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themightyduck 09-19-2004 07:01 PM

Hold your breath!
NEW ORLEANS (Sept. 19, 2004) -- New Orleans Saints running back Deuce McAllister was knocked out of his team's game against the San Francisco 49ers with a sprained right ankle and was not expected to return.

On McAllister's third carry, he was tackled by Bryant Young and fumbled. He stayed on the Superdome turf for some time after the 49ers recovered the ball.

McAllister walked off the field. On the sideline, a trainer wrapped his leg in ice before loading him onto a cart for the trip to the locker room. X-rays were negative.

I just hope it's not serious enough for him to miss a game...

CheramieIII 09-19-2004 11:36 PM

Hold your breath!
Hey, Deuces only contribution again today was a turnover and we won without him, so what makes you think we couldnt do it again?

CheramieIII 09-19-2004 11:56 PM

Hold your breath!
I want dismissing him I was dissing him, His performance the last two weeks has been marginal at best and I think his play and attitude over the last two weeks has hurt the team more than helped them and the name\'s not Billy, It\'s Lynn. I am not saying that Deuce is the problem, but he is a part of the problem, blames all around.

blackroses 09-20-2004 06:56 PM

Hold your breath!
Duece is not the problem. The problem is we keep running TE sets. Te\'s are not suppose too open holes for you the fullback is. If we would of not gotton rid of Terelle Smith we would not have this problem.

blackroses 09-20-2004 07:01 PM

Hold your breath!
Not to mention when you give up 100 yards rushing on defense of course your going to get teams scoring 20 points a game on you. Now I guess i\'m contridicting myself but if you have a sold rushing game you keep defenses scoring so much. I must say though we must stop using the TE too open holes for Duece, or stecker now and use the FB.

CheramieIII 09-20-2004 07:36 PM

Hold your breath!
Deuce is supposed to be out for 4 to 6 weeks. Ricky had the same injury and sat out for a full six weeks. I\'m not trying to be a pessimist, but maybe this is what the team needed. Everyone knew Deuce would get 1500 yards and 15 TD\'s, now everyone has to work and I do mean work. The opposing defenses won\'t know how we are going to come at that from week to week. I\'m not saying I wanted Deuce to get hurt, but we were all asking for something or someone to step up and it looks like once again it was Deuce in a wierd sorta way.

Geaux Deuce Geaux!!!

saintfan 09-20-2004 07:43 PM

Hold your breath!

I\'m not trying to be a pessimist, but maybe this is what the team needed.
The Moonshiners will be all over you for posting this, but you could be right.


there\'s 4 to 6 fumbles off the board...just like that. ;)

CheramieIII 09-20-2004 07:45 PM

Hold your breath!
Yeah, I knew the moonies would come to get me, but I felt it so had to say it.

luvboat 09-20-2004 08:04 PM

Hold your breath!

The opposing defenses won\'t know how we are going to come at that from week to week. I\'m not saying I wanted Deuce to get hurt, but we were all asking for something or someone to step up and it looks like once again it was Deuce in a wierd sorta way.
That\'s a valid point. Half of McCarthy\'s playbook just went bye-bye--ie: run deuce left, run deuce right, and
run deuce down the middle. It\'ll be interesting to see how creative the coaching staff will be in the next
4-5 weeks. I\'m hoping for the best and cringing in anticipation. ;)

CheramieIII 09-20-2004 10:26 PM

Hold your breath!
Hey Gator, just trying to have an open mind about the whole thing and let WhoDat know to bring it or has it already been broughton.

Saintsfan4ever 09-20-2004 11:57 PM

Hold your breath!
As a Saints fan, I think Deuce\'s injury is very misfortunate. When any team lines up against us, they know that Deuce can burn them if he gets a hole, and that part of our offense is out for the next 4 games at best.

The character of this team will be tested in the coming weeks and everybody will have to fill the gap. Whether you think Deuce`s contributions lately have been up to our expectations or not, our potential to have a strong running game has now fell in the \"I doubt it\" catagory. I can\'t really see any blessing or silver lining over Duece\'s injury, unless it\'s a total combined team effort by both offense and defense, special teams, and by each and every player, to make a conscience effort to play 4 quarters of mistake-free football.

If we can stop these stupid penalties like \"false starts\" and \"running into the kicker\", if our defense can shut down somebody`s running game, if the same Brooks keeps showing up that showed up last week, if our receivers can continue to keep actually catching the ball, if our O-line starts making holes........ then when Deuce gets back, I will push my sister-n-law off the terrace level to land on Deuce as he enters the dome.

