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ClintSaints 09-05-2013 01:07 AM

Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
I just saw Marshall Faulk say on the NFL network that the Saints will have the #1 ranked offense and the #5 ranked defense in the NFL.

Well that's certainly bold. And Marshall Faulk is from New Orleans, so there is probably some bias there.

But still, it certainly is enjoyable to hear it nonetheless.

My predictions are as follows:

#1 ranked offense.
(Top three in fewest sacks allowed)
Drew Brees fails to crack 5,000 yards in passing (because he won't need to)
#19 ranked defense (huge, huge improvement over last year)

We go 13-3, securing the number one seed. Super Bowl here we come!

RailBoss 09-05-2013 01:24 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Offense: 1 or 2
Defense: if we hit anywhere around 19 would be amazing.
Not sure what Mr. Faulk can see in his crystal ball at 5 for the defense but I will hitch my wagon to his star.

hagan714 09-05-2013 03:11 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
#5 ranked defense

say what?


i want some of that punch he is drinking.

#5 roflmao

WhoDat!656 09-05-2013 04:21 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
If the Saints have the #5 ranked defense, I sure as hell hope we don't play the teams that have 1-4!

SaintnDE 09-05-2013 05:20 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
I'd be extremely happy at #15...we'd already be whoopin some ass. At #5? God help every other team in the league...

I'll hitch my wagon to Rails wagon to Marshal's star.

Beastmode 09-05-2013 06:28 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
With 4 potential HOF'ers on offense, they should be #1. Defense at 5 however...not enough tin foil on the planet to make a hat that big. I say mid 20's, maybe break into the teens now and then.

foreverfan 09-05-2013 06:32 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Sounds like someone finally knows what he's talking about.

SmashMouth 09-05-2013 06:45 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

Originally Posted by ClintSaints (Post 523609)
I just saw Marshall Faulk say on the NFL network that the Saints will have the #1 ranked offense and the #5 ranked defense in the NFL.

Well that's certainly bold. And Marshall Faulk is from New Orleans, so there is probably some bias there.

But still, it certainly is enjoyable to hear it nonetheless.

My predictions are as follows:

#1 ranked offense.
(Top three in fewest sacks allowed)
Drew Brees fails to crack 5,000 yards in passing (because he won't need to)
#19 ranked defense (huge, huge improvement over last year)

We go 13-3, securing the number one seed. Super Bowl here we come!

I always liked Marshall ...

Btw... What was our final preseason defensive ranking?

xan 09-05-2013 06:49 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

I predict many unlikely events coalescing into a future that brings about a narrow circumstance without regard to the broader implications of those events because it pleases a small number of people.

Send me money.

jeanpierre 09-05-2013 06:58 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Marshall may be from New Orleans, and is proud of South Louisiana...

But I Guaran-freaking-tee you that he calls it like it is...

He knows his coworkers just sit there and drink the coolaid - not him...

Surprised about his assessment on the defense, but we know that getting the older, slower, injured defensive players out of the way has been our biggest limitation...

ClintSaints 09-05-2013 07:12 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 523648)
I always liked Marshall ...

Btw... What was our final preseason defensive ranking?

We were 8th overall.

cmsaint 09-05-2013 08:03 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
I love you Marshall but you should have filed a concussion lawsuit.

Might sneak into the teens on total D.

O will be top 5 as usual.

Danno 09-05-2013 09:04 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Its only an 8 spot jump from our 2011 ranking when we had a similar style defense with less talent.

Not that shocking.

Saintaintso 09-05-2013 09:21 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Well in theory , Marshall has seen more of the saints than we have . If I recall correctly he was present for many public and private practices for the saints. Perhaps Rob and Peyton have kept it under the radar ...

I mean we've gotten the updates from training camp , reports saying our defense repeatedly bested our offense ... Maybe there is something to that !

If there were any meaningful snaps taken This preseason they were against the AFC dominant Texans of which we saw our 1st and 2nd team defense perform much better than last years defense . We also saw a rookie Kenny stills moss a pro bowl corner with one hand ...

We are running a 3-3-5 for anyone that is concerned about our defense , which puts our depth at safety and lb to use ... It would also give roman Harper a real chance to succeed in this defense

If we make a concerted effort to run the ball and ingram looks like the Bama version our defense will instantly jump 10 spots with being better rested and not being on the field for the majority of the game.

Judging by his comments , he must have us going undefeated

lee909 09-05-2013 09:29 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Until proven otherwise we have the best defense in the league

SapperSaint 09-05-2013 09:55 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

Originally Posted by xan (Post 523651)

You gotta dumb things down for me just a bit, brother.

Those $2 words hurt my brain.:dunce:

spkb25 09-05-2013 10:14 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
24 or less ppg is all I care about

SaintsBro 09-05-2013 10:57 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
I'd like to hear valid reasons why it's NOT possible or not within the realm of possibility.

I keep harping on it -- people here are so spooked about this "worst defense in history" thing -- and it was that -- but it was not actually AS BAD as it really was. If that makes any sense.

Don't let anybody hang that "worst in history" tag on you THIS YEAR, before we play a single snap.

It was the worst in history because those guys rebelled and QUIT on Spagnowedon't. It was an implosion in the locker room. And Spagnowedon't had no answers and no adjustments and couldn't deal with his own mess. And there wasn't a HEAD COACH with the real authority to step in and sort it out and get it back on track. Which would normally happen. So players checked out and phoned it in, and Spagnowedont's much touted "system" never arrived and was never even delivered.

Last season was NOT just another normal day at the office for the Saints. It was more similar to the infamous 1-15 season in 1980, where the whole team gave up on the coach Dick Nolan, than to any season under Sean Payton (and thankfully, they were the "worst defense in history" last year without all the coke they did in 1980).

