he just loves football more. Don\'t even ask about the game day superstitions I go through!!!

CheramieIII 08-29-2004 10:30 AM

Question for the members??
Ok you need to tell us now, but since you brought it up why don\'t you start a new thread on that one. Game Day Rituals.

SaintFanInATLHELL 08-29-2004 10:55 AM

Question for the members??
Born in Chicago of two New Orleans based parents. Immediately moved to Louisville KY until I was 7YO. My father was accepted into a PhD program at Tulane so we moved to New Orleans. We were (and my mother, brother, and aunt still are) season ticket holders. Spent 8 years in the 600 end zone section of the SuperDome (and 3 years before that in Tulane Stadium) watching Saints football.

Went to Georgia Tech, landing in ATL Hell, 21 years ago.

I always attend the Saints Falcons game, and of course NFL Sunday ticket is a godsend beause I can actually follow the team during the season now. I\'ve suceeded in catching most of the playoff games including both the 44-10 drubbing to Minnesota, and more importantly the playoff win against the Rams.


UK_WhoDat 08-29-2004 11:08 AM

Question for the members??

I was born in the UK, I am British.

Moved now to the USA; in the wonderful state of NH.

First started to \"support\" the Saints in 83/84. British television started to show the Super Bowl the; XVII, WR v MD. Most of \"us lads\" chose WR, MD, with other over the next few years going for LA Raiders, SF :mad:, and NY teams. I stepped back and looked for a team that was not so obvious, that also had a town to go with it - if that makes sense.

Had to be THE New Orleans Saints. Stuck with them, can\'t let go. Been to New Orleans 4 times now. Seen them play dem sheep (when Morten kicked the field goal to go in tthe playoffs), SF :mad: and Tampa Bay. Also saw the Saints in England in the American Bowl against the Raiders.

On Sundays, only the Saints matter. e.g. when I was in England, the Saints were playing a late game against Seattle. I picked the game up on AF radio. With the difference in times, I got the win I wanted at about 4am Monday morning. Ho-hum up for work at 6am.

BTW my NH plate is \"SAINTS\" :D

iceshack149 08-29-2004 12:27 PM

Question for the members??
Born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska. Living now in Kotzebue, Alaksa.
Kotz is a village way up north above the Arctic Circle where compasses don\'t work. (Neither do the locals.)

ScottyRo 08-29-2004 12:27 PM

Question for the members??

Me? I\'m from Monroe, La. and I now live in Biloxi Mississippi.
I live in West Monroe now but lived mostly in Monroe. My office is in Monroe, downtown on DeSiard Street near the river. I went to Ouachita High, graduated in \'89. What school did you go to?

SCSaintsFan 08-29-2004 09:38 PM

Question for the members??
Me, I moved to NO from Florida when I was 10. Move to Kenner in time to go to Bonnable. Graduated and moved from IN, OH, MI, OK and finally I\'m in SC. We just had Gaston today.

My First Saints game was in Tulane stadium. My uncle came down to visit and took me to see the Saints play Detroit. I was hooked immediatly. Used to skip Church to go see any game I could until I went to College.

subguy 08-30-2004 08:03 AM

Question for the members??
I was born in a small town in Ohio, and lived in Ohio for the first 14 years. I have lived in Florida since and there. I primarily live in Orlando but have a party condo in Ft. Lauderdale. Great to be that close to Hurricane football.

saintfan 08-31-2004 09:54 AM

Question for the members??
Was nearly born in San Francisco, but they sent my dad to Vietnam in February 1969 and my mom left the Presidio and came back home to Louisiana where I was born two months later at Ft. Polk.

SOOOO, I\'m from Leesville (Hey Joe, the Dragons SUCK :P ). I moved to Dallas December 1999 and have been here ever since.

Hey shack149, my sister was born in Fairbanks!

JOESAM2002 08-31-2004 10:23 AM

Question for the members??
saintfan, I knew there was a reason I didn\'t like you! ;) Didn\'t know you were from Gods country(only he would want it). You were just a baby when I graduated, still wearing poopy diapers :D Good to know you got out alive. It almost killed me but I busted out finally too.

P.S. You are right about the Dragons sucking! At least as of last year. They won 1 game. They beat Mother Superior\'s School for the Blind.

pakowitz 08-31-2004 10:29 AM

Question for the members??
i was born in lake charles LA in 1981, thats right guys, im only 23 years old. i now reside in Cameron LA (bout 30 min South of LC and on the gulf of mexico, and i own a fishing charter service so if any of you guys are ever near Southwest LA, ill hook a brother up if yall wanna do some fishing and talk saints football.

i am a die hard saints fan and always have been ever since i was a lil kid. i practically lived with my grand parents due to my parents early divorce an every sunday i would sit and watch the saints play and eat popeyes fried chicken (my fav food) with my grand father. half the time i was wearing my bobby hebert saints jersey which i had gotten for halloween... that was always a blast.... i got my saints tattoo in june of this year and i plan on going back and getting another and also getting a LSU Tattoo.

Hey joe, what strip club did you own in leesville? i forget. but i think might have gone there the other night.

BlackandBlue 08-31-2004 11:10 AM

Question for the members??
Email me with your contact info. I have had instances in the past where I wanted to schedule a fishing trip in the past, and I\'m sure there will be some occasions in the future where it would come in handy.

spkb25 08-31-2004 12:10 PM

Question for the members??
from jersey live in va. been a saints fan since like 87 or so

JOESAM2002 08-31-2004 01:37 PM

Question for the members??
Now Pak, what else would I have named it? New Orleans Ladies of course! :D I\'m out of it now.

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