[Edited on 10/20/03 by Saintsfan4ever]

blackroses 09-21-2004 07:42 PM

Hold your breath!
I agree maybe losing Duece was a blessing in disguise it will show the true character of the team. We did it without Ricky can we without Duece. Of course ricky was gone for the season. Until we got to playoffs. Right after Blacke got hurt.

saintfan 09-21-2004 07:46 PM

Hold your breath!

U wouldn\'t stand for it if this was AB, nor would it make sense.
None of the AB stuff made sense eh? I knew you\'d come around.


26DEUCE26 09-21-2004 10:11 PM

Hold your breath!
I guess it takes 2 fumbles, and 1 injury to get all the Deuce haters out, and talking smack about the best player on this team. That\'s pathetic! The 2 fumbles are indefensible, but it\'s the first 2 games of the season, and it doesn\'t help when you have to make moves 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Were you people watching the same games that I was? The real problem is the coaching staff being afraid to abandon the 2 TE offense.

CheramieIII 09-21-2004 10:22 PM

Hold your breath!
I don\'t think anyone is hatin on Deuce, Just being real about the situation. He has\'nt been himself and maybe he needed the break and maybe the team needed to have their crutch taken away for a while so they can play like they are supposed too.

luvboat 09-21-2004 10:30 PM

Hold your breath!

The real problem is the coaching staff
I agree. Deuce has proven that he has talent and ability, 2 fumbles (one directly
following a painful injury) don\'t constitute a call for his head. The coaching staff,
on the other hand, hasn\'t proven their ability to bring a consistant football team to
the turf each week. I think the Saints have the talent, but I don\'t think it is being
used effectively by the coaching staff. JMO.

saintfan 09-22-2004 09:28 AM

Hold your breath!

I like a player that plays up to his potential. If a guy can\'t do it, I\'m gonna gripe. If he does do it, then I\'ll love him.
So then, here\'s a question for you. Since say, oh, last November, do you consider what Deuce has done (or in fact not done -- score) \"playing up to his potential\"?

WhoDat 09-22-2004 11:49 AM

Hold your breath!
Nope. Nobody said he had... but then, you were the one that blamed losses on him... ;)

saintfan 09-22-2004 11:53 AM

Hold your breath!

but then, you were the one that blamed losses on him...
Whodat to the rescue...yeah.

Which loss did I blame on him?

saintfan 09-22-2004 11:54 AM

Hold your breath!
How \'bout you you think Deuce is playing up to his potential?


WhoDat 09-22-2004 01:59 PM

Hold your breath!
Nope. What\'s your point?

You\'ve been trying to lure me and people like Gator into an argument so you can prove we were all so biased about Brooks. Again, problem is, we didn\'t say things that LOTS of other people were saying or agreed with. You supported AB when it was not well warranted, now you\'re hoping I\'ll do the same... I won\'t. Deuce\'s play has been poor and he needs to step it up. Then again, so do the line and coaches.

saintfan 09-22-2004 02:16 PM

Hold your breath!

Nope. What\'s your point?
It\'s not my point...ask the person who made the original statement.

I\'m not trying to lure you or anyone else into anything. I\'m just curious to know where the dividing line is. Deuce hasn\'t been playing well...for a while...not just the last two games. Those so eager to bash Brooks (even when it wasn\'t warranted) and blame him for everything wrong with the team and insist management run him off etc etc appear to be going pretty easy on \'ol Deuce. I just wanna know why? nothing less that pure perfection will satisfy where Brooks is concerned but the moonshiners wanna give an exception for a guy who hasn\'t scored, period, since LAST NOVEMBER. Where did he rank in TD\'s scored last year and then tell me he\'s \"a top 10 back\". He sure doesn\'t look like much without T-Rex does he?


Deuce\'s play has been poor and he needs to step it up. Then again, so do the line and coaches.
It\'s the \"so do the line and coaches\" part that I\'m pointing too whodat. NEVER was there EVER any such disclaimer when Brooks was/is being bashed. Dropped passes and poor blocking up front are perfect examples. None of the \"moonshiners\" would even take a sniff of dropped passes or poor blocking where Brooks is concerned...not last year and not the year before...not ever. For me it\'s never been so much about defending Brooks as it has been about being fair.

Fair. Deuce has been stinkin\' it up for 7 least...that\'s nearly half a season, and yet the excuses for his performance (no blocking -- how would he do on another team -- blame Brooks for his fumbles) continue. Agenda much? If you judge performance minus an agenda and you were screaming for Brooks\' head then you sure oughta be screamin\' for Deuce\'s now.