TheOak 09-05-2013 12:06 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Reality check for all of us...

How much about what Rob Ryan and our defense are going to actually do this season do we know?

Preseason was Blues Brothers 2000, and practice was 80% closed to the public after week 1 of the preseason.

We can hypothesize all day about every possible scenario but we have a what.... 50% probability of being close to accurate? At best 60%?

Even a 20% unknown factor can be very disruptive to an offense.

Danno 09-05-2013 12:27 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 523698)
I'd like to hear valid reasons why it's NOT possible or not within the realm of possibility.

I keep harping on it -- people here are so spooked about this "worst defense in history" thing -- and it was that -- but it was not actually AS BAD as it really was. If that makes any sense.

Don't let anybody hang that "worst in history" tag on you THIS YEAR, before we play a single snap.

It was the worst in history because those guys rebelled and QUIT on Spagnowedon't. It was an implosion in the locker room. And Spagnowedon't had no answers and no adjustments and couldn't deal with his own mess. And there wasn't a HEAD COACH with the real authority to step in and sort it out and get it back on track. Which would normally happen. So players checked out and phoned it in, and Spagnowedont's much touted "system" never arrived and was never even delivered.

Last season was NOT just another normal day at the office for the Saints. It was more similar to the infamous 1-15 season in 1980, where the whole team gave up on the coach Dick Nolan, than to any season under Sean Payton (and thankfully, they were the "worst defense in history" last year without all the coke they did in 1980).

I didn't see one single player quit or phone it in. I saw a rudderless ship. The players were trying and trying hard, they just had a lousy system. Its a testament to the high character types we focus on acquiring. The players just weren't a good fit for the scheme and confusion reigned supreme all year long.

But not one single player checked out or phoned it in.

Utah_Saint 09-05-2013 12:46 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 523707)
Reality check for all of us...

How much about what Rob Ryan and our defense are going to actually do this season do we know?

Preseason was Blues Brothers 2000, and practice was 80% closed to the public after week 1 of the preseason.

We can hypothesize all day about every possible scenario but we have a what.... 50% probability of being close to accurate? At best 60%?

Even a 20% unknown factor can be very disruptive to an offense.

This is the truth.

Those that are concerned that the defense isn't going to improve or improve enough to help our playoff chances have very good reasons to be.

on the other hand...

Those that are optimistic about the new faces and new schemes on the defensive side of the ball, also have good reasons to be.

They haven't played a single down in a meaningful game yet. Nobody here is right or wrong. It's all just opinion and conjecture at this point. And that's what this board is for, discussing opinions.

rezburna 09-05-2013 12:50 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
The worse defense in NFL history is the one that gives up the most points, not yards. You don't win a game just because you had 500 yards. Ask the Saints from last year. I'm tired of hearing that bull****. It was a really bad defense, but it wasn't the worse in history. I can't wait for Sunday. Blitz the hell out of 'em Santa Claus Ryan.

TheOak 09-05-2013 01:17 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
...... and while an unknown player gives us cause for concern, it means that the Offense doesn't know anything either.

Ever hear of beginners luck? Its because of the competition having nothing to plan for. No one has tape on our defense yet. Nothing, nada, zip... Not even anything closely resembling our defense as it is or will be in 2013.

So if I was going to worry about our defense it wouldn't be in week 1...

Remember how many felt good going into week 1 last hear?

We clearly don't know sh1t! LOL

Rugby Saint II 09-05-2013 03:49 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Where can I get some of this Kool-Aid? It's either got liquor or mushrooms in it......I just want it for medicinal purposes. :chug:

UK_WhoDat 09-05-2013 03:55 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
No way our defense comes out that good. But I am expecting us to be ok...ish

The Dude 09-05-2013 04:03 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
If we had the number 1 offense and number 5 defense we would go undefeated.
That being said its a pipe dream. I would be surprised if defense cracked top 20 and our offense will be top 5, but there are some good offenses out there this year so while definitely attainable, number one is going to be tough.
Im still saying 9-7 with 8-8 or 10-6 possible depending on special teams play.

homerj07 09-05-2013 05:13 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
No way we are number 5 in D. I would be ecstatic with 15 & expect about 20, so....

saintfan 09-05-2013 06:03 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

arsaint 09-05-2013 06:12 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Go ahead and carve it in stone - top 20 D - at worst.

Sacks / QB pressures will go up and so will turnovers. YPG will be better (not great), but scoring D / turnovers will be what saves our bacon.

And offense will be top 3...

dueceloose 09-06-2013 11:43 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if we had a #5 defense.. Sf, Sea have good front 7s and the way it looks we have gotten a lot better up front. As long as our offense puts pressure on the other team to score our defense would only need one or two stops for them to look #5 worthy. Example (Den vs Bal)

ClintSaints 09-06-2013 11:55 AM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!

Originally Posted by dueceloose (Post 524043)
I wouldn't be surprised if we had a #5 defense.. Sf, Sea have good front 7s and the way it looks we have gotten a lot better up front. As long as our offense puts pressure on the other team to score our defense would only need one or two stops for them to look #5 worthy. Example (Den vs Bal)

Well we had the #4 ranked defense in 2010 and everyone seems to have forgotten that. We have a very good linebacker corps. On paper, we have a decent secondary. Cam Jordan is a force of nature.

RaginCajun83 09-06-2013 12:12 PM

Re: Marshall Faulk's Bold Prediction!!!
Finally a talking head that speaks the truth, IMO I'd settle for a top 15 defense. They pull off top 5 and there is no way the Saints don't win it all

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