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BrooksMustGo 10-06-2004 10:11 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
Upon reflection I think this team is well run.

Well run into the ground.

WhoDat 10-06-2004 10:41 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
10 - No
0 - Yes

I\'m wondering how Saintfan feels about this. Care to chime in? By the way - nice cameo in the Bucs intro... :)

Chuck 10-06-2004 10:55 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
Yes ! I can see that I\'m in the minority here, so don\'t let your riot trash me to bad, the little guy has rights to ya know :P

LordOfEntropy 10-06-2004 11:02 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
No. Emphatically.

In, my opinion, it\'s one of the most poorly run organizations in football.

UK_WhoDat 10-06-2004 11:54 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
NO! as in it is NOT well-run.
:mad2: :realmad: :cussing: :furious:

That wasn\'t hard!

saintz08 10-06-2004 11:56 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
Extremely well run ....

This is a well oiled machine in the front office , it works miracles in the front office that I generally only notice at the religious level ...

Consider this :

Football is a sporting venue that derives most of it\'s revenue from ticket sales in advance of the actual product hitting the market . Now despite the Saints going 9-7 in 2002 , the ticket sales went through the roof in 2003 .The PR department took every ounce of potential and ran it down the general publics throat and cashed in bigtime . Ownership and management have managed to get the state to guarantee revenue and consider building a new structure , despite suffering losses in state funds .Scouting has found the players with the potential to keep the Saints competitive and the GM has found away to keep the numbers under control and keep Fielkow off their butts .

The organization gets an A +++ in my book , it is the coaching that blows .

Despite seasons of :

The organization continues to sell out the Super Dome and get paid by the state for the potential of what could happen .

Only organized religion can make so much money from an individual and pay no taxes for the potential of a pay off after you are dead .

subguy 10-06-2004 11:59 PM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
Marginal at best

LordOfEntropy 10-07-2004 12:40 AM

POLL: Is this team well-run??
08, that was a damn good post! That\'s accurate!

WhoDat 10-07-2004 08:12 AM

POLL: Is this team well-run??

The PR department took every ounce of potential and ran it down the general publics throat and cashed in bigtime .
I think that I did specifically exclude the Marketing Dept. ;)

The Saints undoubtedly excel in generating hype, no question there.

saintfan 10-07-2004 09:09 AM

POLL: Is this team well-run??

Yes, right now its poorly run.
Mickey Mouse is a bit extreme though
As usual, Whodat takes a statement and spins it. What Danno says is a much more accurate assesment that the spin Whodat is using, as per his usual. ;)

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