Personally, as you very well know, I like Deuce, but I also recognize the different set of standards Saints fans are holding him to. Agenda much?

blackroses 09-22-2004 04:25 PM

Hold your breath!
Yeah I think Terrel Smith was a big loss. Hey here again maybe we can get Rueben Mayes from Grambling State.

Danno 09-22-2004 04:33 PM

Hold your breath!

Yeah I think Terrel Smith was a big loss. Hey here again maybe we can get Rueben Mayes from Grambling State.
I think we have a very capable FB in Karney. Of course no one would actually know that from the 3 series he\'s played in, and all three were quite successful I might add.

BrooksMustGo 09-22-2004 05:46 PM

Hold your breath!

10-6? Yeah right, sounds about as crazy as when it was said in May or June or July.
I\'m curious about how long before this team completely gives up on Haslett. Do we make it to the bye week? Do we even make it to 6-10? Are we playing for a top 5 pick in the draft at this point?


[Edited on 22/9/2004 by BrooksMustGo]

saintfan 09-22-2004 07:50 PM

Hold your breath!

Gee....I think you won\'t post one single thing, because there isn\'t anything. But You\'ll make some lame excuse anyway. It\'s noted
Note this Big Man. Read in this very article about how \"good\" our running game has been since mid-way through last year. 5747971324520.xml


You wanna talk about Deuce so you can take away from the fact Whodat and Myself saw this train coming off the tracks long ago AND YOU, Carpenter, Danno, and the others didn\'t. Then go right ahead. It means Squat.

Ummm, No. I wanna talk about Deuce \'cause he\'s been suckin pond water for nearly a year now and none of you moonshiners wanna acknowledge it. Get off Whodat\'s shirt tail and ask him what his prediction for the team was prior to the season. Ask him if that \"means squat\". ;)


I like a player that plays up to his potential. If a guy can\'t do it, I\'m gonna gripe. If he does do it, then I\'ll love him.
Did you forget to comment or did you opt not to?


think its funny I have to come to a Saints fan site to hear that DEUCE is bad for this team and playing bad for the last sevens.
That was 7 games, not seasons...but then coming here and having to listen to someone call one of your favorite players out because he\'s not performing. THERE\'s a new concept. :rollinglaugh:


EGO Hurt or just plain obsessed?
Ego? No, has nothing to do with it. I\'m dealing with the fact (key word) that Deuce isn\'t performing. Pretty simple from where I\'m standing. I\'m sorry you don\'t like me pickin\' on your boy, but even your savior, Whodat, will admit it. When will you?

BrooksMustGo 09-22-2004 07:57 PM

Hold your breath!

Ego? No, has nothing to do with it. I\'m dealing with the fact (key word) that Deuce isn\'t performing. Pretty simple from where I\'m standing. I\'m sorry you don\'t like me pickin\' on your boy, but even your savior, Whodat, will admit it. When will you?
Even if Deuce is stinking it up, it doesn\'t mean that Brooks doesn\'t blow. :nutkick:


saintfan 09-22-2004 08:39 PM

Hold your breath!
Whodat\'s Division Prediction:


5-1 in the division ain\'t bad.
Can you beleive he said that Gator? You should go back to this past SUMMER and read some of his post. I\'m tellin\' ya he was down right positive. Sorta like me and Carpenter and Danno and some others. LMAO

Danno 09-23-2004 06:50 AM

Hold your breath!
This is such typical moonshiner babble.

All offseason all we heard from them was we didn\'t get player X or player Y. This teams play so far has had very little to do with players and a lot to do with coaching IMHO, And I\'ll even admit that maybe a FA LB should have been acquired. But with this staff I don\'t know if anything would be different now. We\'d still be 1-1.

I personally think its bad coaching, and I\'ve been highly critical of this staff so spare me that \"I told you so\" B*llSh*t because you didn\'t. Does your ego require pats on the back, or is it just insecurity?

I remember WhoDat and Gator saying \"I told you so \" last year after finishing 8-8, then a little research discovered they predicted 9-7 and 10-6 respectively. :P

Yeah, you told us so huh? ;)

WhoDat 09-23-2004 08:16 AM

Hold your breath!

Fair. Deuce has been stinkin\' it up for 7 least...that\'s nearly half a season, and yet the excuses for his performance (no blocking -- how would he do on another team -- blame Brooks for his fumbles) continue. Agenda much?
I disagree with this whole heartedly. Certainly, the first two weeks this year he did not have Deuce type numbers. Now Saintfan, do you attribute this to Deuce, the O-line, the TEs, the system/play calling, or a combination thereof? I\'ve said I attribute it to a combination thereof.

