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jeanpierre 05-30-2013 10:31 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 505465)
I am in no way saying Joe is the most evil person ever to wear a Saints uniform. I am not saying that he should be kicked off the team. But what I am saying, is that I do not like drunk drivers.

This is not a personal attack to Joe or to any of you that have done it. It happens everyday. Somebody, somewhere, is drunk or have had one too many and is behind the wheel of a vehicle right now.

Here is the thing. Lets just say he had caused a wreck and taken someones life. Not only has he caused pain to the victims family and friends, he has to go through life knowing that he killed someone. Everytime someone looks at him, they will know he killed someone. I hear all of this "Some of you are cast the first stone, people", BS. No, I have not gotten behind the wheel after drinking. I know first hand what it can lead to.

Don't tell me that this was just a little slap on the hand situation. He, just like everyone else; with or around him, knew he was drunk and shouldn't have driven. No one had the balls to stop him, Joe included. Thats the problem.

I wonder if he had killed someone one if most of you would be saying "Give the guy a break"? Be pissed at me all you want for my stance on this. I'm just greatful that no one was hurt/injured/killed.

I like Joe Morgan, I really do; especially the fact that he worked his way to an opportunity; that said, I Have Just One Question -

Why does it take the Death of a Child, A Mother, and/or A Father for Drinking and Driving to have Consequence?

TheOak 05-30-2013 10:55 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by SapperSaint (Post 505498)
Oak, I respect the hell out of you brother; but where did I say punish this guy with 500 lashing with a cat of nine tails based of what "could" have happened?

All I did was give an example of what "Could" have happened. I will go a re-read what I wrote, but I don't think I said he should be punished for what "could" have happened. I just don't agree with the "This isn't a big deal and Give the guy a break".

I'll ask this for everyone who has gotten a DUI/DWI.

Did the Judge and DA give you a break? If not, how big of a deal was it to you?

My intent wasn't to paint a picture that you wanted stiffer punishment on a "could of." However a lot of people do walk that rope.

I am not trying to make a lesser deal than what it is. There are however statements about this being a possible "problem", which it isn't. A DUI is not a problem where he gets drunk and beats on women etc... If you get my meaning. Seriously we have people talking about a damaged career.

As far as punishment, Morgan will receive punishment from two entities which is twice as much as normal folk. The legal system will punish him accordingly, and then the league will hammer him also.

I received zero favor in my DUI and the DA was related to me. I didn't ask for it either, I did the crime.... I payed my price.

That being said, we all know one cat on his third DUI that not in jail and still driving.... And that is F-up.

We are cool and zero disrespect was intended.


TheOak 05-30-2013 10:57 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 505501)
I like Joe Morgan, I really do; especially the fact that he worked his way to an opportunity; that said, I Have Just One Question -

Why does it take the Death of a Child, A Mother, and/or A Father for Drinking and Driving to have Consequence?

Because laws are reactive. We are innocent until proven guilty, and we are punished for the act committed, not what could have happened.

When a death is involved in a DUI normally manslaughter charges are brought against the offender also.

SapperSaint 05-30-2013 12:12 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Joe will survive this. And I agree that he is going to get double if not triple the punishment of the normal person. He will get the Law, the NFL and the Saints. I hope he learns a lesson from this and moves on. Just a little wiser though.

Rugby Saint II 05-30-2013 01:07 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
When I've seen him interviewed he seems like a pretty sharp kid. Maybe the Saints could rough him up a little and then throw him back in the mix.

st thomas 05-31-2013 09:41 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
i would rather face my father than coach payton on this one. he will make an example of him and it may put this kid on the right track or send him opposite way. its going to be a long list of must dos from payton and organization. good luck joe. get-r-done

TheOak 05-31-2013 09:45 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Tough love

Seer1 05-31-2013 02:36 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
What's done is done. Thank heavens he at least pulled over and no one was hurt. The kid's already forfeiting two game checks according to NFL policy. Hopefully he learns, with a little help from Sean and he becomes the Saint he can be.

homerj07 06-01-2013 07:20 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Damn. Stupid People Piss Me Off

TheOak 06-01-2013 08:41 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by homerj07 (Post 505890)
Damn. Stupid People Piss Me Off

You must either live in anger or on a desert island?

subguy 06-01-2013 12:23 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
There should be a distinction due the fact that this guy didn't just misjudge and had one drink too many that he just eeked over the legal limit. This guy was obviously scientifically drunk, **** faced if you will. to blow a .09 and say damn it I thought I was legal is one thing but come on, he was clearly impaired. Anyone hurt, maimed or killed does not matter here, he was wasted and shouldn't have been driving. Yes, when you are on a team it is selfish to other team members, as well as being selfish to the public. Those of us that drink have all been legally impaired and behind the wheel. This was not the case. Too boot he had no license...moron is the word that comes to mind.

AsylumGuido 06-02-2013 10:14 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by subguy (Post 505941)
There should be a distinction due the fact that this guy didn't just misjudge and had one drink too many that he just eeked over the legal limit. This guy was obviously scientifically drunk, **** faced if you will. to blow a .09 and say damn it I thought I was legal is one thing but come on, he was clearly impaired. Anyone hurt, maimed or killed does not matter here, he was wasted and shouldn't have been driving. Yes, when you are on a team it is selfish to other team members, as well as being selfish to the public. Those of us that drink have all been legally impaired and behind the wheel. This was not the case. Too boot he had no license...moron is the word that comes to mind.

