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NFL = glorified violence?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; My all time favorite videotape was NFL Crunch Course. I wore it out multiple times and repeatedly purchased another. It deified hard hitters on offense and defense. That's the reason I watched. I would be sitting around drinking beer with ...

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Old 04-12-2013, 04:21 PM   #11
Mmm That Smell!
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Re: NFL = glorified violence?

My all time favorite videotape was NFL Crunch Course. I wore it out multiple times and repeatedly purchased another.

It deified hard hitters on offense and defense. That's the reason I watched. I would be sitting around drinking beer with friends and eventually that tape would come out. We all wanted those dudes on our team.

When you cringe while watching plays, and yet you continue to rewind and watch again? There can be no doubt that these players were voluntarily participating in a gladiatorial contest every week!

If the league suppressed direct evidence of head trauma causing long term effects? Duuuuuuh! I don't need a study to tell me that.

Even now watching the Sports Science features that they show, where they highlight that the player generated x force with a certain drill, it is obvious that humans will be harmed if they are subjected to them.

It reminds me of crash test videos where the human looking "dummies" are shown in super slo mo being subjected to physical trauma. Why should the effects be any different? Apply some common sense.

Ask Buster
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Old 04-15-2013, 09:17 PM   #12
In Doh We Trust
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Re: NFL = glorified violence?

Yes. That's very well known. Sorry, it's the main reason that the league average pay for one year is, more that I make in 12 years
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