Last year, it is very hard to say that he played poorly at the end of the season. In the last 4 games of the year the Saints faced 3 of the best run defenses in the league. To say, well Deuce only ran for 75 yards against Dallas shows how bad he\'s playing. EVERYONE ran for 75 yards against Dallas. That\'s not Deuce.

Most importantly, your logic is completely off. You cite my knocks on AB over a year ago when his play WAS QUESTIONABLE. You ignore the fact that I supported him for much of last year until the fumbles started to abound. Would YOU say AB played well in the second half of last season when he put balls on the ground more often than a bulldog with short hind legs?

Most importantly though, you talk about how terrible it is to judge Brooks so harshly, but then complain when I don\'t judge others the same way. What? So you\'d rather me be \"uniformly biased and skewed\"? That\'s ridiculous.

Here\'s an idea Saintfan - try this. Ask yourself if you think I judge the players and coaches of this team fairly without Brooks. If your answer is yes, then maybe, just maybe, there was some relevance to what I said in the past. Brooks is playing better. Congratulations, you must be very happy. If it keeps up, I will be. (And note that\'s a big IF and almost all of the media outlets in the country are saying that the only thing less consistent than the Saints is their QB - but you\'re right, it\'s an agenda with no merit). It\'s just a shame that you and Billy have been wrong about the coaches, team record, defense, and just about everything else. I understand why you\'re all over Brooks, you\'ve got nothing else to cling to.


I remember WhoDat and Gator saying \"I told you so \" last year after finishing 8-8, then a little research discovered they predicted 9-7 and 10-6 respectively.

Yeah, you told us so huh?
Yeah, I predicted 8-8 OR 9-7. I never settled last year. Wow, so I was either dead on, or close than anyone else. You got me! What was your prediction again? 11-5? Uh-huh.

saintfan 09-23-2004 08:49 AM

Hold your breath!
At the very least Whodat you peek around from behind your blinders from time to time, and for that I give you a bit of credit. See, the thing is in every breath, when folks here discuss Deuce\'s vanishing act, you all the \"yeah buts\", like, \"oh, well he didn\'t do well because of the other teams defense\", or, \"well, it\'s the scheme\", or \"see, they\'re not blocking good for Deuce\". Of course I know these things play a part.

When bashing Brooks, folks go so far as to blame him for the teams issues stopping the friggin\' screen pass. That is a very good example (and there are a least a thousand more) of how far the Brooks bashing has gone. You know that\'s true. Why even argue it?

More than simply saying Deuce sucks (because he doesn\'t) I\'m saying he hasn\'t played well lately. You can agree or disagree, but while you disagree you point to the reasons his play hasn\'t been up to par -- and those reasons never rest on the shoulder of the man failing to perform...and that\'d be Deuce. If the same standars are applied, then Deuce should simply overcome and perform. This is, afterall, what is expected of Brooks.

Why has it taken me so long to see people actually acknowledge poor line performance? Because now it affects Deuce. You guys fought me on ever dropped pass I pointed out...ya\'ll have been doing that for two years now. If you can\'t see the double standard now you never ever will.

broadmoorintheatl 09-23-2004 11:16 AM

Hold your breath!
What is with all of you???!!! Deuce gets hurt and all you can do is talk about how this is a blessing in disguise,he\'s fumbling too much, he\'s not the same DEUCE! Have any of you stopped to realize that this IS the NFL and players,ALL players can fumble at any given time. ONe of his \"unacceptable\"TWO fumbles came on a hit where he took a real good shot in an awkward way and he laid the ball down,now i\'m sure you guys would have hung on to the ball... The real problem is no blocking ,no lanes,bad play calling!If your boss told you he expected maximum performance out of you and you knew based on your abilities and past performance that you would not excel,I guess you should keep it to yourself while everyone else blamed you too,huh?

WhoDat 09-23-2004 11:52 AM

Hold your breath!

When bashing Brooks, folks go so far as to blame him for the teams issues stopping the friggin\' screen pass.
Folks do, I don\'t. I laughed at that just like you did. You insistance on lumping me in with the crazies simply because I disagree with you is puzzling and maddening, Saintfan.


