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Balls Out Claim of the Day

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I won\'t go that far... but he did b-tch out. Otherwise a good game Even I was scratchin\' my head on that play. Everyone knows I like Brooks, but doode, get the first down....

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Old 09-28-2004, 10:11 AM   #21
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

I won\'t go that far... but he did b-tch out. Otherwise a good game
Even I was scratchin\' my head on that play. Everyone knows I like Brooks, but doode, get the first down.
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Old 09-29-2004, 12:36 AM   #22
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

Hey JKool, the jury is still out on Brook\'s, he\'s shown flashes before then the fire went out as quick as it started. I will really believe if we win the next three games and beat the Vikings all without Deuce.
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Old 09-29-2004, 02:43 AM   #23
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

Point taken C.

I\'ve defended Brooks many times, and I\'m not going to back down now. I understand the point about not getting the first down on that play, but I maintain that HE was the reason we won against the Rams (still props to Carney and Grant).

The man threw (though he missed a couple), he ran (though he failed to pick up a first down), and he lead the G-d Damn team down the field with 38 seconds left to tie a game that we were on the brink of losing!

All this carp about not getting the first down is a MINOR point compared to the physical and mental performance he gave on Sunday. He went full on and LEAD the team.

I agree that those who are concerned about his leadership ability still have a \"reasonable\" worry, but I maintain that the \"validity\" of these arguments was seriously damaged by Brooks performance on Sunday. I can understand that people want a few more games like that before the buy in - that is reasonable skepticism - BUT too many arguments that rely on the W/L column, the smiling, and the \"lack of belief that he\'s smart enough to get it done\" have been put in SERIOUS question by that last performance.

Ok, I got a bit worked up here, but you all can take my meaning.

"... I was beating them with my eyes the whole game..." - Aaron Brooks
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Old 09-29-2004, 07:57 AM   #24
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

fjg, you must

1.Be bored mindless and so are just trying to instigate an arguement or

2. Have no concept of football. Think for a second. That slide that didn\'t get to the 1st down. If it was the last drive of the game and we had to get it to try and win, Hell ya I agree with you. If this was a playoff or Superbowl game, I\'m with you my man. We lose AB now to a stupid injury, then what? Bouman throwing it into the ground evry other play??

BUT to sit on your behind at a PC and call someone a ***** who\'s out there on the football field is REAL easy. My little girl can do that.

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Old 09-29-2004, 11:45 AM   #25
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

agree with u st.shrume on everything u just said
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Old 09-29-2004, 06:31 PM   #26
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

Shrume - go watch the game. AB knew he b-tched out the second he did it. He jumped up, tried to convince the ref to give a more favorable spot, and then threw his head back and clapped his hands. He knew he\'d made a mistake the second he\'d done it. Saintfan could have made that first down!
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Old 09-29-2004, 09:42 PM   #27
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

Hey J, I was\'nt saying he did\'nt help us win the game, I\'m just saying I need more time before I give AB props for being the next hall of fame QB.
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Old 09-30-2004, 01:16 AM   #28
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Balls Out Claim of the Day

C, I hope you didn\'t take that the wrong way. I knew where you were comin\' from - my rant was really directed to others who are less charitable.
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