To be accurate, he did not have a "valid" license. It was most likely expired.

OldMaid 06-03-2013 04:57 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Hire a driver.
Easy solution.

TheOak 09-20-2013 05:47 PM

Pleaded not guilty? Didn't he apologize already?

He blew and failed... How in the hell?

|Mitch| 09-20-2013 05:50 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 530167)

Pleaded not guilty? Didn't he apologize already?

He blew and failed... How in the hell?

His attorney maybe working on a deal, P.T.I or the like...

Boutte 09-20-2013 05:59 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I blew an .06 and they arrested me anyway. I went to court and had to plea to a wreckless. What's the point of a limit if you can get arrested and convicted when you're under the limit. All the cop has to do is say it was my opinion he was impaired. (They pulled me over for a burned out tail light.)

SaintsBro 09-20-2013 06:12 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 530169)
His attorney maybe working on a deal, P.T.I or the like...

That is what I suspect. I don't remember all the earlier details of the coverage exactly, other than he was passed out blotto, but there is a good bit of a chance for Morgan, if he has a squeaky clean prior record and is truly a first-time offender. I am all for tough laws but it's probably worth more to society to intervene and have him straighten up and fly right, give him rehabilitative services to ensure it never happens again, then it is to lock him up and throw away the key. He shouldn't get off without any repercussions, of course, but there are lots of options for a case like this, especially if Morgan is truly a first timer with no prior record of doing anything. Not guilty may just be a "place holder" plea, until something else happens.

TheOak 09-20-2013 07:02 PM

What is P.T.I?

He blew 20% over. I suppose Lafayette is different, M.A.D.D makes sure everyone arrested gets what's coming to them. DWIs are different, in the case of a DWI the "not guilty" would mean that his next "if he got one" would be his first... That won't fly.

Mine was 1894d so I didn't require SR22 insurance, I had to plead guilty but it was grayed out, only remaining on my criminal record, in the event I got a second within 7 years.

No one gets locked up for their first DWI once they are bailed out... There are fines, community service, AA meetings, and a period with no license.

|Mitch| 09-20-2013 08:14 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 530180)
What is P.T.I?



For some first-time offenders with no prior contact with the criminal justice system, the Office of the District Attorney offers a Pretrial Intervention (PTI) program. The program is staffed with PTI case managers who will work with first-time offenders to examine the underlying reasons for their criminal behavior. Often the first-time offender will be required to take education classes or meet with counselors to learn to how to properly deal with these underlying reasons. In addition, the offender may be subjected to random drug testing. All first time offenders are required to pay restitution to their victims as a condition of their participation in the program.

Entry into this program is solely at the discretion of the District Attorney. Offenders who are invited to participate in this program are advised that strict compliance with all program requirements must be achieved. Should the offender successfully complete the program, a certificate will be issued, and the prosecutor handling the offender’s criminal case will be advised of the successful completion. Successful completion will normally lead to dismissal of all charges.

TheOak 09-20-2013 08:36 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 530191)

I found that but he plead not guilty... Normally you plead guilty, then the expungement occurs.

Barry from MS 09-20-2013 09:20 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
And here I thought, "Another one? Dude!" But I have learned some legal jargon, which can only make me sound smarter when I use it out of context.

The Dude 09-20-2013 09:25 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Yea I blew a .06 as well and got arrested. Attorney told me to plead not guilty and it was dismissed. Every lawyer I had for every dui I had told me to plead not guilty. Worked out for me.

exiled 09-20-2013 10:19 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
If you are too drunk to drive - and pull over to sleep - do it in the passenger sear with the keys OUT of the ignition. this (should be) a minor offense.

The Dude 09-20-2013 10:30 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by exiled (Post 530214)
If you are too drunk to drive - and pull over to sleep - do it in the passenger sear with the keys OUT of the ignition. this (should be) a minor offense.


TheOak 09-21-2013 02:51 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by exiled (Post 530214)
If you are too drunk to drive - and pull over to sleep - do it in the passenger sear with the keys OUT of the ignition. this (should be) a minor offense.

Put the keys in the glove box or console.

The Dude 09-21-2013 07:35 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Or just drag the girl you roofied out of the back seat and put her in the drivers side. Problem solved and plus shes twice as useful.

ChrisXVI 09-21-2013 07:52 PM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI

Originally Posted by exiled (Post 530214)
If you are too drunk to drive - and pull over to sleep - do it in the passenger sear with the keys OUT of the ignition. this (should be) a minor offense.

Boy that brings back memories LOL! It's almost like there's a certain point where you're so drunk that you actually start making good decisions again and do just like you described.

RailBoss 09-23-2013 01:56 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
Joe told the Trooper "but you can't arrest me I'm a Saint" the Trooper told him "maybe but not tonight"
Probably saved him from getting robbed or carjacked. Although getting carjacked he would at least have a designated driver.

goguxxx 09-23-2013 04:26 AM

Re: Joe Morgan arrested for DUI
I dont get it why teams or the league or the NFLPA ( i never understood the role of the organization other than getting players more $$ ) dont make it mandatory for players not to drive . Your playing football for 20 mil $,you can afford a driver,you ahole . Im sure there is a clause in their contract somewhere that states they are not allowed to perform dangerous activities,why the hell isnt there a no drive clause also?

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