You can agree or disagree, but while you disagree you point to the reasons his play hasn\'t been up to par -- and those reasons never rest on the shoulder of the man failing to perform...and that\'d be Deuce.
Actually, I did put the blame on Deuce, just no entirely. There is a difference between saying Deuce needs to step it up, but even if he\'s playing great I\'m not sure it would matter b/c our O-line seems inable to block anyone, and Aaron Brooks\' 3 fumbles and 1 INT lead to a Saints loss. AB needs to play more consistent and efficient football. Do you not see the difference?

I didn\'t fight you all that hard on dropped passes and acknowledged the problem by year end. I also acknowledge poor line play, although our line is SIGNIFICANTLY better in the passing game than it is trying to control the line on running plays. Do you disagree? Do you think Brooks has less time to set up and throw the ball than the AVERAGE NFL QB? I don\'t know if there are many other teams that give their QBs much more time than our line gives ours.

saintfan 09-23-2004 12:12 PM

Hold your breath!

You insistance on lumping me in with the crazies simply because I disagree with you is puzzling and maddening, Saintfan.
To be honest, the majority of what I\'m saying isn\'t being aimed at you. Your assistance was requested as I recall. ;)


I didn\'t fight you all that hard on dropped passes and acknowledged the problem by year end.
This is true, and it did take you the better part of a year to see it. Why?


I also acknowledge poor line play, although our line is SIGNIFICANTLY better in the passing game than it is trying to control the line on running plays. Do you disagree?
Up to a point, yes, I do agree, but when I see the center getting run over and Brooks being forced to run immediately I recognize it. I\'ve screamed it from the highest mountain top. The moonshiners blow it off. Sometimes I think they\'re watchin\' a different game. [see 08\'s generally silly comments] LOL


I don\'t know if there are many other teams that give their QBs much more time than our line gives ours.
In general I think they do a decent job in pass protection, but they are VERY sporatic. You never know, from play to play, which one of \'em will blow their block.

Again, you seem to think my comments are directed at you. They are not...not specifically. Been thrown under any more buses lately? LMAO

BrooksMustGo 09-23-2004 01:13 PM

Hold your breath!

You insistance on lumping me in with the crazies simply because I disagree with you is puzzling and maddening, Saintfan.
The crazies? Tell us how you really feel WhoDat, I think you\'re blocking.


see 08\'s generally silly comments
Honestly Saintfan, when has 08 ever been wrong? He\'s probably the best evaluator of QB talent on this board.


saintfan 09-23-2004 01:26 PM

Hold your breath!

Honestly Saintfan, when has 08 ever been wrong? He\'s probably the best evaluator of QB talent on this board.
I\'d like to think you\'re just being silly. I hope and pray that you are.

08 is --> :niko_saddam:

saintfan 09-23-2004 02:48 PM

Hold your breath!
If you were as good at avoiding the question as you think you are...oh what does it matter. You just like being mad. Sooner or later you\'ll start whining, as per your usual.

You DID make this statement tho :


I like a player that plays up to his potential. If a guy can\'t do it, I\'m gonna gripe. If he does do it, then I\'ll love him.
So is he playing up to his potential?


No assistance was ever asked for. Are we misleading readers now?
And please stop punting to Whodat. I know how he feels already. He\'s a handy crutch for sure, but lets hear what YOU have to say. I\'d more than happy to post a few recent posts if you really think it necessary. ;)


You\'re trying to make a hypocrit out of Whodat b/c you think he\'s been unfair about Brooks.
When did this get focused on Whodat? Probably when you decided to let him answer for you. Anyway, stand on your own two feet big boy. Has Deuce been playin\' up to his potential?


But when I\'m insulted I\'m gonna bring it up.
I don\'t recall you being insulted, but you\'d bring it up any and every oppurtunity. LMAO


I agree with Whodat on this point: You\'re simply trying to discredit the 2 guys that have predicted how this team has played more accurately FOR WHATEVER REASON, than yourself. Like I said, this is an ego driven witch hunt.
You call people out regularly Gator. Funny how my asking you whether or not Deuce is playing up to his potential is classified as a witch hunt.

Danno 09-23-2004 03:21 PM

Hold your breath!

4) Danno, you\'re wrong! I said 9-7 last year not 10-6. Still closer than most. I don\'t need credit for it man. But when I\'m insulted I\'m gonna bring it up.
Funny, I looked it up and I don\'t believe I was wrong at all.

If the link doesn\'t work here\'s the statement by Gator...



Got it! Ok, geez you guys are gunning down an innocent man here.

BlackandBlue 09-23-2004 03:37 PM

Hold your breath!

BrooksMustGo 09-23-2004 03:55 PM

Hold your breath!

That\'s going to leave a mark.


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